Reckless through another world

Chapter 118 I'm optimistic about you

Chapter 118 I'm optimistic about you
"President Jia, this?"

The soldiers in Nancheng District naturally arrived very quickly. After all, the huge bloody smell was nothing under the cover of the ghost domain, but now that the ghost domain was withdrawn by Chen Mo, the bloody smell completely dissipated. It can be smelled far away.

The soldiers in Nancheng District had shock in their eyes. It was the first time they saw so many monsters die together, and they were all monsters in the city.

"It's really surprising, and the bones in Nancheng District are so strange that they died." Mr. Jia went into the attic and saw the bones that died in the bone scum.

"Can you see who did it?"

"Mr. Jia, are you sure it's a human? It's not like something sneaked in." The soldier beside him said with lingering fear.

"Impossible, if there is a big change, the Beacon Tower has already warned, and there will be no movement at all."

"If you want to say that in the entire Linshan City, there should be no one who can defeat this strange defense with one blow and kill him with another move." The soldiers beside him began to understand. I didn't expect any strongman to defeat this weird defense with one blow.

"There should be one, if he didn't leave!" Mr. Jia smiled.

"Let the brothers carry back all the weird corpses."


At the same time, such a similar scene also happened in the DC area, and Mr. Xu Jia was puzzled as to what kind of horrible thing did this strange person see to die in such a state of extreme fear, and there was no trace of struggle at all. , with a look of seeing a ghost.

"Are you sure it's the white ape from the DC area?" Mr. Xu Jia asked when he saw a group of soldiers approaching.

"I've confirmed Mr. Jia, that's when the white ape is weird, and it's jackal-level!" The soldier nodded, and then reported the report with a serious face.

"And it's a one-shot hammer kill!"

"Is it a one-shot hammer kill?!" Mr. Xu Jia

"Mr. Jia, Mr. Lin Jia from Nancheng District sent a message just now, and he also discovered that the bones in Nancheng District were strange, and all his little monsters who followed him were also dead." The other came from the edge of the roof wall The soldier who came down spoke out of breath.

"It's him?!" Xu Jia always thought of the young man with a knife on his back. It is said that when he was fighting against the demons outside the territory, that person beheaded the leader of the demons at the black owl level. Ah, so on second thought, he killed the jackal-level monster really easily.

Chen Mo didn't think too much about it. He didn't expect that the night watchmen in Linshan City would be busy tonight, and they were not fighting, but just moving corpses. This is really surprising.


Chen Mo directly broke into the door under the eyes of all the weird people.

"Are they all there?" Chen Mo glanced, and it happened that all these strange things were still here, but it seemed that they wanted to run away. "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

"The ghost domain is on!"

Chen Mo decided to make a quick decision, and clear out a wave of wild monsters quickly. Anyway, Sanmu Yanluo has enough experience.And it's too weak. In the final analysis, jackal-level monsters are still too weak!Chen Mo couldn't be interested anymore, even though he himself was only a jackal.

"I surrender!" The huge monster shaped like a black bear was very lonely, seeing that he couldn't beat Chen Mo, he surrendered directly.

"This boat, do you want to get on it?" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, fate is such a miracle, sometimes he has to sigh, he just wanted to persuade that withered bone in Nancheng District to surrender, but it's a pity that the other party didn't surrender.

On the way here just now, Chen Mo didn't have any intention of persuading surrender, and he didn't intend to persuade him to surrender.

No matter how strange the black bear is, he is always better than Junjie, and he is better than Junjie. If he is kept alive, then the so-called equal split is just a joke, but it has no effect on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is confident that he can hold him down.

"That's right, I am willing to surrender. I know that crocodile has surrendered, and I am willing to surrender too, and I am willing to follow your rules." Black Bear is a bachelor.

"It's a bit attractive." Chen Mo clicked his tongue. He felt that it was a bit feasible. After all, Beacon Tower would let Weiqi in no matter what. If there is a black bear, it can really take care of it more thoughtfully.

"Okay, starting from today you and Junjie will divide Linshan City equally. You are not allowed to eat living people. Dead people are allowed, and you can also go to the black market to buy. This is the only one. I don't care about the rest. I will also say hello to Qingliang Division." Chen Mo wanted to take a picture. He patted Hei Xiong on the shoulder, but Chen Mo was only 1.9 meters tall, and Hei Xiong was [-] meters tall. Hei Xiong quickly squatted down and asked Chen Mo to pat him.

"Yes, I like you, work hard!"

"By the way, don't think about running away, even if you go to the forest mountain, I can catch you back!" Chen Mo grinned.

"No, no!" Hei Xiong Guesch and Da Panzi Xiong put on an embarrassing smile on his face.

"Change to another place, Qingliang will definitely find it here. Do you have a name?"

"Little one understands! They all call me Mr. Xiong." The black bear quickly nodded.

"You look like Heitan, so let's call him Heitan!" Chen Mo aroused his interest in the name again,

Chen Mo took Sanmu Yanluo and Ghost Domain and left this independent small attic. These strange things are quite interesting and they all live in the small attic, and they are also some relatively inaccessible places. Although Linshan City is not big, it can live in 2 people are more than enough, so many places have been vacated, places that even night watchmen will not patronize.

After all, even if you search carefully, some boundaries will be ignored because no one is there. Over time, the soldiers have become accustomed to not going to those alleys and attics where no one is.

"Master Zhang is here." Walking out of the attic, Chen Mo saw the bronze medal White Tiger Envoy Zhang Ling at the door.

"I'm waiting for you." Zhang Ling didn't bring a soldier with him either, maybe there was a soldier around, but obviously he wanted to have a private talk with Chen Mo, so Zhang Ling was alone.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo grinned, Chen Mo really didn't know what the Bronze Medal White Tiger Envoy wanted to do with him.

"Why did you only kill the weird lairs in the DC area and the South District, why didn't you also remove the ones in the North District and XC District?" Zhang Ling asked with some doubts.

"Master Zhang, it's too late. Even if they are all destroyed, there will be new monsters sneaking in, and maybe because the monsters' lairs in the four major urban areas have been destroyed, those monsters who feel hopeless will not obey the order and will Many people will die!" Chen Mo chuckled and shook his head slightly, although he was reckless, he was not stupid.

"By the way, your Qingliang Division should have known about these four places a long time ago, why didn't you destroy them?" Chen Mo's eyes were slightly mocking.

Zhang Ling's expression was as usual, and there was no embarrassment, even if he was a little embarrassed, but he didn't show it on his face, he just smiled and said, "I know, I know, but it takes too much manpower and material resources to destroy it, so I have been doing it all the time." Didn't make a move."

Chen Mo knew that even though the four spirit envoys in a small town were all smart people, smart people knew about the issue of balance. "Then I've actually helped Qingliang Division by saying that."

"That's right, no one would have thought that the extraterrestrial celestial demons would come here, resulting in the sacrifice of a large number of brothers, including Zuo Tongzhanglong's capital, so if it weren't for you, maybe the Qingliang Division would ask for help." Zhang Ling nodded seriously. nodded.

"You're welcome, just cash in the silver you gave me. Those are all the spoils I deserve, and I won't take more."

"I'm leaving now, and I have to go back to practice." Chen Mo didn't want to talk about these unnutritious things, so he clasped his fists and turned to leave.

"Wait, there's one more thing. This weird lair in North City and XC."

"Master Zhang, don't worry about it. I have set the rules for them. There will definitely be darkness under the light. It can't be eliminated. It's better to control it." Chen Mo waved his hand. These two strange things are still useful, and Chen Mo doesn't intend to hand them over.

Seeing Chen Mo go away, Zhang Ling didn't try to persuade him any more. Even if he was asked to hand it over, the Qingliang Division couldn't hold back, so it was pretty good in Chen Mo's hands. Zhang Ling came here just to test it out.

"My lord, did he agree to hand it over?"

"No, but it's okay, at least as a human race, this is also his home, he won't do anything."

"Okay, let's continue to clean up the mess. I have some work to do tonight." Zhang Ling said helplessly. Their Qingliang Division has been reduced to the role of wiping buttocks, although this is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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