Reckless through another world

Chapter 160 The guy who disrupts the situation is annoying

Chapter 160 The guy who disrupts the situation is annoying
Chen Mo walked to the coffin board and put the coffin board into the storage bag. He found that the man in white robe actually moved, and instead of leaving, he walked into the valley.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first! You guys fight first!" Chen Mo grinned, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Boom!" The Fanged Pig King stamped his hooves on the ground, his voice vibrating, seeing that Chen Mo didn't speak, but judging from that posture, he didn't want Chen Mo to leave.

Although the Fangfang Pig King is a beast, his intelligence is not low. He was able to have an equal conversation with Chen Mo just now, not only because he wanted to recover from his injuries, but also because he recognized and respected Chen Mo's combat power.

However, things are clearly different now.

"Don't let me go?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and his pair of phoenix eyes, which were as sharp as a knife, narrowed slightly. .

"I answered your question, so you should also answer my question. You and I cooperate, or are you against me?!" Fangfang Pig King asked in a low voice, his aura was re-established, and it seemed that Chen Mo answered If he is dissatisfied with his intentions, he will launch an attack in an instant.

"I don't bother to lie. I said, today, either you kill me or I kill you, it's that simple!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, the fighting spirit in his eyes seemed to be welling up, but Chen Mo is trying his best to control, his current target is the man in white robe, not this stupid pig.

"Since you don't let me, I'll beat you to death first, and then discuss other things!" Chen Mo touched the corner of his mouth, and his aura rose steadily.

He has almost figured out that this wild boar is strong, it can take a blow from his full state, but how many more blows can it resist?

"The meaning of evil - a thousand heavy cuts!" Chen Mo jumped up suddenly.

"The pig advances forward!" When the Tusk Pig King heard this, he couldn't talk about it, so the only thing left was a war.

"Eagle Step!"


Chen Mo didn't go forward, but turned around and stepped into the air to leap again. Not to mention leaving the pig king's attack range, he even leaped 40 meters away, and somersaulted twice in the air.

"I'll go too! Haha!" With hearty laughter, Chen Mo turned around and leaped into the valley.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" than the pig king didn't stop at all, and didn't mean to stop, he just charged forward and followed.


The group of fang pigs even charged after the pig king amidst the roar of the pig king.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The momentum is like thousands of troops rushing to attack.

This is a collective charge of hundreds of tusked pigs. The shortest of each tusked pig is three meters tall and 1.5 meters tall. There are also big pigs over two meters in it, and the one at the front is over four meters tall. The Pig King.

Although the Pig King had broken a spear-like fang, the other fang still shone coldly under the black iron sand.

"It's not good, that mysterious monster led the pigs to rush over." The purple mirage looked at Chen Mo who was rushing at the front, and the group of wild boars behind Chen Mo that made the ground tremble. , with panic in his eyes, even more at a loss.

"Notify all the sisters, use all your strength to display the illusion, it is best to let them kill each other!" The red mirage stood on the wall at the bottom of the valley, looking at the dusty distance, with worry in her eyes, but she did not flinch , start ordering directly.


"Only by protecting grandma from waking up, can we have a chance to survive. This time our group is in danger, and the only option is to fight to the death!"

"Only fight to the death!"

"Death battle!!"

The faces of all the mirages wearing scale armor were solemn, and the voices of shouts were layered.


The white mist covered up like the black curtain of the night, and instantly strengthened the illusion that was already spreading the white mist. Golden armored soldiers appeared in the white mist one by one, false and real, real and false, these golden armor soldiers There are mirages and false visions.

There is even a huge monster roaring up to the sky, and its huge body is looming in it.

Even Chen Mo was tricked under the blessing of the scarlet ghost eyes. These scenes are so real, it seems that the real ones seem to be real, and those illusory ones become even more illusory. Looming in the middle, and Chen Mo was accidentally attacked by a phantom just now, and there was pain coming from his body.

"True and false, false and true, what a huge illusion!" Chen Mo couldn't help sighing, and in this huge illusion, those tusked pigs also lost their way, and even the same kind of fighting happened.

"Ghost Eyes of the Netherworld!" Chen Mo immediately activated the Ghost Eyes of the Netherworld with ghost energy.

The ghostly ghost eyes opened by the ghost energy slowly restored the real world for Chen Mo. The huge monster turned out to be composed of a large group of mirages. All of them were holding weapons, and their scales were interlocking to form a huge monster. Some of those golden armored soldiers are completely illusory, and some of them are also mixed with mirages holding weapons.

In Chen Mo's eyes, the white mist gradually dissipated, and everything appeared in front of him.

"There!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up, he didn't have time to care about these strange things, he was going to chase that mysterious man, but he didn't expect that mysterious white-robed man to go straight to the old tree without being affected by the illusion The coffin went.

Chen Mo didn't stay too long. After starting the snow walk, he quickly shuttled across the battlefield, climbed over the wall, and then boarded the city wall. Those mirages and wild boars who wanted to stop him were all killed with one blow.


However, with a loud noise, the huge fang pig king broke through a wall of earth and charged directly, and the target was Chen Mo.

"I'm going, how did you find me?" Chen Mo was surprised and at the same time hurriedly speeded up.

It stands to reason that in the illusion created by so many mirages, it is impossible for him to resist the pseudo-innate strangeness, but now he rushed in after chasing Chen Mo.

"Sister, the city wall is broken, I'll stop them!" Without the slightest hesitation, the purple-clothed mirage sent a part of the mirage troops back to the interior of the valley.

"Ah Zi, be careful! You follow Ah Zi, and the rest stay with me to guard the valley gate!" The red-clothed mirage looked neither happy nor sad, and she directly separated more than half of the mirages.

"It's time to wake up!" The white-robed man took out a purple pill and a small porcelain bottle from his robe, and poured them directly into the mouth of the sleeping mirage. The mirage's throat moved slightly, and her eyelashes moved accordingly. .

"Haha, that's what makes sense!" The white-robed man was instantly enveloped in black mist and disappeared beside the coffin.

Chen Mo has been watching him!Increase the speed again, and catch up!
(End of this chapter)

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