Reckless through another world

Chapter 184 If you have one breath, you can still fight!

Chapter 184 If you keep your breath, you can still fight!
Gu Peng really worked hard for a long time, and even gambled on his merits, so that the God of Luming Mansion did not issue a warrant and waited for Chen Mo's arrival.

As for why he did this, Gu Peng felt that he was not mistaken. Chen Mo who could say that was definitely not a timid person.

And after getting in touch, Gu Peng also felt that Chen Xianzhi was definitely not a person who would run away timidly.

The most important point is that Gu Peng doesn't want God's Catcher to lose such a powerful combat power. He can activate ghost energy just after controlling evil ghosts, and can suppress people who shaved their heads. Even in less than a month, they unexpectedly Killed the Jinyin police officer.

Chen Mo's combat strength is very important, and it is very important to Luming Mansion. He can no longer go to the battlefield. He hopes that Chen Mo can continue to suppress evil spirits, and he also has a hunch that such people will go further, Become stronger, because of his natural strong intention.

Maybe it sounds fantasy, but you might as well make a bold guess, even if a wanted warrant is issued, can you really catch it?If he is forced to enter the magic gate, he will be even more of a monster.

Gu Peng felt that as Chen Mo's Bole, a great chivalrous man, he had an obligation to serve the country and the people, and he had to let Chen Mo walk on the right path to protect the court and the common people.

And Chen Mo did live up to his expectations, he really came and became stronger, that was enough, everything he did had meaning.

"How is the strength of the Luming Mansion?" Chen Mo asked after visiting the interior of the God's Catchment Gate.

"There is a red-clothed catcher in the God Catchment of Luming Mansion. Basically, the number of gold seals is kept at around five. Of course, my gold seals that rely on meritorious service are not counted, not to mention that I don't have much combat power now. It's gone." Gu Peng forced a smile.

"Generally, being able to release ghost energy is enough to become a golden seal, and it is said that the Lord in Red can already summon evil ghosts to fight outside the body!" Gu Peng clicked his tongue.

Some people are born with a high degree of compatibility, or because of a coincidence, the degree of compatibility with evil spirits has increased, but God Catcher is still in its infancy, and the way to measure it is the strength of the subject. For example, in the case of red clothes, basically It is performed by congenital-level martial artists, most of them are in the late stage of congenital, and very few are in the middle stage.

As for the evil ghosts, at the beginning of the third act, Chen Mo should definitely have no one who can be stronger than his evil ghosts. Kind of, we don't compare.

The world is big, full of wonders, there are people beyond the human world, there is a sky beyond the sky, there will always be someone stronger, even though Chen Mo is cheating, but he is not an orphan!

"Master Gu, you used the wrong power, otherwise it wouldn't be like this." Chen Mo sighed, seeing that Gu Peng tried so hard to protect him, Chen Mo decided to give Gu Peng advice, at least so that Gu Peng would not die so early .

"Using the wrong power?" Gu Peng was a little surprised. He knew that Chen Mo had a high degree of compatibility, but shouldn't this have something to do with personal aptitude?

"Don't use the power of the evil ghost itself, that is to say, don't let the evil ghost get on your body. Just use the martial arts skills brought by the evil ghost in the early stage. Try not to let the evil ghost corrode your body."

"Wait until you can summon the evil spirits before fighting. In fact, the degree of compatibility will increase very quickly. As long as you diligently use the combat skills brought by the evil spirits, and feed the evil spirits with blood and inner energy, the degree of compatibility will soon be improved. "

"Wait until you can summon evil spirits, and then use evil spirits to fight."

"It's like keeping a pet. You just need to feed him well in the early stage. If the fit is not high, he will bite people. After he improves, he will be summoned to fight. At that time, the most important thing is to form a virtuous circle." Chen Mo explained.

"I see. Is this the reason why your body has not been corroded by evil spirits at all!" Gu Peng finally understood that there might be real geniuses in this world. See through.

"Now my body has been eroded too badly. If only I knew this method three months earlier." Gu Peng smiled and shook his head.

"It's not too late, as long as you have the heart, everything is not too late." Chen Mo didn't say everything, he still had reservations, he couldn't say too much, one or two points can be figured out, but too much will easily make people suspicious.

What's more, Chen Mo doesn't believe that those red clothes who can reach the third stage will not know this, they also have reservations, Chen Mo doesn't want to become too conspicuous, it is enough to take care of people who feel good to him, there is no need to say too much.

"Thank you Chen Xianzhi, these things are very precious." Gu Peng thanked him sincerely.

"Just don't spread it. I don't believe that the higher-ups don't know. Maybe if it gets out, we will all cause trouble, and I hate trouble the most." Chen Mo said, thinking in his heart, "If you encounter trouble, you want to go to it more rashly." , recklessly go over and talk about the truth!"

"I understand!" Gu Peng nodded. These things were summed up by Chen Mo. Of course, he couldn't spread the word without Chen Mo's permission. Moreover, Gu Peng also became suspicious of the upper echelon. It shouldn't be like this. Wouldn't it be better to protect the dynasty by giving birth to more powerful ghost emissaries?
In Chen Mo's view, most of them are afraid of the growth of power, which will cause the original system to collapse and lead to chaos. In fact, the court also has their reasons for doing so. As for more reasons, Chen Mo can't think of them. After all, he is not a chaotic person. .

"By the way, what test are they talking about?" Chen Mo asked.

"Mind test, to test whether the ghost master is affected by the evil spirit in the body on the way to control ghosts, and if it is affected, how much is it affected." Gu Peng explained.

"And we also need to test the degree to which the body is corroded by evil spirits. More than [-]% of the achievements are not allowed to go out. In fact, the civil service is not bad, it's easy, and the meritorious service is also high." Gu Peng said with a smile, but Chen Mo saw the glare in his eyes. Reluctantly, in fact, he didn't want to switch to a civilian job.

"Although I can't fight anymore, don't you still have you? I don't have anything to teach you. There is only one thing that I told me from Shangfeng."

"Even if you lose your limbs, as long as you have one breath, you can still fight!!" Gu Peng said firmly.

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, he realized that they are also human beings, they have people they want to protect, they have the belief that they want to fight, they have their own ideals and pursuits, and they can even dedicate themselves to it.

"There is still a breath, and you can still fight!"

"I see!" Chen Mo nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, just go to register your combat strength, and the ability of evil spirits. By the way, I have received all your benefits, and the other one is the replacement number. This is the highlight." Gu Peng laughed, watching To Chen Mo.

"I'm really looking forward to what name it will be, but if you can't decide, I will let you choose it yourself." Gu Peng thinks that Chen Mo's title should be very powerful, because Chen Mo himself is very strong.

"The title of Ghost Controller? What should I name?" Chen Mo grinned, maybe in the future he will use this title to go far, far...

(End of this chapter)

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