Chapter 61

She doesn't have 5000 million, this money can only be paid by Qi Ziyang.

Yue Ran called Qi Ziyang in the car when he returned.After all, Qi Ye is his child, and he has the right to know that although there is hatred between them, they should not ignore this matter, but this is life and death, and no stranger will stand by and watch, let alone she is with Qi Ye Growing up, the family relationship between them has surpassed blood.

But the other party didn't answer the phone, only a cold mechanical female voice came: "The number you dialed has not been answered for the time being."

Qi Ziyang was working overtime and having a meeting. He was very busy with the construction of Taihua Plaza, and his mobile phone was left in the office.

Her brows were tightly frowned, and heavy ripples appeared on the lake of her heart. Who on earth had a grudge against her, and could seize Qi Ye as her weakness?After thinking about it, she could only think of Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian. Only they and her could have the hatred of their mother.

But Qi Ye was their biological child, and although Qi Ziyang was ruthless towards her, his love for the child came from the bottom of his heart.It was a risk he couldn't take, she firmly believed.

Yue Ran took a deep breath. She really couldn't find a candidate. Suddenly, she thought of Fang Jiajie, who had a fierce face on Xiao Zhengshan's [-]th birthday, and people from the Xiao family. Could they be the masterminds of this incident?
Those seemingly noble and beautiful people are cruel and indifferent in their bones, and they can't do anything.

If Xiaoye got involved because of her, it would be difficult for her to atone!

The taxi parked steadily at Emperor Zunyuan, and she hurriedly got out of the car after giving the money, and hurried towards Xiao's house with her suitcase.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, she saw Xiao Nan reading a magazine in the living room. When he saw Yue Ran out of the corner of his eye, a soft smile rose from the corner of his lips, and he got up and walked to the glass door of the hall.She pushed the door away, and he thoughtfully took the trolley case in her hand.

"You're tired." He put the suitcase away, turned around and walked away, poured a glass of warm water into the living room, and put the glass on the crystal table, "Drink some warm water to quench your thirst."

Yue Ran raised his pitch-black eyes and stared at him blankly. His eyebrows were like flying swords, his eyes were as deep as stars, and he was extremely handsome.He was as indifferent as Haoyue, but it was such a cold man who gave her unprecedented warmth, flowing through her body like a hot spring, wrapping her layer by layer, completely moving her.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing her staring at him so intently, he moved to sit beside her, took her hand, his palm and fingertips were as cold as ice, trembling faintly, "What's the matter?"

Yue Ran bit her lip, not knowing whether she should speak, after all Qi Ye had nothing to do with Xiao Mian, how could she selfishly involve him in this matter.

"Don't have any scruples, just boldly tell me what happened?" He still easily saw through her thoughts, his clear eyes were like glazed luster, like candles in the dark night, illuminating her dark future, "There's nothing to hide from me."

"Qi Ye was kidnapped by someone, and the other party asked me to go alone with a ransom of 5000 million. I can't call the police, and I can't tell anyone. Xiao Nan, it's obvious that this thing was done against me. Who do you think it could be? "Yue Ran's eyebrows were sad, and he held his hand instead.

Xiao Nan's calm eyes are like the surface of an ice-breaking lake, the thin layer of ice is gradually cracking, his brows are frowned, and there is a trace of heaviness: "I hope it's not Fang Jiajie." This is his greatest wish, Fang Jiajie's means are women and children Young and old will not let him go, he is a real wolf, cruel, cold-blooded and ruthless, except for his own relatives.

"He won't be short of money, and it's not wise to kidnap Xiao Ye." Yue Ran repeatedly couldn't figure out who it would be, "Since he can't figure it out, he can only do as they say."

"It's obviously a trap, I won't just watch you jump, it's Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian who want to go." Xiao Nan stood up, tall and tall, with black eyes like night, like candlelight on the river in the night.

Yue Ran naturally understood Xiao Mian's meaning, and she also stood up slowly, facing him, her eyes were as soft as the warm sun in March, with the power to warm people's hearts: "When they took Qi Ye away, I will be with you They have nothing to do with Xiaoye, but I have to go, others will say I am stupid, but this is a matter of life and death, if I don't go, he will die, what does death mean, I believe you I understand, everyone understands. He is just a child, he doesn't understand anything, he just depends on me and wants to love me, how can I refuse this child, even if it is a strange child, I may smile at him, let alone Xiao Ye I'm not kind, I just don't want to regret in the future, I don't want to be tortured, because there is no medicine for regret in this world. I can take revenge on Qi Ziyang and Wei Qian, but this is definitely the way. If I accept this way, Then what is the difference between me and them killing my mother back then!"

"Xiao Nan, I know you will be worried and object. I can choose not to tell you. Since I told you, I hope you can help me. I don't want to keep it from you." She leaned over and put her cheek on the On his chest, with his hands around her thick waist, he was in a calm mood.

Xiao Nan didn't move, his eyes fluctuated, and then he stretched out his hand to wrap around her slender waist, and the hot air from his breath spread over her head: "If it was done by Fang Jiajie or someone from the Xiao family, I should be responsible. Does Qi Ziyang know about this?"

"I called him, but no one answered." As soon as Yue Ran finished speaking, the phone rang, and when he picked it up, he saw that it was Qi Ziyang.

"Yue Ran, what face do you have to call?" Qi Ziyang said in a bad tone.

Yue Ran frowned, and didn't argue with him too much: "Qi Ziyang, I want to tell you something, but please keep calm after listening, and you can't tell anyone about it, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"What trick do you want to play with me?" The other party raised his eyebrows coldly.

"Xiao Ye was kidnapped..." Qi Ziyang choked for breath, and listened quietly, Yue Ran explained the situation to Qi Ziyang.

"Yue Ran, do you think I'm a fool? Xiaoye has been kidnapped. The first person the kidnapper notified should be me or Wei Qian, not you. Since the other party only let you go, it means you are the one who caused the trouble." When it comes to Xiaoye, it may be a play directed and acted by you, asking me to take away 5000 million funds so that my case in Taihua Square will not work. This trick is poisonous! In order to get revenge on me, you have already He will do everything he can." Qi Ziyang was furious, "If anything happens to Xiao Ye, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Qi Ziyang, why don't you let me go? After all, Xiaoye is your son and Wei Qian's son, and has nothing to do with me. If you use this suspicious attitude to slander my personality, then I don't care about this matter." Will intervene, I want to see how you deal with it alone, if you let Xiao Ye return safely. People like you don't cry when they see the coffin, this is because you and Wei Qian have done too many bad things, and the retribution will be on Xiao Ye It's gone." Yue Ran retorted calmly, without a trace of panic, "I'll just sit at home and wait for your fate to be miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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