Reckless through another world

Chapter 170 Suddenly the man at the beginning of the chapter was in a dimly lit place

Chapter 170

But Chen Mo thought, no, it's not that he hasn't used skills before, but Lord Chi Yan can also imitate him, and beat him even harder.

"Wait, maybe he can imitate simple skills, but what about complicated ones? What about skills that even I don't understand?" Chen Mo decided to give it a try.

"Which one to choose first? Eagle Stepping, the trick of borrowing power in the air, is it stepping on the air?" Chen Mo decided to start with Eagle Stepping.

He also doesn't know the principle of Eagle Stepping. Is it really like those players in the Earth Federation said in the previous life, stepping on the air and then going to the sky?

If you step on the right foot with your left foot, you can go to the sky if you are fast, which may have some meaning, just like twisting off the head of a crocodile has a basis, but there is definitely no theoretical basis for stepping on the air.

Chen Mo jumped lightly, and his body was in a state of no force in the air.

"Eagle Step!"

"Zhi!" An eagle chirping sound came from Chen Mo's muscles and bones, and Chen Mo's body rose two feet in the air in an instant.

Falling back to the ground again, Chen Mo looked at the Chiyan Dijun who was motionless opposite him and smiled, "Haha, little one, I can't even figure out the skills myself, can you figure it out?"

However, Chen Mo hadn't been complacent for a long time, and Lord Chiyan actually moved. Not to mention jumping up, there was also the sound of an eagle chirping from his body, but it was even heavier, and his body also rose two feet high.

"Is this all possible?" Chen Mo stared dumbfounded at the operation of Emperor Chiyan.

"If the skills don't work, what can I do!" Chen Mo raised his head subconsciously, as if he was speechless asking the sky, but when Chen Mo reacted and lowered his head, the Chi Yandijun on the opposite side actually just lowered his head.

"Wait!" Chen Mo's eyes widened suddenly, the ghost eyes on his body just now were absolutely right!

When he raised his head just now, Lord Chiyan never raised his head, and when he lowered his head, Lord Chiyan lowered his head. What does this mean?
"Have I defeated him?" Chen Mo hurriedly pulled down the attribute panel, but it still didn't show that he had defeated Lord Chiyan.

"What's the difference between raising my head and lowering my head just now?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

He touched his chin unconsciously, but the Lord Chiyan still didn't move. When Chen Mo looked at Lord Chiyan and realized his movement, Lord Chiyan touched his chin as well.

"Consciousness?!" Chen Mo expressed doubts.

"It's consciousness!" Then his eyes lit up.

"All the movements are made under my subjective leadership, and Lord Chiyan can only imitate the movements made by my subjective consciousness, there is no way to imitate the unconscious or subconscious movements that I have emptied my consciousness." Immediately afterwards Suppressing his excitement, his voice trembled a little.

"That is to say, he can only imitate my conscious movements, but even though Lord Chiyan cannot imitate some movements, why do I still show that I have not defeated him?" Chen Mo fell into deep thought again.

Hurry up, hurry up, it's just a little short, Chen Mo feels that it's a little short, as long as he can understand, he can defeat Lord Chi Yan and then perform the mosaic.

"Where is the problem?!"

"From the beginning, Lord Chiyan can imitate my movements, and he can imitate conscious movements. He can't imitate unconscious movements. To defeat him, I need to make subconscious or subconscious or unconscious movements.

Chen Mo sorted out the information he got, and analyzed it carefully. He felt that he was about to kick at the door, but this kick was going to happen! !
"And in all of this, what am I missing so that I don't show victory over Him?!"

"What is missing?"

"First of all, I need to be in the rules of the big ghost, and then... wait, it's the rules!" Chen Mo raised his head slowly, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

"A rule is missing, a rule is missing that defines victory and defeat."

"It's like that evil ghost of the three-two-one wooden man. He loses only if he moves under the sight of the evil ghost. If he doesn't move, he even keeps it. When the evil ghost leaves, he wins and lives." Chen Mo recalled Many other evil spirits.

"That is to say, there is a need for a rule to define losing and winning, so I need to establish a perfect game rule, let us win or lose under this rule at the same time." Chen Mo felt that he had found a way to solve the problem and had completed it. solved the whole problem,
Now, the last piece of the puzzle is missing, which is the game with rules and actions.

"Then what is this game?" Chen Mo thought about it in detail, looked at the body, looked at the feet, looked at the hands, and finally fixed on the open palm.

"If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it."

Chen Mo slowly touched his hand, with a strange look in his eyes, and finally said with a wry smile: "So, this game is actually rock-paper-scissors!"

When Chen Mo realized this simple game, he had a strange feeling of looking for him thousands of times, and suddenly looking back at that person in a dimly lit place. The problem that had troubled him for so long turned out to be a simple rock-paper-scissors.

A rock-paper-scissors game you've grown up with and will continue to play even as adults.

"Now, do I have to tell him the rules, or does he know the rules a long time ago, and it's just me, who is as fierce as a tiger in one operation, and the record is zero and five." Lord Yandi.

If Lord Chiyan had thought, maybe his eyes were mocking now, looking at Chen Mo analyzing there like looking at a fool.

"Let me tell you about the rules. Maybe you already understand the rules. After all, your rules are too powerful, but just in case, I will tell you too!" Chen Mo still decided to speak seriously. finished.

"There are three shapes in total, restraining each other!"

"Scissors!" Chen Mo took out a scissors with his hands.

On the other hand, Lord Chiyan followed him out with scissors. Only then did Chen Mo see clearly that Lord Chiyan's ghost claws seemed to have black and golden cuticles. Scissors.

"Cloth!" Chen Mo came out of the cloth shape again, with five fingers spread out and his palm spread out.

Lord Chiyan also produced a piece of cloth, no fingerprints, no palm prints, nothing, it has a dark metallic texture, but you can still see the knuckles, and you can also see the palm, as if wearing arm armor, Layers of cuticles are also covered like scales.

"The last one, stone!" Chen Mo's five clenched into fists.

"Crack!" Lord Chiyan's five fingers also clenched into fists and stretched out through the ghost fog.

"Scissors beat paper, paper beats rock, and rock beats scissors. I call three two one, you and I make our own moves at the same time, if they are the same, it will be a tie, three wins out of five, how about it?!" Chen Mo grinned.

Now that you know the rules, you might as well be bold and make the rules!
"That's coming!" Chen Mo looked at the ghost claw retracted by the other party, nodded, and was about to start shouting.

(End of this chapter)

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