Reckless through another world

Chapter 139 Ask if the same level is invincible [4000-word chapter, are you eligible to ask for a su

Chapter 139 Ask if the same level is invincible [4000-word chapter, are you eligible to ask for a subscription]

After the two saluted, Deng Yingcheng made a direct move. As a swordsman, he naturally attacked first, and his Chunyang fist was also an aggressive attacking style.

The light golden inner qi has a hint of red in it. This is the Golden Light Sword Jue, the top internal skill unique to the Chunyang Sword Sect, and it is also one of the pre-set skills of the peerless Chunyang Sword Code.

Only this kind of kung fu can cultivate such internal qi, which is full of characteristics and belongs to the top metal kung fu. Of course, Deng Yingcheng is only an outer disciple, and has not yet come into contact with the peerless inner kung fu.

Peerless sects are all like this, the outer sect imparts more complicated skills, and the inner sect will impart the inner sect's inner strength, and if one becomes a true disciple, then more resources will be tilted.

"The stabbing sword—!"

Deng Yingcheng yelled, his feet lightly touched the ground, and his whole body stabbed like a flying sword.


The extremely yang four-legged snake in Chen Mo's body instantly raised its head, and the black inner energy frantically swam through the meridians and gathered on the fist.

Chen Mo's eyes were impacted by the black extreme yang inner energy, and the black mist drifted away from the corners of his eyes.

Chen Mo just learned a form of Xingyiquan and the technique of exerting strength, but to really judge the power of fighting, he still needs to rely on the extreme yang internal energy in his body.


This time, Chen Mo did not choose to confront the tough.Head-to-head crushing battles seem too boring.

Chen Mo also rushed up to meet Deng Yingcheng, but when he was about to make contact, he turned sideways, and his fist had already penetrated like a spiral drill, hammering on Deng Yingcheng's side ribs.

The attack power of the top-notch metal technique is naturally strong, but at the same time his defense power is slightly low. Chen Mo's full-strength punch should have injured Deng Yingcheng's internal organs.

"See through my move?" Deng Yingcheng turned out of Chen Mo's attack range, frowning slightly, he already felt a dull pain in his side ribs, if it wasn't for the internal energy protecting the internal organs, Chen Mo's punch might have already hurt him Internal injuries.

"What a strong internal strength, what a strong fist!" Deng Yingcheng said secretly, he already fully understood that Chen Mo's fists and feet must be stronger than him, Chen Mo looks like he is not very old, and there are not many calluses on his fists, but he feels He is very experienced in combat, and his punching moves are very tricky.

"You are not very old, so you should have practiced martial arts for a long time, but looking at your hands, there are not many calluses on the surface of the fist, but a lot of calluses on the palm. Looking at the boxing frame, you know that the time for practicing martial arts is not long." Chen Mo retracted his fist and put on his fist again She looked at Deng Yingcheng who was not far away and murmured.

"Use a weapon. I can fight with all my strength. You don't need a weapon. It's too boring." Chen Mo grinned.

"Okay!" Deng Yingcheng nodded, and he also knew that if he didn't use weapons, there would be no concept of sparring.

"Is this the so-called punching and kicking? It's a lie!" Deng Yingcheng didn't know how to complain.

"The name of the sword is Qinggang, a sword of rare quality, the sword has no eyes, and I will go all out from now on." Deng Yingcheng took out the Qinggang sword, the whole body is blue and glowing faintly.

When Deng Yingcheng took out the Qinggang sword, his aura rose again. This time, it was not like the original boxing, but a real sword repair. The faint sword shadow swayed on the Qinggang sword. There is no sense of awkwardness in the connection between the inner qi and the green steel.

"Chunyang Sword Sect really knows how to raise swords!" Chen Mo grinned.

"Inner Qi activates unparalleled power!"

The extremely black inner qi circulates in Chen Mo's meridians, and fills the gaps in the muscles and bones. The attribute with three times the attributes is activated. This is already the limit that the inner qi can be activated. It is not like the ghost qi that can be activated for four times.

There are not many people who are tall, and their knotted muscles are attached to Chen Mo's bones in a streamlined manner.

Although the color of Chen Mo's internal energy is very similar to that of ghost energy, Deng Yingcheng knew that the other party did not use the ability of evil ghosts, because when using the abilities of evil ghosts, he would also feel cold and shivering, while Chen Mo's internal energy was upright and bright, Although it looks like magic power, it is obviously decent internal power.

"The meaning of evil - a thousand heavy cuts!"

Chen Mo let out a long cry, his footsteps were already running, he jumped three feet high, his hands clenched into fists and hammers, and he went straight to Deng Yingcheng.

"Not good!" Deng Yingcheng said secretly.

"The blue dragon is out of its sheath!"

The crazily surging metallic inner energy gathered crazily and condensed on the green steel sword. Under the influence of the green steel sword, it was indeed like a stegosaurus flying in the air, but the dragon shape was obviously not solid enough, and it looked top-notch. Mostly in the state of anaconda, there is still some distance from Huajiao Capital.

"Crazy Dragon Strike!"


After Chen Mo's hammer strike collided with the big blue anaconda, the momentum remained undiminished, and he went straight to Waiting for the film city's body.

"Boom!!!" In an instant, dust splattered on the martial arts arena, and Chen Mo's figure became taller and more mysterious under the cover of black inner energy.

However, Deng Yingcheng was no longer in sight, and Deng Yingcheng avoided Chen Mo's full blow with light steps, otherwise, he would have been smashed and lost his combat power on the spot.

"Use some secret techniques, otherwise you're afraid you'll be carried to the martial arts arena." Chen Mo punched out two punches, whipping up a strong wind and sweeping away the smoke and dust on the martial arts arena.At the same time, Chen Mo also saw Deng Yingcheng who had stepped out.

"Okay! The blade of the sword—open!"

"Sword Armor Possession!"

Deng Yingcheng raised his head sharply, and opened the blade of the sword.As soon as the sword was opened, his body was also filled with blue precious light, and his body seemed to have the same aura as the sword above his head.

At the same time, after he shouted that the sword armor possessed his body, the blue steel rare-grade sword on top of Deng Yingcheng's head gradually grew larger, and finally became even bigger than Deng Yingcheng, like a door panel, and it actually disintegrated into countless pieces. The small armor was attached to Deng Yingcheng's body.

"Keng Keng Keng!" In less than a breath, it was completely attached, and finally a small sword was condensed on Deng Yingcheng's right hand.

"One heavy sword body?" Chen Mo was surprised by Deng Yingcheng's sword body. If he hadn't forgotten, all inner sect disciples could reach one heavy sword body, and only those with one heavy sword body could enter the inner sect of Chunyang Sword Sect.

The double sword body is the top disciple in the inner sect, and can even be promoted to the true biography at the half-step triple.

Chunyang Sword Sect does not want disciples to comprehend the unity of human and sword, but to truly integrate disciples and swords, so that disciples not only have the attacking ability of swords, but also have the strength of swords.

"That's enough to see!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he could already feel the burning blood in his body.

"It is said that the pure Yang Jianzong's heavy sword body can be invincible at the same level, I don't know if it is true or not!" Chen Mo asked with a grin.

"Whether it's true or not, Brother Chen will know it once he tries it!" Deng Yingcheng's voice carried the sound of metal and stone clashing.

"The meaning of evil - walking on snow!"

"The power of the four poles is the first level!" Chen Mo naturally would not underestimate the sword body of the Pure Yang Sword Sect. That's so contemptuous of others.


"Bang bang bang!" Chen Mo ran away.

"Buzz!" With a punch, Chen Mo's fist landed on the sword armor attached to Deng Yingcheng's body, making a buzzing sound, and Deng Yingcheng only took half a step back.

"In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken!"

"The defense is strong, the attack is strong, but unfortunately your speed is not fast enough!" Chen Mo has already punched more than a dozen punches, buzzing like the sound of bells ringing in the battle, Chen Mo seems to have no idea of ​​slowing down and fatigue , crazily punched Deng Yingcheng's sword body.

Deng Yingcheng also knew that he couldn't keep up with Chen Mo's speed. He was very surprised. He was a swordsman. The speed of a swordsman couldn't keep up with a martial artist. Besides, Chen Mo was not only fast, but also the strength of his punches was terrifying. Every time he was hit by an impact, Deng Yingcheng felt as if he hit some hard object with all his strength, and the force of the counter-shock made his body slowly become heavy.

"Ah!" Deng Yingcheng roared, gave up the attack, and directly hit Chen Mo with his body forcibly.

Under the impact of Deng Yingcheng, one of Chen Mo's feet didn't stand firm, as if he was about to fall.

"Good opportunity!" Deng Yingcheng's eyes lit up sharply. He felt that the opportunity had come. As long as he seized this opportunity, he would be able to defeat Chen Mo with one blow. He had already been beaten terribly. The attack did not have a chance to counterattack, and he was suffocated for a full quarter of an hour. Finally, he found the opportunity and caught Chen Mo's mistake.

"Flame Strike!" The Qingsteel sword in Deng Yingcheng's hand flashed a touch of golden red, and the sword light was already attached to the sword, and went straight to Chen Mo's shoulder blade.

Even if the scapula is attacked, it will not cause much damage, and it can quickly defeat the enemy with one blow. In the case of sparring, it is impossible to recover the force intact. Stabbing the scapula is the best s Choice.

"Fucked!" Chen Mo grinned the moment he fell down, with a smile on his face.

"What?!" Deng Yingcheng seemed to have seen a ghost, and Chen Mo's fallen body turned in a strange direction and circled to his side.

"Chiyan sweep!" But Deng Yingcheng's movements were also very fast, and he directly changed his move, abruptly changing the forward move to a diagonal slash.

"Changed direction again?"

"No, he hasn't changed at all. I feel that he has changed. It's a false move!!!"

Although Deng Yingcheng already knew that Chen Mo's move was a false move, but he could no longer change his move.

"Top heart elbow——!" Chen Mo stood up straight, his right arm was as thick as Chen Mo's thigh under the double blessing, coupled with the deep inner energy of extreme yang, Chen Mo's elbow was even more powerful with the power of Bajiquan. Powerful moves burst out.

"Boom!", Deng Yingcheng flew backwards in an instant.

Whoosh, Chen Mo also ran up, "Shanglong Zhan!" Not letting go of such a big flaw, Chen Mo punched Deng Yingcheng, who was flying upside down, into the sky.

The practical skill in the game, floating armor, unless there is a move that can leverage in the air, otherwise the whole body will be flawed!
"Hahaha!" Chen Mo laughed loudly, this combo of moves was enough to make Deng Yingcheng, who was possessed by the sword armor, unable to use his strength.

"The meaning of evil - turning the sword into a fist - a thousand heavy cuts!" However, Chen Mo did not hesitate at all, he jumped up suddenly, his fists formed a hammer, "boom!" The fist hammered on the belly armor of the sword armor .

With a sound of "Boom!", Deng Yingcheng landed on the martial arts arena with the sound, but he was really standing. Although the blow was solid, it obviously didn't make Deng Yingcheng, who was possessed by the sword armor, lose his combat power.

It landed on the ground with a bang, Chen Mo crossed his fists and shouted.

"Double explosion!"

"The power of the four poles is the second heaven!"

Chen Mo was instantly strengthened into a three-meter-high giant. The black inner energy in his body traveled through the meridians, and at the same time condensed into lines in the muscles. Now Chen Mo, the blood is like an inextinguishable flame, and it is getting higher and higher .

"It's not...human!" Deng Yingcheng was completely stunned, but he could explode again. This...this can't be called a human anymore, it's simply a monster. Although he is not a genius in the sect, he is better than a genius in the sect!

"I admit defeat! I can't beat it." Deng Yingcheng smiled wryly and removed the blessing of the sword body. Not to mention the same level, the owl level is also crushed. What Chen Mo just shouted seems to be some kind of second heaven, which means that it was opened at the beginning. Just one day.

In the state of the first level, he was crushed with a hanging hammer, not to mention the second level, he looked so fierce at first glance, he even hit a bird!
"It was interesting just now. The last time I fought against the Heavenly Demon Commander who was at the peak of the owl level in the battle against the Heavenly Demon, I used the Second Heaven to fight against him and beat him by one move!" Chen Mo removed all the blessings and regained his height of 1.9 meters , with streamlined muscles, took out a robe from the mustard bag and put it on.

Not to mention, strong is definitely strong, but it is too expensive to wear clothes, and every time it explodes, it will burst the clothes on the body. Fortunately, the pants are made of century-old silk and are full of elasticity, otherwise they will be gone.

"The leader of the Heavenly Demon at the peak of the owl level, you have half a foot to step into the innate, strong!" Deng Yingcheng, who had lifted the sword body, had a bruised nose and swollen face, and there were many bruises on his body. Her bun had already been scattered into one piece, and she was in an indescribable embarrassment.

As for this, Chen Mo still felt that he didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, but beating someone in the name of sparring is really fun!
Chen Mo laughed, he was enough to keep his hand, if he came up and opened up, Deng Yingcheng could last more than 20 rounds at most before he would fall down.

This is the power of the simultaneous development of the three lines. When Chen Mo's physical body is upgraded, his attribute points will be strengthened, and the blessing of the kung fu is another level, plus the big ghost's backfeeding is another level, and the three levels are condensed into a rope. It is the reason why Chen Mo's basic attributes are strong.

Others only have two levels at most, but Chen Mo moves forward with three levels. This is the foundation of Chen Mo's strength.

The other is skills, small skills are optional, and can even be practiced again, the strongest is nothing more than the big move of each stage, which belongs to the status-type blessing skills, but this is equivalent to a weaker one, after all, the blessing-type skills The law can be learned, but the inherent advantages cannot be caught up by others.

Chen Mo doesn't believe that in such a big mainland of China, his blessing skills are the number one. There will always be someone with stronger blessing skills, a stronger body, and even the so-called divine body. It is still the foundation of the physical body, and the strength of the big ghost.

In the final analysis, strength is accumulated little by little, not overnight. Reaching the sky in one step is just a fantasy, a castle in the air. When you meet a real strong person, it will be like beautiful porcelain. It will break when you touch it. On the invincible road.

(End of this chapter)

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