Reckless through another world

Chapter 158 No, I can!

Chapter 158 No, I can!

"Wait, am I a sand sculpture? It would be nice if I just close the door and release the three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo just wanted to strengthen his body and rush down, and then he remembered that if he tried his best, he didn't have to go down and try it himself.

Control Sanmu Yanluo to go down to test the water, and then he will go again?
Of course, in the reckless man's mind, the word retreat is not present!

"Brain: Yes, I want Yama with three eyes to go."

"Body: No, I want to go by myself!"

"The ghost energy activates the unparalleled power, and the power of the four extremes is the second level!" Instantly transformed into a three-meter-high giant, before Chen Mo's own brain could react, Chen Mo had already charged.

If the mind could speak, then he would definitely have black lines on his face.

"Come on!!!" Chen Mo let out a long roar.

Accompanied by the sound of "Hurrah!"

The ghost energy flowing on the body was dragged into a long black line by Chen Mo, and the thirty scarlet ghost eyes shone with a faint scarlet light.

"Bang bang bang!" Taking steps, Chen Mo's big feet stepped on the hillside one after another, the arm armor on both arms flashed black light, and Chen Mo grinned, rushing from the hillside like a tank down.

The fang pigs who were about to charge all looked at Chen Mo.

Not only that, the mirage in the valley also looked at Chen Mo who was rushing down.

Chen Mo's three-meter-tall body is full of qi and blood mixed with ghost energy, which is like a soaring flame, and the battle blood in Chen Mo's body has been completely burned, even if there are groups of fangs and pigs in front of him, Chen Mo Not at all shy.

"What's that?" Da Zi's eyes were full of doubts, it looked like a person, but why did it feel so coercive, not like a normal human race.

"It should be a human!" The mirage in red was also not sure.

They were already ready to fight to the death. No matter what came, they couldn't stop them. Although the coercion emitted by Chen Mo was very strong, it was just another monster.

"Father, that monster has the blood of its fellow clansmen!" said a two-meter-tall tusked pig beside the big pig.

"I've already sensed it!" The huge wild boar spoke, talking like a drum, and its voice was like a bell. A pair of huge wild boar eyes looked at Chen Mo who was rushing down.

"At the same time as revenge, we will step down the valley of Mirage. From today onwards, this forest mountain will be the territory of our Tusk Pig Clan!"


"Wow!" There was a long roar of the fangs boar, like a charge, and after the resounding sound, all the fangs pigs activated their charge skills.

"Thousand cuts—!" Chen Mo, who was rushing down, also let out a long roar.

boom! !

The ground under Chen Mo's feet was suddenly shattered by his stepping on it. With the help of the Thousand Heavy Slash, his body leaped two feet high, and his three-meter-high figure stayed in the air like a big bird.

"Eagle step!" A ripple bloomed under Chen Mo's feet, as if stepping on something.

"Hey——!" An eagle-like howl sounded from Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo borrowed his strength in the air again, and then jumped two feet high.

Chen Mo is now at least 12 meters above the ground, and he still starts from the hillside, so the distance from the flat ground of the herd of fangs will be even higher.

Chen Mo let out a low growl, and took out the piece of coffin wood from the mustard bag. The eight-meter-long coffin wood was more than twice as long as Chen Mo.

"The meaning of evil - the knife splits Huashan!"

With a sound of "嗤!", an eight-meter-long blade burst out from Chen Mo's arms.

His level has increased, and there are more skills that can be unlocked. This attack condenses all the available martial arts of Chen Mo at this stage, and it is the strongest attack at this stage.

The huge saber aura was attached to the entire coffin board, and Chen Mo completely used this huge coffin board-like thing as a knife.

Even the current Chen Mo can't leave a mark on the coffin board. Chen Mo thinks that the coffin board is definitely stronger than the teeth of the Tusk Pig King, and now that his appraisal level has been raised by him by two levels, he still can't. See what the coffin board is.

What surprised him even more was that now, he still couldn't pull out the three-foot-long coffin nail.

It can be seen from this that Chen Mo was too naive to pull out the coffin nails to release the three-eyed Yama.

Moreover, the coffin board's air conduction is so good that even the so-called saber intent is attached to it. The eight-meter-long saber aura slowly spread to Chen Mo's body.

"Earth armor!"

Zhu Wang has already felt the threat from Chen Mo's body, it is a kind of powerful coercion, if he does nothing, just take it so hard, he may be seriously injured.

It's unbelievable that a monster whose coercive fluctuations are clearly jackal-level and looks like a human actually made him feel threatening and used the most powerful defensive skills.

As the pig king's roar fell, the soil around him was gathering rapidly, but the soil was different from ordinary soil, upon closer inspection, it was actually mixed with black substances.

This is the skill of the innate pig king, the earth armor, which is the black iron pole sand of the geomagnetic pole, and the layers of scales gather like nano-materials, forming layers of armor, covering him all stand up.

"Boom boom boom!" Pig King's running was already powerful, but now he was even heavier after wearing heavy armor, and the power of running was like an earth dragon turning over.

"Pig stabs!"

The two huge fangs of the pig king were also covered by the black iron sand, turning into two ferocious spikes.

In less than two breaths, Chen Mo had already leapt forward, his whole body was like a falling black meteor, dragging his long tail, and the eight-meter-long coffin board in his hand was blessed by the eight-meter-long saber energy.

No, it's not being blessed by the sword qi, but it is already too strong, and now it's just that the sword qi is carrying it with the help of its body.

Powerful power, coming here, seems to want to give the enemy equal destruction!


Countless dust was kicked up, and the fang pigs around the pig king were directly blown away by the outburst of tyrannical aura.

"Sister, that monster is fighting with the pig king!" The mirage in purple shouted excitedly, and seeing that the monster's strength is not weaker than the pig king, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight if they cover it up.

"Tell the sisters, don't let your guard down!" The red mirage still had a little sadness on her face, but she was much better. If both the monster and the pig king could be hurt, their valley would be preserved.

The red mirage prayed silently, "I hope grandma wakes up soon!"

Chen Mo's power has surpassed ordinary martial arts. This is pure power. The power of unparalleled power is four times stronger, and the power of quadruple power and second-level heaven's blessing even reaches 1200%. The coffin board is the main body.

The air suddenly became quiet for a while, as if they were waiting for the dust to settle in the air, but when the dust and smoke gradually fell, a huge crack appeared where the pig king was.

Different deep pits appeared under the feet of Chen Mo and Zhu Wang.

The coffin board whirled around and was ejected, and half of it sank into the ground with a thud, standing not far away!
One of Pig King's fangs was completely broken, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

And the blood in Chen Mo's mouth flowed out, and his arms were hanging down weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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