Reckless through another world

Chapter 198 White Ghost

Chapter 198 White Ghost

Chen Mo has already jumped out after a few steps, he wants to see where the white shadow is.

"Huh?" Chen Mo stood on the tree branch and looked at the thing that seemed to be moving, but he couldn't see it clearly. The thing looked like a white shadow, but there was a person under the white shadow. .

Because of the human skin mask, the vertical eye on Chen Mo's forehead could not be opened, so he opened the ghost eye on his hand, and Chen Mo gradually saw the appearance of the white shadow clearly.

It turned out to be a person, at least the facial features, body and so on are all human-like.

"What the hell?" Chen Mo was taken aback. The figure looked like a circle of white mist, hazy, but without the slightest fear and coercion.

"It's not a ghost? Could it be something strange?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter, catch him first!" Chen Mo didn't hesitate any more. No matter how much he guessed, it was his own guess. Only the actual situation can explain the final result. If those tiny details make any difference, then just recklessly pass by.

The extremely yang four-legged snake in the body The black snake with scales raised its head fiercely, and countless black internal energy filled the meridians. Chen Mo held the black knife he got from Zhenyisi, stepped on the ground in three or two steps, and let out a low growl : "The meaning of evil—thousand cuts!"

The body soared into the air in an instant, and leaped away with the help of the power of the Thousand Heavy Slash.

"Eagle Step!"


A low and sharp chirp of an eagle striking the sky resounded from Chen Mo's body, and Chen Mo's body immediately relayed in the air again, and the strong wind around his body made his robe flutter.

"Tiger crouch!"

"Roar!" Like the roar of some ferocious beast, Chen Mo's muscles and bones roared, and his body fell down as lightly as a cat.

At the same time as Chen Mo fell, the long knife in his hand was raised.

"Hey!" The knife gang activated by the inner energy instantly appeared on the blade of the long knife, and the light gray knife gang seemed to want to absorb all the surrounding light.

And the white figure also raised his head slowly, and what caught Chen Mo's eyes was a human face, but this human face was unexpectedly distorted, as if it was roaring angrily.

The white shadow didn't dodge at all, with its legs curled up slightly, it jumped up and ran towards Chen Mo's body.

It seemed as if something had exploded in Chen Mo's heart. Frost hairs stood at the roots, and Chen Mo felt a great crisis. It was a powerful threat. This intuition forced Chen Mo to change his tactics!
"Looking for death!" Chen Mo's heart shuddered, and he let out a low growl. The ghost energy in his body surged out. While adhering to his body, it also covered the inner energy, and the black knife in his hand also transformed into a knife gang of ghost energy.

At the same time as the ghost eyes in the body opened, the ghost armor also emerged, and the black and red horny layer spread all over the body in an instant.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly, the white shadow passed through Chen Mo's body and directly passed through.

Chen Mo felt that he had received a huge shock. He couldn't control his body for a moment, but it was over in just a moment. Chen Mo took over his body again, and at the same time, the huge internal energy was repairing the damage to his body.

After the impact of this white shadow, not only the meridians in Chen Mo's body were damaged, but even some small blood vessels were also ruptured.

And after the white shadow passed through, Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all, the chopping knife in his hand with the black blade had completely landed on the white shadow.

"Ah!" A piercing scream rang in Chen Mo's ears, and the white shadow twisted its body, with a painful expression on its face, and gradually dissipated in the air under the burning of the black flame.

"What the hell is this?!" There was a lingering fear on Chen Mo's face. He felt his heart stopped just now. Although it was not the heyday of Chen Mo's fighting power just now, ordinary ghosts and general strangeness are also They should be helpless to get him.

But it was just that short, he almost capsized in the gutter, and the other party's cultivation base didn't seem to be strong at all, Chen Mo felt that it was a jackal-level strength, and he burst out with such a powerful force, and even passed through him body.

"I forgot to appraise it." Chen Mo patted his forehead, he thought he could take care of it, so he forgot to give an appraisal technique, and the reckless energy went straight to him.

"By the way, there is still a living person!" Chen Mo suppressed his ghostly aura and walked to the side of that person.

It seemed that he was not very old, about 20 years old, his face was pale, and the meridians and blood vessels all over his body were also broken, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Is there any help?" Chen Mo just wanted to check the breath of this young man, and his heart shuddered, the visibility around him was directly reduced by a level, and the black mist faintly enveloped the entire flat ground.

"Ghost? What kind of ghost?" Chen Mo immediately became alert. What happened just now was strange enough, but now he encountered a ghost again, which is really terrible.

"Hoo hoo!" The black mist stirred, and a hunched figure came out of the black mist. Because he was hunched, Chen Mo couldn't see what his face looked like, and he was holding a lamp with a faint light in his hand. Kerosene lamp.

It wasn't until the rickety body came out of the black mist that Chen Mo realized what he had encountered. Chen Mo murmured, "It turned out to be a longevity ghost!"

Shougui, as the name suggests, is a ghost that takes the lifespan of others. Shougui's killing rules are also very simple. As long as a person is about to die, then Shougui will appear next to this person and kill him at the moment of death. The lifespan is taken away, and the favorite of the general life ghost is the person who is about to die.

"Is it coming for him, or is it coming for me?" Chen Mo's eyebrows sank. If he was targeted by this ghost, it would be difficult. There is no way to imprison them, and there is no other danger, except to follow people who will die.

The crooked longevity ghost moved slowly, and walked up to the unconscious young man. With a bang, his head exploded, and a tiny fluorescent tube protruded from it. Stretched out slowly.

"Puff!" With a sound, it was directly inserted into the young man's chest and heart, gurgling, like drinking water, as if he had absorbed something into his body.

Chen Mo's 33 ghost eyes opened to the maximum, staring at that scene.

He may not be able to see it with the naked eye, but under the ghost's eyes, he can see at a glance that what the longevity ghost absorbed was nothing but the soul of the young man. The black soul of the young man seemed to want to cry out, to ask for help, but He was absorbed by Shou Gui without hindrance.

As the young man's soul was absorbed, the kerosene lamp in Shou Gui's hand lit up again, and that Shou Gui's head gradually closed, returning to its original appearance, and Chen Mo finally saw Shou Gui's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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