Chapter 50

"Well, thank you." She took it and opened it to look through it, smiling softly.

"I'm going back to Xiao's house this weekend, are you free?" He looked up at her beautiful and soft face, and wrapped his slender fingers around a strand of her black hair to play with.

"I'm about to tell you about this. Senior Chi, who sent me back today, asked me to accompany him to a banquet on the weekend. He doesn't have many friends in China, so I've promised him." There was a flash of regret in her eyes, " Do you want me to meet your parents? Is this the right time?"

so fast?Is he going to take himself to meet his parents?

Will they accept a woman who has been away once?Will she let her stand beside the excellent him and go on?
Chi Jinfei's parents once objected, which was one of the reasons why she didn't choose Chi Jinfei back then.Now she has to face such a choice again?

"Yue Ran, it's my decision to be with you. My family, my parents, and my relatives can't make or change my decision for me." He held her thin white fingers, and the warmth from his big palm passed to her hand On, "If I can't even decide this matter, I don't have to choose this path to go on. Your worries are unnecessary. As long as you firmly believe in being with me, no one can separate us."

He just looked at her and swept her eyebrows and eyes: "Do you know why I helped you? I just sympathized with you and my mother. But you are much stronger than my mother. She chose to die, you Chose to live. Because of that, I appreciate your courage."

His face was silent, thinking of his beloved mother, he felt a pain in his chest, and his hand was a little stiff, but she held his hand instead.This was Xiao Nan's first expression of sadness in front of her. Although it was only for a short moment, she felt it.

Her lake-like clear and beautiful eyes were as clear as crystal, she looked at him fixedly, and then solemnly nodded.

This time, she decided to face all doubts, and she will interpret her determination with sincerity.

"Then I will accompany you home."

"You have already promised others, so you have to promise, and you can go home and change the day." His dark eyes had already flashed sharply.

Chi Jinfei?Looking forward to meeting you.

Today is the dinner party for the [-]th birthday of Xiao Zhengshan, the old man of the Xiao family. It is held in the old house of the Xiao family. At this time, the Xiao house is brightly lit, and it looks simple and solemn under the light.In this city, the Xiao family is the most prestigious.There was an endless stream of people who came to celebrate the birthday, and all of them had to go through strict inspections.

The huge hall and living room of the Xiao family were brightly lit, and the gorgeous golden light refracted around them. The banquet was decorated with fresh pure white lilies and big red Chinese knots, making this antique mansion look cheerful, yet fresh and elegant.

On the self-service table lined up on the left are all kinds of delicacies, cakes, wines and juices, all of which are top-quality bone china utensils, which are white and shiny.

The venue is full of clothes and temples, and the crowd is like water.

Chi Jinfei exchanged greetings with the people in the mall.

Yue Ran was dragged into a corner by Chi Yushan: "Xiao Ran, my brother said you had a boyfriend, why didn't you tell me, and he has my brother to treat you well? Do you know that my brother suppressed my father?" How many times did my mother wait for you on blind dates, and you didn't even give him a chance to pursue you fairly, it was like this at the beginning, and it's like this now, Xiaoran, I'm so sad. "

"Yu Shan, I'm sorry." Yue Ran lowered her eyes apologetically, but also had nothing to say, she hurt Chi Jinfei.

"What's the use of being sorry, and you're not sorry for me, but my brother, can you bear it?" Chi Yushan sighed, looked at Yue Ran who bowed her head apologetically and said more, "Actually, I don't blame you, I know that love requires mutual gratification, but feelings can also be cultivated. Xiaoran, seeing you and my brother miss time and time again, I feel unspeakably uncomfortable, I am anxious... "

She bit her lip and held Yue Ran's hand, always feeling uncomfortable.

Why can't her brother embrace a beauty? Why?
"Xiao Ran, how is he treating you? When will you introduce him to us?" Chi Yushan softened her tone, not as excited as before.

"Yeah." Yue Ran nodded.

At this time, Chi Jinfei came over and took a few sips of red wine: "The people from the Xiao family have face, and all of them are high-ranking politicians and businessmen. It's a pity that Qi Ziyang didn't come. You see The old man of the Xiao family, Xiao Zhengshan, is sitting there. He has two sons and one daughter. Standing on his left is Xiao Sa, the eldest son of the Xiao family. The Xiao Shi Group, which is involved in a wide range of fields, is well-known. However, I have heard that he is a flirtatious person. His first wife is said to be the daughter of the underworld family. She is the grandson of the Xiao family. She has never attended any activities of the Xiao family. Few people have seen him. His second wife is Ling Xue, my classmate, who bore him a son who is only four years old. This woman is not simple; Xiao Ping, the second son of Xiao Zhengshan, inherited his father and wanted to join the army. But died of illness at the age of 30, his wife died in love, and had a daughter, Xiao Shuang; the youngest daughter, Xiao Yin, was beautiful and gentle, and married Chu Ge, the eldest son of Chu, who had always been in politics. The relationship between the Xiao family can be described as overwhelming, No one looked up to the back of their neck."

"You said that Xiao Sa's wife is your classmate? She's only 27 years old?" Chi Yushan looked at the young woman standing beside Xiao Sa, with picturesque eyes, snow-skinned red lips, beautiful and elegant, exuding strength and shrewdness.

"Hmm. Didn't you see that I was talking to her just now?" Chi Jinfei raised his eyebrows, "She was the beauty of the school back then, and attracted many suitors, including Qi Ziyang, who were still neighbors at the time."

When he spoke, he glanced at Yue Ran who was silent.

Yue Ran just glanced at the woman, and he felt very familiar even though he had never known her before.

"She is Qi Ziyang's first love, the woman he really loved." Yue Ran was very calm, without any disturbance in his heart.

"Yeah." Chi Jinfei didn't hide anything, "Actually, I didn't even know that they had a secret relationship at the beginning. Later, when I went to the United States, I met Ling Xue and chatted with her before I found out."

"These are not important anymore, the matter is over. The person who is deceived now is not me, but Wei Qian." She smiled lightly, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a familiar figure again, it turned out to be him.

Xiao Nan, why are you here?

The Xiao family, Xiao Nan, he said he wanted to go home, he meant to go back to the Xiao family, he was from the Xiao family.

Yue Ran was secretly surprised, it turned out that his status was so prominent.

I saw Xiao Nan passing through the crowd and heading for the first seat in the living room.

Chu Wei followed behind, grabbed him, stuffed the chosen gift into his hand, and reminded him in a low voice: "Anan, don't be awkward."

(End of this chapter)

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