Reckless through another world

Chapter 141 I'm afraid he'll kill someone!

Chapter 141 I'm afraid he'll kill someone!
"Brother Chen, you're here. Let me introduce you. This is the Golden Seal God Catchment of the God Catchment Gate of Julu City, Mr. Zhang." Deng Yingcheng hurriedly stood up and introduced.

"Master Zhang, this is Lin Shancheng's alternate arrester Chen Xianzhi. Although he is an alternate, he is much stronger than me." Deng Yingcheng said to the slender man sitting in the first seat.

"Chen Xianzhi, you are guilty!" Zhang Yanlin raised his head slowly, his voice was cold and judgmental, his eyes fixed on Chen Mo, and his aura began to rise steadily.

Zhang Yanlin was wearing a gold-rimmed police uniform, mainly black and red, which was spotless, with two ghost cages around his waist, and a golden seal.

"I don't know Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with me, Mr. Chen!" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and asked in a cold voice.This man looked to be near middle age, with fairly regular facial features and dark skin.A whole body of Qi and blood is at least the strength of the acquired peak.

But talking is so tiresome, you can ask about crimes as soon as you come up, and you can also ask about unwarranted crimes?

"What is the crime? There are three hundred and two people in the drought flood village, all of whom died tragically. When the arrester arrived, even the village was in ruins. It is said that you sealed the evil spirits, but Deng Yingcheng was also a fool and was beaten unconscious In the past, there is also Liu Zhen of the Zhenyi Division, who is also unconscious and does not know the details." Zhang Yanlin frowned, and the coldness in his voice became more and more serious.

"No one has seen how you banned the evil spirits. This arrester suspects that you used [-] people in the drought and flood village as bait. You gave up the lives of the people! You are not worthy of the title of a god arrester. Hand over the evil spirits' cage, Your token, Ben Zheng, will also be taken away, and at the same time, you and Ben Zheng must go back to Julu City God Catch Gate to strip the evil spirits in your body!"

"You'd better be obedient and get caught, otherwise, don't blame my captors for being ruthless. It's up to you whether you live or die!" Zhang Yanlin snorted coldly, and slammed the table hard.

"What evidence do you have?" Chen Mo's face was completely gloomy, and he asked in a low voice, suppressing his anger.

This person didn't ask indiscriminately, and he just said it straight up, without even giving people a chance to explain, Chen Mo naturally became angry, and even his unhappy mood exploded.

"This arrest does not need evidence, nor does the god arrester. As long as this arrest suspects, as a gold seal officer, this arrest has the power to arrest." Zhang Yanlin sneered, stood up slowly, and said with Conceited means, God catches the door to handle the case, does not talk about evidence, just suspicion is enough.

"You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be used as evidence in court. The gods will handle the case, and the rest cannot be stopped!" Zhang Yanlin raised the golden token and said loudly.

"My lord, there must be a misunderstanding, that evil spirit haunts you, it's not a crime of war!" Deng Yingcheng hurriedly stopped.

"Get out of the way, this kid just wants to make gestures with me today, and I will satisfy him!" Chen Mo pulled Deng Yingcheng away from him, and grinned. Chen Mo felt that his anger had reached his neck just now, and he didn't want to vent it anymore. , seems to be about to explode.

He was already practicing, but when he was interrupted, he felt very upset. When he came up, he was beaten up, and then he was directly convicted, and he had to rob the cage of the evil spirit, and strip the evil spirit from his body.

Look, is this what people say?
As a ghost steward, one cannot be stripped of the evil spirit, and there is no way to do so. The only way is to kill the ghost steward, and then take out the awakened ghost. This is to make him die!
Since you want him to die, then this golden seal, don't even think about getting out of Zhenxiu alive today! ! !

"You don't want to get out alive today!" Chen Mo's voice was low, with a smile on his face, but there was no trace of a smile on his face, his eyes were scarlet cold and murderous!
"Add another threat!" Zhang Yanlin snorted with confidence.

"Brother Chen, don't be impulsive..." Deng Yingcheng was shocked. Seeing that this matter was so bad that it couldn't get any worse, he hurriedly reminded Chen Mo that if Chen Mo really killed the golden seal of the God Catchment Sect today, it would be a big deal. There is no way to be good.

Of course, it would be even worse if Chen Mo was killed here, and he didn't want to see Chen Mo die here either!

"Ghost Qi activates the unparalleled power, and the power of the four poles is second-level!" The black ghost Qi on Chen Mo's body surged in the shape of a dragon, and it instantly strengthened Chen Mo's body. He was [-] meters tall and had thirty scarlet ghost eyes. A pair of ghostly eyes looked down at Zhang Yanlin, eyes filled with killing intent.

"It's over..." Deng Yingcheng had already seen Chen Mo's attack, and secretly said, but he couldn't stop it.

"Huh?" Zhang Yanlin was amazed that Chen Mo's body had become so powerful, and his blood was rising like a burning furnace. "It should be some kind of secret technique!"

"The meaning of evil - take off the knife and turn it into a fist - break mountains and rivers with force!" Chen Mo rushed out like a cannonball, and the four-legged snake roared in the lower dantian with inner qi, like a rushing river rushing through Chen Mo's meridians.

This punch, accompanied by the howling wind, went straight to Yan Lin's head.


Zhang Yanlin did not hesitate at all, the ghost energy rushed out directly. In this world, only gods can fight against gods, and only ghosts can fight against ghosts. If you want to use your inner energy to resist ghost energy, unless you are in a higher and stronger realm, your defense will not be enough. live.

His fists were crossed, and a ghostly aura like a round shield stood in front of Zhang Yanlin.


Zhang Yanlin flew out directly from the side of the main hall, and smashed a big hole in the main hall of Maple Leaf Division in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!!!" Zhang Yanlin pierced through several halls in a row, his body smashed the walls but his strength did not weaken at all, and he pierced through several halls in a row.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" He made a full scratch on the slate road before he stood firm.

Standing on the stone road, Zhang Yanlin had two frequent scratches under his feet. The two arm armors on his arms had been shattered by Chen Mo's fists. His ghostly aura was a bit unstable, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Why such a tyrannical force!" Zhang Yanlin felt that his arms were still numb from the shock. He was so surprised that his face was gloomy. After receiving Chen Xian's blow, it flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters.

With a bang, Chen Mo jumped up and smashed through the roof of the hall.Standing on the roof, thirty scarlet ghost eyes gleamed with scarlet ghost aura, and black ghost aura lingered around his body. With a height of more than three meters, Chen Mo looked like a monster, a big devil!
"My mother. What's that?"

"It looks like Master Chen!"

"Who is fighting Master Chen?"


"Hurry up and report to Master Bronze Medal Four Spirit Envoys, Master Chen is going to dismantle our Maple Leaf Secretary later!"

As Chen Mo showed his body, the soldiers of the Maple Leaf Division also saw it, and they were also surprised when they looked up.

"Death!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and a roar like a Hong Zhong came out of Chen Mo's mouth!

Run directly on the roof.

"The meaning of evil - a thousand heavy cuts!"

"Eagle Step!"

"Strength breaks mountains and rivers!!!"


"Bronze medal dragon head, it's not good, let's fight!!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng felt a shock just now, and asked hastily.

"There's a fight, there's a fight outside."

"We're fighting, who and who?" Lin Feng frowned slightly, suddenly he felt something was wrong.

"I don't know, Mr. Chen fought with someone else, it seems to be the Mr. who came this morning. If you don't go and see, Mr. Chen, our Maple Leaf Division will be demolished!"

"Straight mother thief?! Who! Chen Xianzhi got into a fight with someone? Or the one this morning?" Lin Feng cursed, stood up and rushed out.He doesn't care about the main hall of the Maple Leaf Division, he is afraid that Chen Mo will kill someone in the Maple Leaf Division!
 Three small chapters, one big chapter, an update of at least [-] words, please subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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