Reckless through another world

Chapter 116 On massacre should be handed over to more professional

Chapter 116 On massacre should be handed over to more professional
"Is this the location of Nancheng District and XC District?" Chen Mo took the map of Linshan City handed over by the crocodile monster, glanced at it carefully, and found that it was exactly the same as the layout of Linshan City.

Only then did Chen Mo feel relieved. Although he knew that the two-meter-tall crocodile in front of him would not dare to lie to him, but if he didn't have [-], there was a chance.
Chen Mo felt that it was necessary to think carefully. If this was the case, then Chen Mo would definitely not mind letting the crocodile become a dead crocodile who endured humiliation for the sake of his people.

"That's right, that's right, I don't dare to lie to the boss if I lie to anyone. This is the map of Linshan City, and the four red dots are the locations of the four major urban areas of Linshan City." Junjie nodded quickly, maybe if he didn't nod The big guy in front of him is about to have his head screwed off!

"Very good, but it's okay even if you want to report the news. I quite hope you will." Chen Mo put the map into the mustard bag, and looked at the bald crocodile strangely with a kind face.

"How dare you, the young ones don't dare, the young ones don't dare, the young ones are Junjie, and they will do their best for the boss." Junjie said with a smile.

"Don't run away, you can't run far, I can find you once, and I can find you a second time, so if you want to run, just run, but you know the consequences." Chen Mo nodded.

"Clearly, if the little one dares to have second thoughts, the boss will just screw my head off." The crocodile nodded and bowed strangely, and said sincerely.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction and left the messy burrow.

"Boss, are we really not going to report the news?" A snake-level monster next to Junjie asked tentatively.

"Report the letter! Why not report the letter, but don't let Nancheng District and XC District name us." Junjie still had panic on his face, but he had calmed down a lot, and he couldn't be timid in front of his little brothers.

"I really want to report."


Junjie touched his bald head, his attention was to report the information, but whether he can beat it is not something he can control, but he thinks that he probably can't beat it, but what if, what if he can It's good to have played.

The best result is that this young man also dies, and then Nancheng District and XC District are gone. This kind of snipe and clam fight, he will benefit from the fisherman and become the real boss of Linshan City. This is the best, but in the end The final result still depends on how hard this young man is.

Chen Mo walked straight to the South District. It is said that this is the second-ranked strange group. Originally, the North District was the last one, and the DC District was the third. However, the DC District lost many people, so it became the last one. One, Beicheng District became the third.

"Who is it?" Chen Mo had just arrived at the place where strange people gathered in the southern city, when a cold voice came from the door.

Chen Mo looked up, and it turned out that it was a silver bell demon sitting on the gate, squinting a pair of light blue eyes looking at Chen Mo who came to the gate.

Chen Mo grinned, stepped on the ground fiercely, and jumped up directly, pinching the neck of the silver bell demon.

The silver bell demon's eyes were full of horror, she knew her own speed, and the weird, who was known for her speed, was pinched by the neck by someone who didn't know.

"Whether it's a monster or a human, the neck is fragile!" Chen Mo murmured, and with a bang, he exerted light force with his hand, the neck of the silver bell demon was crushed by Chen Mo, and her eyes dimmed.

A snake-level silver bell demon died so quietly.

"Did you hear any movement?" A lantern plant in the small attic suddenly opened his eyes. His body was covered with thin vines with barbs. As a plant species, strangeness should be relatively slow to respond. But his roots are rooted in the pillars planted in the attic, so he is very sensitive to the surroundings.

"What's the matter? No, if there is, the Silver Bell Demon will say it." A monster with a wolf head shook his head, he didn't hear any sound just now.

"It is said that the white ape boss in the DC area was killed, so it must not be some powerful monster coming in, after all, Zuo Zongyi, the bronze dragon head of Linshan City, just died in battle."

"A lot of soldiers died in the same group. I feel that the defense strength should be weakened. The bronze medal white tiger has been hunting for several days."

"Then our chance has come!"

The monsters in the attic chatted in twos and threes, this should be their entertainment!
Chen Mo jumped directly from the wall without covering his steps. In addition, Chen Mo was already heavy, so he landed on the ground with a bang.

The weirdos who were chatting stopped for an instant, as if even time was frozen at this moment, if the fire in the brazier was not still burning, I really thought it was frozen.

Wei Mo, who had a weapon, slowly picked up the weapon, and Wei Mo, who used his body as a weapon, even showed his claws.


The sound of landing was a drop of water added to the oil pan, and it exploded in an instant. Standing in the garden, Chen Mo only saw the tide-like monsters rushing out of the small attic.

"A lot!" Chen Mo nodded as he said that. He was also surprised that there were so many strange things in the city. Among them, only about [-]% were intelligent species, and the rest were other types that could not speak.

"Ghost domain!" Chen Mo murmured, and the ghost domain with a radius of 16 meters opened instantly, directly covering the entire courtyard.

The originally pitch-black sky seemed to be covered with a layer of faint blood, and Huangquan shrouded all the strangeness gushing out like an upside-down hood.

"what is this?!"

"Bang bang!" There was also Guaizhu who knocked on the scarlet border of Huangquan, and then roared, "It can't be opened!"

"kill him--!"




The monsters didn't bother to open the ghost domain. Although they didn't know what it was, it didn't stop them from thinking that it was Chen Mo's trick. As long as they ate Chen Mo, everything should be solved.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo!" Chen Mo was not interested in making a move. Not to mention his saber was broken, the most important thing was that these monsters were too weak to arouse his interest in fighting at all. If he made a move, it would be pure massacre.

When it comes to killing, the three-eyed Yan Luo is obviously faster than Chen Mo, and the three-eyed Yama in the ghost domain is the master of the ghost domain.


A strong black ghost aura emanated from Chen Mo's body, and the multi-eyed ghost crawled out of Chen Mo's body directly. With a huge height of 3.21 meters, there was a creepy ghost aura, as well as those weird scarlet ghost eyes. .

"What it is?"


"What kind of powerful monster?!"

After the three-eyed Yan Luo appeared, all the monsters felt panic, but their survival instinct surpassed their panic, and they still rushed over.

The sixteen scarlet ghost eyes seemed to have no emotion at all, and they couldn't see flickering, but they were so weird that they could arouse the fear in the hearts of the ghosts.


After issuing the order, Chen Mo's figure disappeared directly in the ghost domain. He wanted to find the boss in Nancheng District, the corrupt bone.

 Thank you "Reminiscence zy" for the reward, thank you for coming to support from qq reading.

(End of this chapter)

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