Chapter 86

"No." He looked down at her beautiful and soft face, and wrapped his slender fingers around a strand of her blue hair to play with.

"Why?" She didn't believe it.

"No time." This is the truth, he smiled in a low voice, "There are too many things waiting for me to do, I really don't have time."

During those days of working hard day and night, he had no other thoughts, so he didn't have any thoughts on falling in love.

It's just that because of his youthful impulsiveness at that time, he did one thing wrong.

Thinking of this matter, his eyes were filled with thick fog, and his body froze slightly.Yue Ran in his arms felt his tension, raised his eyes and asked him with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Yue Ran, in fact, I don't believe in love. What happened to my parents made me never think about falling in love. Until I met and met you." As he spoke, he tightened his arms and hugged him even tighter, as if he was afraid that he would Like disappearing into my arms, "I never thought that I would love someone so unhesitatingly, so tolerantly and tolerantly, that kind of power of belief made my heart very warm, and I felt that I also had a responsibility. With someone who cares, life is no longer so pale and weak, and there is a goal to work hard for. If I can, I really want to be like this forever, holding you in my arms until the end of time.”

His eyes were like a deep sea, which made her feel very comfortable.

Xiao Nan has never said such love words so emotionally like today, although it is very simple, it moved her.Her tears hurt his eyes and trickled down his cheeks onto his chest.

She then hugged him back tightly, and smiled softly: "Xiao Nan, I also want to lie in your arms like this, without thinking about anything, you who I love have always hugged me like this."

"Then promise me, don't leave me, trust me no matter what happens, and notify me as soon as possible." He buried his head in the crook of her neck, his voice was muffled and nasal.

"Don't leave, you are so nice, how can I be willing to leave you. I said we will grow old together." Her hand stroked his cheek.

"Then... Yue Ran, let's get married." His voice was hoarse, not loud, but it clearly reached Yue Ran's ears word by word, "I want you to give me a home, a home that only belongs to us." Home, there is no such coldness, no such coldness, only full of love and warmth. We will have our own children, and we must be the happiest children when we grow up in such a family. When we are gray-haired, we think that this life Neither regretted choosing each other."

She was startled for a moment, she never thought that Xiao Nan would talk about getting married at this time.Although it was the second time she heard someone propose, and she didn't have a flower diamond ring, she was so touched and excited that she didn't recover for a long time, but she cried even harder.

Seeing Yue Ran like this, Xiao Nan frowned, thinking that he had said something wrong, reached out to hold her face up, and carefully wiped her tears with his thumbs, but the more he wiped, "Why are you crying? Don't you want to? Or do you think I'm insincere?"

" I'm so happy, Xiao Nan, I am willing." She hugged him tightly, nodded happily, with tears in her eyes, tears of happiness, extremely bright.

Xiao Nan smiled in satisfaction, raised his right index finger and scratched her pretty nose lightly: "Don't cry, you're too old, don't be shy, we can't let our children inherit your crying habit."

"I don't like to cry, it's you who made me cry, okay?" Yue Ran blushed for a moment, and buried himself in his chest, not forgetting to wipe away the tears, "I just like to cry, what's the matter? "

This chick is really cute when she acts coquettishly.

"Then cry enough." He laughed in a low voice, hugging each other tightly.

Finally, he was about to have a family, a lover, and children.

The days that followed were very relaxed, and it was a kind of happiness to be able to open our eyes and see each other every day, and say "good morning" again.It is also a kind of happiness to fall asleep in his arms every day.

But Yue Ran knows that there are still many hardships on the road to happiness, and it will not be smooth sailing. She believes that she can overcome it.

On the weekend, Xiao Nan and Yue Ran went to see a movie, and it was only past eight o'clock after the movie ended.

Seeing that it was still early in the day, Xiao Nan took Yue Ran to a nearby jewelry store. One of them was tall and handsome, the other was beautiful, and they matched each other very well.

As soon as the waitress saw the two of them, she immediately greeted them with a smile: "Sir, miss, what do you want to buy?"

"A pair of wedding rings." Xiao Nan never let go of her hand all the way, sitting on the high chair in front of the counter, he turned his head and asked, "Which styles do you like, you can choose by yourself."

Yue Ran looked at him, and said in a low voice, "Actually, it doesn't need to cost money."

These gold and jade jewels are no match for a smile from a lover.

"That's right, take it out and have a try." Xiao Nan pointed to a special diamond ring. The women's ring is made of platinum and is studded with a ring of diamonds. The two sides are V-shaped and the top is supported by a ten-carat round ring. Diamonds, while the men's ring has two rings, with ten small diamonds embedded in each top, simple and elegant.Bright multicolored light weaves a dreamlike feeling.

"Mr. is too discerning. This is the latest work of our Wangban designer. It uses the purest diamonds from Africa. This is the treasure of our town store. It has been seen by many people, but people who buy it because of the high price Very few. There is only this pair in this city." The service lady happily introduced them, and immediately took them out for them to try on.

Xiao Nan took it, pulled Yue Ran's right hand, and slowly slipped the gorgeous ring into her slender ring finger. The size was just right, and it complemented her slender hands.He admired it and smiled, very satisfied.

"That's it." Xiao Nan readily took out his bank card and handed it to the service lady.

Yue Ran took the bank card from his wallet and stopped him: "How much?"

"880. This number is auspicious." The service lady smiled and served attentively.

When Yue Ran heard this, she was speechless and was about to take off the ring. Xiao Nan frowned puzzledly, and pressed her hand: "What's wrong?"

"It's too expensive." This is basically burning money. "Just buy one. You can see that this one is also very good."

She pointed to a ring worth more than 1 yuan.

"I have the final say on this matter." Xiao Nan's tone did not allow Yue Ran to refuse, "I know you don't care, but I care about some things, and I can't wrong you. If you don't want me, I won't feel at ease."

Yue Ran couldn't say anything, so he could only talk obediently, and after paying the money, they put on the rings and left. Before reaching the door, they ran into Xiao Nan's stepmother Ling Xue and Fang Jiarou.

"Anan, what a coincidence." Lingxue is graceful and luxurious, with exquisite eyebrows, a little more shrewd and sophisticated than the 28 girls.

(End of this chapter)

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