Reckless through another world

Chapter 176 Your Friend Empress Is Online

Chapter 176 Your Friend Empress Is Online

"Boy, you'd better not meddle in your own business. My brothers are happy, and you can also drink some soup, but if you dare to do something bad, you will die here!" Wang Li's face darkened, and the inner energy in his body seemed to be ready.

"A little owl, so arrogant? God catcher, bullshit, we two brothers have never heard of it!" Wu Fei sneered, spat, and stood up as he spoke.

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, these two local turtles had never even heard of God's Catchment Gate: "I haven't heard of it, haha, today you two country bumpkins have opened your eyes!"

As he spoke, Chen Mo stood up, and then a black rock-colored armor appeared on his body, a ferocious ghost helmet, and scarlet ghost eyes.

"This..." Wang Li frowned suddenly, clutching his stomach, and knelt down on the ground.

"Woo!!" Wu Fei was the same, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"Surrender now? You guys just lay down before I exerted any strength?" Chen Mo was slightly taken aback. , he is also confused.

"Hey, big sister, don't drink it, there is medicine in that soup!" Seeing the woman in the cloak drinking the soup gracefully, Chen Mo hurriedly stopped it.

"That's right, it was drugged. Why didn't you lie down?" The woman in the cloak stood up slowly, with a faint smile on her face.

At least 1.8 meters tall, tall and tall, under the cloak is a beautiful black Yuanlong python robe. Although there is a slight smile on his face, there is a domineering meaning between his brows, and a pair of phoenix eyes.

There is no coercion, just standing up, Chen Mo has completely felt the charm of hitting the other party, it is an indescribable personality charm.

"You are?" Chen Mo's eyes widened suddenly. It's not like he hasn't seen this person before, and he has seen him several times.

Looking at the whole body now, with a height of 1.8 meters and a black Yuanlong python robe, Chen Mo immediately recognized it.

This big shot who has met several times in the game world in the previous life, and who also has a large number of supporting fans, is known as the Queen's Guard Corps.

Standing not far from him was clearly that lord, one of the kings of ten directions, Beiyunzhou, the empress!
"But it's impossible, the Empress is in the Yunding Tiangong in Beiyunzhou, how could she appear here!" Chen Mo struggled with his brains, but he couldn't figure out why this top leader among the Kings of Deceit came to Donglinzhou.

"You know me?" The empress had already seen through Chen Mo's reaction.

"Yuanlong Mangpao, who else would it be if it wasn't you!" Chen Mo sighed, he is actually a bit face-blind, but face-blindness is enough to recognize the iconic robe.

"Presumptuous, you are a small owl-level junior, dare to talk to the Lord like this?" The old woman changed her smiling expression and snapped.

"No problem!" The Empress waved her hand to signal the old woman.

"Expose your ghost domain and let me see it!" The empress said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the other party was Huang Quan, who he wanted to see. It seemed that he was exposed in front of the giant ship.

But Chen Mo is obviously not so easy to fool. If a strong man comes here, he wants to see Huangquan. Does he want to show it?
Chen Mo grinned, "Okay! In the same realm, if you beat me, you can do whatever you want. If you can't win, then please go home as soon as possible, the great sage of the human race is not a vegetarian!"

"Okay! If you lose, don't say that I am bullying the small, even if you are the great sage of the human race, you will not be able to stand up!" The empress said with a smile without the slightest hesitation.

"I, Chen Xianzhi, promise everything!"

"Then come on, I will only use owl-level methods. As for my reputation, you can also ask the adult behind you." The eyes of the empress flashed, and then she said with a smile.

"I can trust you!" Chen Mo noticed the important person in the empress' mouth.

"If you have any blessing-like exercises, hurry up and use them. You won't be able to use them in a while! At least you must be convinced." The Empress really wants Chen Mo to be convinced, and at the same time, it is also a confidence in her own strength.

Chen Mo is not hypocritical either, this is really fighting against a strong man, and she is still the empress.

The cultivation base of the female emperor in the expansion is unknown, but the official explained that she definitely surpassed the Heavenly Man.

Originally, the expansion pack after Heaven and Man would be released soon, but who would have thought that Chen Mo's Pioneer technology would be wrong.

He didn't know about those things after that, and he didn't know if the game was running or not. In the end, he was the only one who was trapped by Sword Art Online. No, he was different from Sword Art Online. He directly traveled to another world.

Unparalleled power, the second level of power of the four poles, the first level of counter-warping eight directions!

Chen Mo also brought out the Jackal-level ultimate move, but if it wasn't enough, he could only use the first level.

The height of 1.9 meters three instantly changed to more than three meters, but after you started fighting in all directions, his height was reduced by two inches, and his gnarled muscles were like intertwined roots.

Not only that, but his skin has also completely turned into the heavy armor of Emperor Chiyan, with layers of scales covering his body, the black rock color can reflect light, and scarlet ghost eyes are opened in the gaps in the armor.

Chen Mo's naked eyes also completely turned into scarlet ghost eyes, with a scarlet eye on his forehead, like Erlang God.

"Chih—!" Steaming black ghostly air gushed out from the cracks in the heavy armor.

"Not bad coercion!" The empress looked up and down Chen Mo's current appearance, and the smile on her face became more and more, and there was a little satisfaction in her mature voice.

"Can you use evil spirits?" Chen Mo's voice came through the heavy ghost armor.

"Okay, but it's all the same! Are you ready? Chen Xianzhi?" the Empress said teasingly.

"Fight! Evil intentions..." Chen Mo nodded while rushing towards him.

"Click!" A snap of fingers.

Who would have thought that after a clear voice sounded, Chen Mo suddenly found that all the scenes around him had changed, turning into a vast expanse of white, the ground was white, the sky was white, and even the surroundings were all white. Indistinct.

"Click!" Another sound of snapping fingers sounded, and the figure of the empress gradually appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"It's not easy to fight outside. If you can win this seat in the illusion, you will win." The empress's voice sounded, let alone her appearance, this voice is indeed fascinating, but Chen Mo's focus is obviously on In terms of combat power.

Chen Mo nodded. Naturally, he was not afraid of the empress cheating, and she didn't need to cheat with her cultivation base. Even if she used force, Chen Mo couldn't resist. It would be great to give her a chance.

"Bang bang!" Chen Mo ran up.

"Rising Dragon Slash!" In an instant, Chen Mo came in front of the empress. The 1.8-meter-long empress looked petite in front of the three-meter-tall Chen Mo, but Chen Mo didn't know how to pity her. Besides, Chen Mo didn't even have the qualifications to release water for others. No.


(End of this chapter)

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