Chapter 124
Tongming paper money was slowly burning in the brazier, and Chen Mo sat in front of the brazier, waiting silently.

The place Chen Mo chose was a house not too far away, probably in the middle of the hut and the inn, if calculated within the scope of the hut and at the speed of that ghost, there would be a knock on the door soon.

Chen Mo did not close his eyes, but lowered his eyelids, as if in a state of meditation, but in fact he was on alert for ten moments, and the scarlet ghost eyes on his body were also squinted, ready to open at any time.

As for whether he is sure to catch him, Chen Mo has no doubts.

"Here we come!" Chen Mo secretly said, and slowly opened his eyes, his body already felt fear, and it was fear from the heart.

No matter what kind of martial arts, when facing ghosts, you will feel more or less fear, this is something that cannot be avoided.

Even for a martial artist with a firm mind and complete control over his body, although these symptoms of fear are absent, his cells will still tremble, which is uncontrollable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The first knock on the door, every knock seemed to be knocking on the heart. The hairs on Chen Mo's body had all stood up, and that creepy feeling came out from the bottom of his heart in an instant, as if the person outside the door The knocker knocked on the door of Chen Mo's fear.

"Who!" Chen Mo responded.

The knocking on the door stopped abruptly.

The air became very quiet in an instant, Chen Mo could even hear the sound of his own breathing and the beating of his heart, and his spirit was also extremely focused, the eyeballs in his body were turning back and forth, but Chen Mo suppressed Abandoned them, did not let them open now.

Chen Mo also tried his best to hold back his breath, not even releasing his internal energy from the surface of his body.

With a click, the doorknob was moved.


Accompanied by the sound of the wooden door being squeezed, the wooden door in front of Chen Mo was slowly opened by the ghost outside the door.

A ghost with a normal figure walked in cautiously, first stepped forward, and then the whole ghost walked in.

"Ghost Realm!"

With a roar, Chen Mo, the scarlet ghost eyes on your body instantly opened, and the black ghost domain mixed with scarlet instantly enveloped you.

Seeing that the door knocker was still walking towards him, Chen Mo looked the door knocker up and down, he looked quite young, but his body was covered with stone spots, his eyeballs were completely black, and his face was like a cold patch. Bing, dressed in a black shroud.



【Open the Eye of Appraisal】

【Name: Three Knockers】

[Template: Small boss]

【Quality: Rare】

[Growth status: juvenile body]

[Cultivation:? ? 】

【Attributes:? ? 】

[Skills: Ghost knocking on the door,...? 】

[Status: Awakened]

[Fusion status: Unable to fuse mosaic]

[Rules of killing: knock on the door three times, and anyone who answers will die—! 】

[Strength: One Star (Perfect)]

[Inlay method: Incomplete information... There is a chance to inlay after suppression...]

Chen Mo glanced at the information of the three-knock ghost, and felt that it was pretty good, and it was a one-star ghost who had reached the strength limit of his quality. His eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "It's a good quality. .”

"Unfortunately, your opponent is not my body!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, now it's time for a battle between evil spirits.

But I don't know if the door knocker on the opposite side insisted on killing Chen Mo according to the rules if he didn't hear it. His hand had already stretched out to Chen Mo's neck, and his pale and slender fingers were covered with black ghostly aura.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo growled.


With a whoosh, accompanied by a strong ghostly aura, the arm of the three-eyed Yan Luo stretched out from Chen Mo's chest, blocking the arm of the three-knocking ghost who wanted to move forward.

"Hoo hoo!" Followed by the head, body, and finally the legs.

The 3.21-meter-high three-eyed Yama faced the three-eyed knocker like an adult to a child. The three-eyed Yama firmly held the door-knocker's hand with his arm, preventing him from advancing an inch. The centimeter is Chen Mo's neck.

"噢噢噐!" The ghost eyes on the body of the multi-eyed ghost slowly opened, and the thirty ghost eyes were like thirty shining scarlet night pearls, especially the vertical eye on the forehead of the three-eyed Yama shone strangely. Smart.

at the same time
"Hit him!" The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body also slowly opened, and he grinned.

Chen Mo summoned the three-eyed Yan Luo, and his whole body was directly protected by the black mist of the ghost domain. He still couldn't do two things at once, so if he couldn't control one of the bodies, he might be suppressed by the knocker .

Therefore, Chen Mo decided to take over the body of Yama with three eyes and use Huangquan to preserve his body.

As Chen Mo's mind entered the body of the three-eyed Yama, Chen Mo's body lay flat in the ghost energy, still breathing, but he was not conscious. Of course, if someone disturbed him, Chen Mo's consciousness would return.

Of course, if the physical body is destroyed, it is not known whether the consciousness remains in the ghost's body or if it died directly. After all, there are no examples to investigate.

"Is this the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo?" Chen Mo felt that it was no different from his own body, even if he was taller, he was stronger. The power was indescribable, but he knew that he had power.

"Lord Bronze Medal Dragon Head, can he really defeat that thing?" Mr. Jia beside Lin Feng asked worriedly.

"Who knows, maybe it can." Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

They are top-notch when dealing with monsters, but they are helpless when dealing with ghosts.As the saying goes, 'If you don't have diamonds, you can't do porcelain work', professional things should be left to professional people, even if they are in a hurry, it is useless.

While they were talking, Chen Mo manipulated the Three-Eyed Yama to fight the Three-Eyed Knocking Ghost. The real punches hit the flesh, and the opponent's ghost claws were not given for nothing. Every time he swung his claws, he could disperse the Three-Eyed Yama There are a lot of ghosts on him.

However, under the control of Chen Mo, a battle-tested fighter, the three-eyed Yan Luo has more opportunities to attack. Every time, his huge fist can hit the body of the door knocker, and even the ghost energy around him can shake back and forth. .

"Boom!" The three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo took advantage of the unprepared situation of the door knocker, grabbed the door knocker's head, and directly pushed him against the scarlet wall of the ghost domain.

"Spiral Hell!" Chen Mo screamed.

Of course, the three-eyed Yama has no vocal organs, it's just Chen Mo's consciousness screaming.

The left hand of the three-eyed Yan Luo is claw-shaped, and the ghost energy in the ghost's hand is constantly gathering from the ghost domain, and the high-speed rotating spiral hell gradually becomes larger.


Chen Mo pressed the spiral hell in the hands of Yan Luo with three eyes on the chest of the knocker, barking!The spiral hell kept consuming the ghost energy of the door knocker.

"It's about to bottom out!" Chen Mo murmured.

"Spiral Hell!"

"Spiral Hell!"

Chen Mo gathered two small big moves again.

The three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo let go of the knocker on the wall of the ghost domain, and the knocker fell to the ground all of a sudden, standing upright, but his movements were already much slower.

"It can be captured!" Chen Mo returned to his physical body, untied the cage of the evil ghost from his waist, and continued to suppress the knocker with control and ghost energy.

Finally, in the golden light of the evil ghost cage, this little boss-level door knocker was imprisoned in the cage.

Chen Mo is not surprised by the suppression this time. Even if he is also a high-quality big ghost, Chen Mo still has the confidence to suppress it. This is the combat power produced by the ghost guards and ghosts, and it will cause another huge zombie in the fifth stage promote.

In the fourth stage, two-star tyrannical ghosts do not need much means to suppress a one-star evil ghost with a perfect quality, not to mention the three-eyed Yama's ghost domain can prevent evil ghosts from leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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