Reckless through another world

Chapter 200 I think it's a pity

Chapter 200 I think it's a pity
For a while, no one spoke in the main hall of Beiming Sect.

At first they thought it was the Shou Ghost that caused the death of their disciples, but later this kind of thing became more and more suspicious, and those disciples were clearly beaten to death, which attracted the Shou Ghost, and then was killed. kill.

Everyone fell silent, the first elder was still immersed in the grief of losing his disciple, and the other five elders didn't say much, as if they were waiting for the head of the hall sitting high in the hall to speak.

"In this matter, I have already asked for help from the Martial League, and I have also asked for help from the Luming Mansion and the Huxiao Mansion's Shenzhumen. During this time, try not to let the disciples travel alone, and even the elders should not travel alone."

"This seat suspects that this incident is specifically aimed at the Beiming faction. In this difficult time, we should unite and not be suspicious of each other, let alone form cliques!"

"Don't give the enemy any chance, even if you really have a clue, don't rush to explore it yourself."

"At that time, if you are caught in it, not only will your life be in danger, but the clues will also be broken!" The voice of the head of the sect has a sense of calm and comfort.

"Sect Master, what should we do now?" One of the elders asked with his brows tightly locked.

"Wait!" The head of Beiming nodded and said.

"Wait?" Not only this elder questioned, but all the elders seemed to question such a decision.

"That's right, wait patiently. If it's an ordinary evil spirit, I can also take action, but now even the enemy doesn't know. Our Beiming faction has already paid too much, so we can only wait for support!" Beiming faction There was no wavering on the head's face.

"It can be as short as one or two days, and as long as three or four days, and the support will arrive. Elders, don't let go of any slack and explore alone. You can't guarantee that the opponent can kill the innate strong, and even cause damage to me. threaten."

"Go back and prepare well. The great elder is sorry. Gu Lin grew up under everyone's watch. Everyone feels uncomfortable, but we must focus on the overall situation and all the disciples who are still alive." The headmaster spoke earnestly. Comforting the white-haired old man.


After leaving the main hall, the Fifth Elder was talking to the Sixth Elder beside him.

"The head master is too careful. If the other party really has the strength to threaten us, why bother targeting those disciples? I think the opponent's strength is definitely not high. Now is the time to turn him out!"

The fifth elder snorted coldly, he seemed to be a violent master, and he was also in favor of the main attack.

He felt that he would never be able to wait for the enemy to sit still. Even if the enemy showed up in the end, the other party would only show up when he felt that they were strong. Otherwise, who would foolishly expose himself when his strength was insufficient?

"The real master didn't object to our investigation, he just said that everyone should come in groups and don't leave alone. I think what the master said is even true. If there is an accident, there will be someone to take care of you." The sixth elder said calmly. Said.


"Hey, Yuan Jun, I heard that someone died again." The thin monkey whispered to Chen Mo while holding the rice bowl.

"Do you know who died?" Chen Mo already knew that someone died, but he didn't know the identity of that person.

But hearing the roar of the innate strong man, Chen Mo also knew that the person who died should not be a small person, it should be the true disciple of some elder, otherwise he would not be so angry.

In the world of martial arts, the relationship between master and apprentice is sometimes stronger than the relationship between parents. Otherwise, the elders of Shushan would not have returned to Shushan directly from Chunyang Jianzong after the Yuanshen awakened. about the master.

The way of martial arts is personal belief, which needs to be unremittingly pursued and imprinted in the heart. Sometimes belief is terrible, and when one's own belief cannot reach the other side, one needs to inherit the mantle.

The master-disciple spends the longest time together, and the method of getting along is the handover of the road, which is related to one's own belief in martial arts, so the relationship you try is also the most reliable relationship, and many times it even surpasses the blood relationship.

The death of his apprentice, even the same as the death of his son, this kind of grief is naturally shocking.

"I don't know, and it didn't come out. The news of the death came from the people in the dining room." The thin monkey shook his head, he really only came a little bit.

Only then did Chen Mo realize that it seemed that the Beiming faction had blocked the news, but even if it was blocked again, many people still knew about the big commotion last night, even if it was a random guess, it might be right. What's more, this is not the first time such an incident has happened.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of the white ghost shadow that fought with him last night, what exactly was it.

Chen Mo hadn't encountered such a thing in the game before, maybe it was because they were so far away, so Chen Mo didn't know, but the current situation just doesn't know what it is.

"Being able to penetrate my body, although I mentioned the inner qi, my cultivation base is absolutely invincible at the same level, not to mention my qi and blood have already turned into an anaconda, so it shouldn't be penetrated! "Chen Mo silently analyzed.

Although Chen Mo has a sense of crisis, it's just because of such weird things. As for the problem of the world line, there will definitely be weird changes in the real world. This is the butterfly effect in itself, and it doesn't matter if the general direction changes.

A reckless man like Chen Mo who doesn't like to push the plot just needs to keep improving his own strength, and then pass recklessly at the critical moment. Why should he care about the so-called world line problem.

Being reckless is the simplest and most effective solution Chen Mo can think of.

"As for using your brain, please spare me, this is making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger!" Chen Mo sighed.

"What's wrong, Yuanjun?" The thin monkey looked at Chen Mo who was a little dazed, thinking that Lu Yuanjun was frightened.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just feel that it's very dangerous now." Chen Mo reacted in less than half a breath, and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, even if the sky is falling and there is a tall person standing on top of it, we clean the house to dig out the excrement. Could it be that the sky is falling and let us dig out the excrement on the top?" The thin monkey laughed.

"Hehe, you, Liu Zhen, a man who picks up dung, still wants to become a master."

The thin monkey said with a playful smile, "Hey, what's the matter with digging out the dung, you Zhang De don't want to be arrogant, we Yuanjun will become outer disciples this year after we are done."

"A muddy leg is a muddy leg, and you have to rely on the time to dig out dung to be promoted. I became an outer disciple directly during the root bone test. Even if Lu Yuanjun was promoted, it has nothing to do with you, Liu Zhen. "

"At that time, your poor friendship will be broken with a click, and then I will see how long you, Liu Zhen, can dig up shit before you can be promoted!" Zhang De sneered.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity!" Chen Mo didn't want to speak at first, but Chen Mo thought that Shouhou was a good person. When he had "diarrhea", he even took out a big bucket by himself, and didn't complain at all. He thought he was a good person, at least he could do what he could Support and support, even in the early days.

What's the point of being friends if you don't even want to stand up for your friends.

"Lu Yuanjun, what are you sorry about?"

(End of this chapter)

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