Reckless through another world

Chapter 195 Finally Arrived at Beiming City

Chapter 195 Finally Arrived at Beiming City

Along the way, the flight was still flying as usual, but Zheng Qing, who was originally full of respect, looked at Chen Mo with fear in his eyes, which was a kind of awe, awe of the mysterious strong man.

Now he finally understood why those people said that the arresters of the God's Catchment Sect were mysterious and powerful, and that they should not be offended or provoked. It turned out that there were such terrifying things stored in their bodies.

And Chen Mo was also so happy, continuing his practice career, and after seeing these ordinary people more often, they would not be so strange to the ghost master.

Just like dealing with aliens, it will be much better when there are more aliens in the future and they become popular, and when the legislation of the court is established.

"Master Chen...will...become stronger if he is enslaved by such a monster?" Zheng Qing finally asked. When it reassures him, I want to ask.

"Yes, it will become stronger, even stronger than ordinary martial arts, but it also has to suffer." Chen Mo said with a glance at Zheng Qing.

A gleam flashed in Zheng Qing's eyes, and he asked eagerly, "How can I live with such a powerful monster?"

Chen Mo was also slightly taken aback. He really did not expect such a result. Most people know that this matter is mostly because they are afraid to avoid it, so why are they still rushing forward foolishly.

Chen Mo said: "If you have a chance, you will meet them. As for the advice, don't panic, let alone fear, discover their laws instead of running away in a hurry, maybe you can gain strength."

Chen Mo just mentioned it casually. Of course, if this young man really went to find a ghost, Chen Mo would not care about it. He had already given his advice.

"Thank you, Lord Chen!" Zheng Qing nodded.

Chen Mo didn't ask him why he needed strength. There are too many unfair things in this world, and he can't handle them, but if he encounters them, he will take care of them, but he won't take the initiative to ask.

As for why the opponent needs strength, it is nothing more than to protect the family, or to gain fame and fortune. It cannot be for the path of martial arts. There are many people in this world who can forge ahead purely for the path of martial arts, but not many. What a huge portion.

After all, the secular world is more interesting, fame and wealth are even more enviable, and family, friendship and love cannot be given up.

Although Chen Mo himself can't reach that level, he feels that if he wants to climb to the other side of martial arts, he must be too forgetful.

As the saying goes, "If the sky has love, the sky will grow old." It means that if the sky has feelings, it will also grow old with the passage of time.

Therefore, if a person wants to reach this state, he must not be happy with things and not sad with himself.

In Chen Xianzhi's understanding, if one wants to pursue the ultimate in one thing, one must put all one's energy into it, concentrate on doing it, and have no time to care about other things.

It's not really about erasing all emotions, but putting all your mind into what you want to achieve.

As for the so-called being too forgetful, Chen Mo thinks it should be of this kind.After all, it is very difficult or even impossible to truly erase emotions. Even in the previous era of the Earth Federation, there was no way to erase emotions.

Although this is an era when martial arts are flourishing and all kinds of black technologies are available, Chen Mo feels that it is not easy.

Those exercises that can erase emotions made Chen Mo feel that they must have flaws.

Of the three souls and seven souls, the seven souls naturally have different emotions, that is their essence, they can be ignored, and the energy can be used elsewhere. If the seven souls are eliminated, I am afraid that what will be obtained is the walking dead where the three souls are.


"Master Chen, Beiming City is almost here, and I'm going back to the station. Master Chen can enter the city alone." Zheng Qing, who drove the pterosaur, greeted and asked.

"You can go back to the post station in Julu City first, I can go into the city alone!" Chen Mo nodded slightly, and said turning over and getting off the pterosaur.

As soon as he came down, Chen Mo felt the heavy humidity. The air was filled with water vapor, which made him a little uncomfortable. The Beiming faction is close to the Cangming sea area, so the air is naturally humid, but there is a big flame and drought ghost in Chen Mo's body , I am still somewhat uncomfortable with such an environment.

Looking at Beiming City again, as Gu Peng said, there is indeed a tendency to transform into a big city. Just looking at the outside, the scale of the city can almost catch up with Julu City, and the small cities under it are also developing rapidly. Because of the fact that the Ming faction was promoted to the first class, the surrounding economy was driven to develop.

"Go and find out first." Chen Mo is unfamiliar with the place now, his eyes are darkened, and he knows nothing except that someone in the Beiming faction can contact him. As for the contact method, it is the most primitive way of leaving mark.

Either way, the most primitive is also the most practical, and the least obtrusive.

After entering the city, Chen Mo planned to find an inn or tavern first, because such a place is most conducive to inquiring information, and there are more people in the world.

There was a lot of miscellaneous things, Chen Mo didn't understand what he said, and what he said were all unnutritious things, Chen Mo walked out as soon as he came in, he thought he could hear some good news, but he didn't expect any.

He walked out of the city quite disappointed, the only thing to be happy about was finding out where the Beiming faction was stationed, it was not far or near, with Chen Mo's footsteps, he could get there in an hour.

On the official road, a carriage with a haystack was creaking and turning. Lying on the haystack was a young man in a black robe. He was tall and slender, with delicate features. He looked very handsome. , beside him was a long strip wrapped in rags.

It looks like it should be some kind of weapon, this young man in black robe also looks like a man of the world.

Slightly open the long and narrow Danfeng eyes
"Young man, are you also going to the Beiming School to learn art from a teacher? You can't get into the Beiming School at this time, why don't you rest your feet!" The old man who drove the car said to Chen Mo.

"Can't get in? Why?" Chen Mo sat up and asked in surprise.

"The apprentice acceptance ceremony is set at noon tomorrow, and it is impossible to enter the Beiming faction during this time period. Now the surrounding inns and taverns are full of people, and it is useless to go, so let's just rest here. "The old man explained.

"Old man, how far is it from here to Beiming faction?"

"It's not far, we'll be there in less than a quarter of an hour."

"Old man, let's take a rest here. I'll go to the Beiming faction to have a look first. If you come back, you don't have to wait for me." Chen Mo turned over and took out ten taels of silver from his arms to leave for the old man. He was on the same road. travel expenses.

After talking a few times, on the way to disappear...

(End of this chapter)

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