Chapter 83

When she moved, he would wake up sensitively, and would laugh happily when he saw Yue Ran was still by his side. Every time he saw Qi Ye and Yue Ran like this, he would feel sad.Turning around and hugging her tightly: "Mommy is not leaving, Mommy is just going to take a shower, and then sleep with you."

He nodded obediently, loosened his fingers little by little, watched Yue Ran enter the bathroom, kept his eyes open, and when he heard the sound of the door opening, he would close his eyes tightly and pretend to be asleep.

These days were Yue Ran's happiest days after leaving Qi Ye.

Seeing that Qi Ye was almost recovering, Yue Ran thought it was time to go back, but he didn't know how to tell Qi Ye.

She couldn't sleep, so she got up and went downstairs to pour water by herself, and saw Qi Ziyang sitting in the living room alone, smoking a cigarette, the dim yellow light shone on his face, his tired appearance made him seem much older.

Yue Ran was about to go upstairs with a water glass in her hand, when Qi Liaoyang's hoarse voice sounded behind her: "Yue Ran, let's talk."

"Let's talk about something tomorrow, it's late, let's go to bed." She paused and moved again.

"Yue Ran, is this not good now? Xiaoye hasn't laughed like this for a long time. We are still a happy family of three together. Why do you want to go back? Will he believe you? Why don't you stay, Yue Ran, if you can I hope to do it all over again, with all my strength." He didn't look back, he was sitting quietly by himself, like a stone, with an ethereal voice.

Every word was spoken very slowly, with regret that could not be expressed.

"Qi Ziyang, what's the matter with you?" Yue Ran also turned his back to him, smiled coldly, and the hand holding the cup trembled, "This is not what you should say. I stayed to take care of Xiaoye this time because Xiaoye For the sake of being injured, I feel sorry for him and have no other thoughts. Do you know that Xiao Nan asked me to stay, otherwise I would not have such determination. Besides, it is impossible for those who have missed it to start over , even if you can go back to the past, you can't go back to the beginning. You are a man, how can you regret what you did? How can you pretend that nothing happened and hope to go back to the past? Qi Ziyang, you are shameless. "

Qi Ziyang looked at Yue Ran's straight back seriously: "Actually, I never thought about letting go of your hand from the beginning to the end. I never thought about divorcing you. Do you believe it? I saw I was madly jealous that you were with Xiao Nan, I hated you standing with that man. So I used Xiaoye to hold you back, thinking you would stay softhearted, but unfortunately it still didn’t work, so I threatened with your mother’s life You, I hope you can take your mother's life into consideration, but in the end it was self-defeating and killed her, and being with Wei Qian is to stimulate you, I have done so much just to want you to stay, to make you take back your determination to divorce, but After all, I did something wrong. I hate you for giving up our home so easily and leaving Xiaoye behind, but I still lost you. All this is my own fault, but Yue Ran is not what I want, I just I just want to keep you. If you hadn't divorced, everything today wouldn't have happened."

"Yes, I lied to you not to raise it. It's because you are too beautiful. Every time I touch you, I feel like I'm blaspheming you. That's why I'm with Wei Qian. I didn't want my parents to embarrass you when I had a baby with him. Accusing you of infertility, all of this is because I am too self-righteous... Yue Ran, I regret it, I was wrong, can I ask you to forgive me? Give Xiaoye a complete family again, okay?" His dark eyes Darker than this night.

Yue Ran stood there, motionless, was that his reason, the reason why he could betray her?
It's ridiculous, hehe...

She raised a broken smile, desolate and difficult.

Qi Ziyang had already got up and walked behind her, his voice was low and hoarse: "Yue Ran, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He kept saying "I'm sorry" for a long time.

"Enough." Yue Ran turned around suddenly, his eyes were clear, and he raised his hand and splashed the warm water in the cup on Qi Ziyang's face, "You don't deserve these three words! You have already taken two lives by yourself, you What qualifications do you have to beg for forgiveness?"

Qi Ziyang's face was wet, but he was neither angry nor angry.

"I will leave tomorrow. If you still have a little guilt and are a good father, then don't stop me from taking Xiaoye away. I will bring him back to visit you from time to time, and you can also visit him, but if I Stay and ask me to come back to you, this is absolutely non-negotiable. If you promise, I will let Xiachao Group help you." All these love and hate have become clouds, but they are still eroding Hold the living until they are riddled with holes.

"Yue Ran, I don't want anything, I just want you to forgive me." Qi Ziyang shook his head, as if Qi Shi didn't care much, "Is that okay?"

"I said I would never forgive you."

It's too late to say anything.

Qi Ziyang sighed sadly, Yue Ran turned and went upstairs, step by step, with heavy steps.

"Yue Ran, are you going to take away my only little Ye?" He turned around and shed tears in the dark, enduring the heart-piercing pain and never messaged.

Yue Ran, one day, you will know that I really love you, but it's too late.

Early the next morning, Yue Ran got up to take care of Qi Ye as usual. He was already very good at dressing and putting on shoes, so he didn't need Yue Ran's help at all.

"Mum, do you think I'm capable?" Qi Ye stood in front of the full-length mirror, checking his clothes.

Today he is wearing a Scotch-style shirt, blue denim overalls, and a pair of brown leather shoes, looking handsome.He stretched out his small hand to straighten the slightly crooked bow tie at the edge of his collar, and then smiled with satisfaction.

"Stunningly handsome." Yue Ran stood behind him, lovingly stroking his head, his whole body exuded the radiance of motherhood.

With the innocent and innocent Qi Ye, she felt that she was much younger, and her heart was very relaxed and happy.

In fact, most of the time, Qi Ye is not relying on her, nor is she loving Qi Ye, but they get happiness from each other.

"Oh yeah." Qi Ye clenched his fists happily when he heard the praise, "Mommy, let's go and have breakfast."

He took Yue Ran's hand and walked out. When he went downstairs, he saw Qi Ziyang reading Feng newspaper and waiting for them. He saw their mother and son coming down, folded the newspaper, and smiled slightly: "It's time to have breakfast."

As if what happened yesterday had never happened, Qi Ziyang was still as natural as usual, pulling out the armchair for Qi Ye and hugging him up, Yue Ran also sat beside him, eating breakfast silently.

After breakfast, Yue Ran packed up the tableware and went to the kitchen, when the doorbell rang.

(End of this chapter)

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