Reckless through another world

Chapter 181 Getting Started is Already a Test【5 Subscribe】

Chapter 181 Getting Started is Already a Test

Chen Mo rode a ground dragon and waited on the other side of the suspension bridge. Although it was morning, there were not many people coming to Julu City, and the queue formed a long queue.

It took half an hour to arrive at Chen Mo's place. Naturally, Di Xinglong was moved away by a small official from the inn. After all, this guy was huge and had no way to enter the city. He was brought back to the inn in Julu City through the side gate. for traffic.

Chen Mo did enjoy the treatment of a backup catcher. Usually, he needs to take ten people to go to the dragon, but Chen Mo himself gets one horse.

"Are you?" the clerk at the gate asked cautiously.

Not to mention that Chen Mo was riding a ground dragon alone, and his clothes and demeanor were also extraordinary. It would be difficult to deal with someone important, so it is always right to be cautious.

"I'm Chen Xianzhi, the alternate catcher of God's Catcher, and I'm here to participate in the selection of God's Catcher in Julu City!" Chen Mo took out his alternate token, and took out his identity token from his mustard bag.

It doesn't matter if you are in a small town, but you need to show some tokens when you enter a big city, and generally powerful families will create identity tokens for the children of the family to facilitate identification.

What's more, Dagan also registers the common people. Even if someone really loses his identity token, it can be found mainly based on personal information such as place of origin.

"It turned out to be Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen, please enter the city. After you turn left, you will see the Gods of the Gods Catchment Gate. Mrs. Chen can go by yourself." The little official returned Chen Mo's token and pointed out to him the way.

"Thank you!" Chen Mo clasped his fists together, and then entered the city.

Julu City deserves to be a first-level city. Chen Mo felt the bustling atmosphere as soon as he stepped into it. Although there were no crowds, it was not far away.

"Turn left into the city?" The corridor of the city gate is five or six feet away. Chen Mo glanced at it and stopped paying attention. What he wants to find now is the new recruiting location of the God's Catchment Gate. Following what the little official said, Chen Mo walked to the left.

After walking not far, Chen Mo saw a banner saying "God catches the door!" while the old man who registered was sound asleep.

Chen Mo walked to the table and shouted, but the old man didn't seem to wake up.

Looking at the sleeping old man, Chen Mo thought it would be okay to wait.Anyway, I've already arrived here, but it's just a matter of time, I'm considerate of the old man, at such an old age, I still have to come out to ask for a living.

Chen Mo took a chair and sat beside him, and then began to transform the blood in his body.

Although there are three big dogs in his body, Chen Mo feels that they are still too slow to absorb, and the blood energy transformed by Chen Mo has accumulated a large amount.

Fortunately, Chen Mo's practice is not too slow to transform blood energy into internal energy, otherwise, Chen Mo felt that he might be in a state of burning energy and blood all the time.

Chen Mo sat down cross-legged, attracting the spiritual energy from the outside world to merge with the blood energy in his body to generate inner energy.


I don't know how long it took before Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was a big old face.

"Young man, why are you practicing so hard?" The old man clicked his tongue, as if he saw something novel.

"It's okay, I mainly practice in my spare time." Chen Mo stretched his muscles and bones, creaking and rattling. As he spoke, Chen Mo stood up and took the token of the alternate policeman from his waist.

The old man Qin took the token, and then said to Chen Mo, "Name, place of origin, who else is there in the family?"

"Chen Mo, courtesy name Xianzhi, is from Linshan City, Luming Mansion, East Linzhou, Dagan Dynasty. There are also parents, second uncle, second aunt, eldest brother, eldest sister, second sister..." Chen Mo said his personal information like a formula by heart over again.

If Shenchamen went to investigate, they would definitely be able to find out, but it was not so easy, and the detailed questions were just for emergencies.

Not to mention the awakening of the ghost in the body, if the ghost master loses control and the evil spirit in the body takes control of the body, it will become a ghost controlling people, which is more difficult to deal with than ordinary celibate evil ghosts.

The same question is also to protect the people that these ghost warriors care about. If their parents are killed when they are performing their missions, then there is no need to ask, it means that the evil spirits have awakened!

"Yes, yes, it's rare to see such a diligent and kind-hearted young man."

"To tell you the truth, you have been tested since the time you stepped into Julu City. Those who are lacking in character will be assigned to more dangerous tasks."

"And you are not bad, you can hold your breath very well, your character has passed the test, and the most important thing is that you have not let go of the practice of internal strength. This is not only for now, but you must also maintain it in the future!"

"The old man thinks that your entry evaluation can be excellent, and when the task is assigned, you won't be allowed to go to too dangerous places." Old man Qin said with a smile.

"Thank you for reminding me, so can I go to God's Catchment Gate?" Chen Mo took back the token. He didn't mean anything else, but he prefers dangerous places.

"Okay, but there is one more thing. It is said that Zhang Yanlin, the Jinyin policeman who went to Maple Leaf City, died, and you are still a suspect. Therefore, the old man suggests that you go to the thorns to plead guilty. The god arresting gate prohibits the same sect from killing each other, but if you make a mistake On him, the gods will not cover up." Old man Qin blinked at Chen Mo.

"Thank you for reminding me." Chen Mo nodded. If he was afraid, he would not have come to Julu City God Catchment Gate. It would be nice to follow the Empress. All the power in Beiyun Prefecture belongs to him.

But Chen Xianzhi still thinks that it is better to be close to each other.

What's more, in this world where the strong are respected, there can be no background, no influence, and nothing.

The only thing is not to have no strength!

The strength does not match, not to mention the issue of domestic violence, even if he wants to give orders, who can listen to him?Do you want to eat soft food for a lifetime?

Will be called the soft rice king in the future?Chen Mo can't accept it with peace of mind!

The old man Qin didn't say much, it's a big taboo to make a simple conversation, that is to say, after knowing that Chen Mo had killed Zhang Yanlin, old man Chen only said a few words, would the court give up on someone who could kill Jinyin's fast-moving officer?
Don't even think about it, never give up.At most, he picked up the board high and then dropped it gently, so everyone knew that Chen Xianzhi's life would not be in danger.

So old man Qin's saying these few words is considered to be a friendship. If he said more, it would be easy to annoy people.

The old man Qin smoked a cigarette and called out to the little official beside him: "Xiao Wu, take Mr. Chen into the car and take him to the headquarters of the arresting gate. Maybe from now on, he will be a master arresting master again!"

"Hey, this is Mr. Chen's way." After Xiao Wu hurriedly agreed, he came to Chen Mo to guide him.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded slightly, and followed him up.

(End of this chapter)

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