Chapter 92

"Well, let's send him back first." Xiao Nan nodded, looking at Lan Ao who was drunk in his arms, his eyes worried.

Yue Ran turned his eyes away, didn't look into Xiao Nan's eyes, and didn't look at Lan Ao's fragile appearance, and said indifferently: "You can see him off, I'll take a taxi back by myself first, I'm tired."

Xiao Nan didn't notice anything strange about her either, so he thought it was fine: "Okay, be careful on the road. Call me if you have anything to do."

"Okay." Yue Ran walked away without turning his head, his slender figure looming in the corridor divided by light and dark.

Her shadow was stretched very long, and she stepped forward step by step.

He took a taxi back to Emperor's Garden, went upstairs, took a shower, lay on the bed alone, couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, his mind was full of the scene of Xiao Nan and Lan Ao's lips touching.

Later, sleepiness struck, and she finally fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know when Xiao Nan came back, but he felt that the bed beside him had sunk, and his whole back was pressed against a warm and firm chest.She woke up slowly: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Xiao Nan wrapped his arms around her slender waist, "Did you wake up?"

"No, I couldn't sleep at first." She didn't look back, but opened her eyes in this night, looked in the direction of the French windows, the faint moonlight sprinkled on her face like a veil, and a layer of softness appeared. Yingbai.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Nan tightened the strength on his arm, and pulled her closer to his arms, "Are you thinking wildly again?"

He moved closer to her, and a kiss fell on the back of her earlobe, causing her to tremble slightly.

Yue Ran was extremely unnatural, she bit her lip, suppressed her uneasiness, removed his hand around her waist, moved her body forward, and pulled some distance away from his chest, Xiao Nan couldn't help being so unfamiliar. In the dark night, doubts and displeasure appeared in his dark eyes.

"Xiao Nan, I'm tired, go to sleep." She could feel Xiao Nan behind her burning her thin back with scorching eyes.But she still didn't look back, she closed her eyes slowly, not letting herself think too much, she just wanted to seek this moment of peace.

"You're not tired, you're running away from me. What's wrong with you?" His keen observation skills have to be admired, "Just now it was fine, why did you change after I sent someone back?"

Yue Ran was silent, she didn't want to talk, she didn't want to ask, she just wanted to sleep, so that she could be quiet.

Seeing that she remained silent, Xiao Nan leaned forward again, and Yue Ran moved away slightly.

He suddenly turned over and faced her face to face: "What's going on in your mind?"

"I didn't think about anything, what if I saw it with my own eyes? Do you want me not to believe my eyes?" She felt her voice gradually sharpen, even with a hint of anger, "Or you want to tell me that my eyes saw What is not necessarily true, then tell me what is true? What is false?"

"What's true?" Xiao Nan looked blank, he didn't expect Yue Ran to lose his temper like this, he coaxed her softly, "Can you tell me well if you have something to say?"

Yue Ran was about to turn over, Xiao Nan quickly hugged her in his arms, she could only do nothing to prevent herself from being imprisoned in his broad chest.She did not look at him, and lowered her eyelids.But after all, his and her faces are close at hand, and the faint breaths are entangled in this way, releasing an ambiguous breath.

Suddenly, he gently raised his lips to enclose her soft and bright red lips, and kissed her deeply and softly.She wanted to shrink back, but he kissed wilder, and the deepening kisses were like a rough sea, attacking layer by layer, with such a strong force that she had nowhere to escape.

He looked down at her, his black eyes shining like stars in this charming night: "Look at me."

As if hypnotized by him, Yue Ran raised his eyes and looked back at him unconsciously, his eyes were blurred and seductive.

"We're going to get married tomorrow and get the certificate." His round fingers gently slid across her delicate porcelain face, caressing the charming blush, "It's the most real thing that we are going to get married. Yue Ran, are you unhappy? Why do you say that, I can't understand, I'm also very sad, do you just not believe me? "

His eyes rolled in the night, and there was a ripple of injury, her heart tightened, and her white teeth lightly bit her crimson lower lip.

"Xiao Nan, I'm really scared, I'm afraid it's just a beautiful dream in the end." She was also infinitely sad, her tone was as soft as the wind, it seemed so unreal, revealing a touch of sadness.

"With me here, you have nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry, leave you to me, no one can stop us from being together." His dark eyes became more and more intense, flowing with the color of lust.

He bowed his head to kiss her again, Yue Ran covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes were full of doubts: "Xiao Nan, can you tell me that the relationship between Lan Ao and you is just as simple as friends? Today I saw him and you... ..." After speaking, her voice was like a mosquito, she couldn't speak at all, and her already flushed face became even redder.

"So you're jealous? Lan Ao's jealousy will kill you." Only then did Xiao Nan suddenly realize that he laughed dumbly, his deep and deep voice echoed in this quiet night.

"I didn't." Yue Ran lowered his head, bit his lip, and said with a serious face, "No woman can accept such a thing, do you think it's funny? Do you know that when I saw that scene, I felt like the whole sky was falling down?" Come on down, Xiao Nan, if things are as I think, there is no need for us to be together."

Xiao Nan was also serious, holding her face in both hands and facing him, meeting his burning eyes: "You think too much, Lan Ao is a very normal man, he also has women. He is not just me My friend, he is still my important family member. We are related by blood, we cannot have the kind of relationship you think. Yue Ran, believe me, Lan Ao is just a whim or impulsiveness, I have never thought about him It will be like this, maybe he is really sad, after all, before we met you, we were almost inseparable from each other, but from now on, I belong to you alone, he feels uncomfortable."

That's right, Yue Ran suddenly forgot that Lan Ao was from Xiao Nan's mother's family, they were related by blood, but she still couldn't accept that he kissed him.

"But I was also very sad when you did that, and I would also be sad. I really had the urge to leave and never come back. But I know you owe me an explanation. If I leave like this, I will regret it." That's why she came back , she raised her small face and complained extremely aggrieved.

"Actually, it's your trust in me. You believed in me so you didn't leave. Yue Ran, it's good to have you." Xiao Nan hugged her tightly with both arms, buried his handsome face in her shoulders and neck, greedily and reassuringly Smelling the fragrance on her body, "I swear this is the first and last time. Lan Ao's character is unpredictable, and I am also a victim. In fact, it is not a kiss, he just sticks to my lips. , there is no other meaning. Yue Ran, don't do this."

(End of this chapter)

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