Reckless through another world

Chapter 145 What a coincidence

Chapter 145 What a coincidence

"The rivers and lakes are dangerous, you should also understand that what you meet is a human or a ghost!" Chen Mo grinned.

"Haha, this kid really lost his mind and went crazy. He knew we were ghosts, but he dared to bump into us. Little ones, fuck him and eat him!" The leading jackal-level ghoul laughed loudly. With one stroke of the weapon in his hand, he directed his subordinates to kill Chen Mo.

"Wu Shuangli, the inner qi is opened!" Chen Mo's body moved slightly, and the extreme yang four-legged snake in the lower dantian slowly raised its head, and the inner qi in the Guanqiao and the inner qi in the lower dantian were connected into silk threads, shuttling through the meridians.

With the inner qi activated, Chen Mo's body has not changed much, but his muscles are more knotted, and his body seems to be wider.

The arm armor in his hand exudes a faint black light, which is a manifestation of the internal energy reaching the weapon.

A faint black inner energy radiated from Chen Mo's body.


Chen Mo burst out suddenly, like an off-string bow and arrow, shuttled out with a whistling sound.

"Hold your elbow!"

boom!With a bang, the front one rushed forward, and the minion that was pushed up by Chen Mo's elbow was like a kite with a broken string. It flew backwards while spitting blood, knocking down a cloud of minions that rushed up.

"Protect the convoy to leave, double the reward!" Steward Zhou said without any hesitation, seeing how powerful Chen Mo was.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

"Kill!" The guards in the convoy also pointed out their knives. From their point of view, these ghouls are not strong.

"Boom!" Whenever a ghoul wants to get close to Chen Mo, it will be crushed by Chen Mo's iron fist, and it can't even catch Chen Mo's move.

"It's still too weak, and I can't even refine my skills!" Chen Mo shook his head in disappointment, and grabbed a ghoul's head casually. Chen Mo exerted all his strength, and the head was instantly crushed like a watermelon.

"Corpse demon strengthening!"


Roaring one after another, these ghouls all turned on the corpse demon enhancement, and the leading jackal-level leader was still sitting on the horse, as if he didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates at all, staring at him with red eyes. Follow Chen Mo's movements.

He really doesn't have to worry about the casualties of his subordinates. The ghoul also has the ability of gathering corpses. Even if these subordinates are all dead, he can regain his strength to turn the tide.

"Weak, weak, weak!" Chen Mo punched one step at a time, either sweeping or smashing, no ghoul could block Chen Mo's blow, and immediately fell to the ground after the blow, without the ability to get up again.

"Block?! Can you stop it!" Chen Mo yelled.The iron fist came straight in, and with a bang, it instantly smashed the weapon of the ghoul that was trying to resist.

"too weak!"

"Weak people are not interesting!" Chen Mo swept away all the ghouls who stood in front of him.

"Even if it is strengthened, it is still so weak. I don't even need to use ghost energy." Chen Mo frowned slightly. He found that he didn't seem to need any skills at all, and they had already fallen down without even exerting all their strength. In the final analysis, these ghouls are too weak.

"Bang!" The second master stomped on the horse's head, jumped up, and kicked his legs towards Chen Mo.

With a sound of "Boom!", the second master flew out directly.

Chen Mo didn't even block it, the extreme yang inner energy covered his chest, not even dust left.

"A jackal-level ghoul can't do it either!" Chen Mo shook his head, swept the clothes on his chest, and then looked at the so-called second master who was shocked and flew out.

"Corpse monster strengthening!" The tall ghoul roared, his body was covered with red tendons, even his face climbed a lot, and he became twice as strong immediately.

"Come here!" Chen Mo beckoned, signaling the jackal-level second-in-charge to attack.

"Roar!" The ghouls strengthened by the ghouls did not lose their minds. On the contrary, their minds were also strengthened, they became calmer, their bodies became stronger, and their movements became more sensitive.

"Tiger Cannon—!"

The second leader rushed up, the inner energy in his body covered the body surface, at the stage of owl level, he could already release the inner energy outward, so he had already punched not far from Chen Mo, one A big tiger with a pendulous white forehead gallops towards him, this is a manifestation of internal energy released.

The last time he fought against Zhang Yanlin, Chen Mo was at full strength, and his ghost energy was strengthened. Zhang Yanlin had no chance to fight back, and Chen Mo pressed the hammer, so even if he released his internal energy, it would only increase his consumption That's all.

"Eagle Step!"

"Hey!" A sharp hiss of an eagle came from between Chen Mo's muscles and bones, and Chen Mo jumped two feet high.

The body flew over directly, like a bird with wings spread.

While dodging the internal energy cannon, Chen Mo Qingying landed in front of the second leader

"The meaning of evil - turning the knife into a fist - ascending dragon strike!"

With a punch on the second leader's chin, the second leader who had been strengthened by the corpse demon responded and fell to the ground with his back straight.

"Last time I met a group of ghouls, and the leader seems to be called Black Bear, do you know?" Chen Mo lifted the second boss strengthened by the ghouls and asked with a grin.

Erdangjia's pupils shrank, he didn't speak yet, but Chen Mo already knew it from his reaction.

"Ghost eyes!" Chen Mo grinned.

The ghost eyes on the top of the head opened, and the 29 scarlet ghost eyes in the body also opened, and the scarlet light flashed past.

"Where is the specific location of the cottage?" Chen Mo asked in a bewitching voice. In the case of serious injuries and being suppressed by the ghost eyes of the ghost, the second leader has completely lost his mind.


"So it's there!" After hearing this, Chen Mo directly pinched his neck.



[Mission completed: Obtain the favor of rewarding special characters]


[Trigger task: Ghouls in Heifeng Village]

Chen Mo calmly opened the task box with his mind, now is not the time to check the task.

"I would also like to thank the young hero for helping me." The old butler Zhou hurried forward and handed Chen Mo a package.

Chen Mo didn't refuse either. He glanced at it and felt it with his hands. There were about 3 taels of silver bills in it.

"Use people's money to eliminate disasters. The road ahead is easy, so I'll leave here first." Chen Mo nodded with a smile.

"Young hero won't go to Linshan City with us?" Old butler Zhou asked in surprise.

"No, I still have things to do!" Chen Mo nodded and said.

"By the way, you'd better find out the ghost in the team. If there is no ghost, it is impossible for the other party to block the way, but I don't need a young man to tell you how to do it?" Chen Mo lowered his voice and forced his inner anger into The silk thread was sent into the ears of old housekeeper Zhou, and then his smiling expression resumed.

"Thank you, young man, for your reminder. You have a smooth journey, young man." After all, the old butler Zhou was an old man, and he said with a smile.

"Farewell." Chen Mo nodded slightly, jumped up and left here.

The old butler Zhou would definitely not doubt Chen Mo, not to say that Chen Mo is an insider, the convoy would not be able to get out.In the opinion of old housekeeper Zhou, this somewhat lonely young man would not be a ghost, let alone remind him.

"It seems that we need to check the convoy carefully." Old housekeeper Zhou watched Chen Mo leave, and turned his back to Wu Xiu, the guard who was recruited among the family guards, with a smile on his face, without any change.

(End of this chapter)

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