Reckless through another world

Chapter 202 Always Ready

Chapter 202 Always Ready
Chen Mo followed Lin Qing to a hall, but after leading Chen Mo to the hall, Lin Qing left first, leaving only Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't see anyone else in the hall, so he found a guest seat and sat down.

"Are you Lu Yuanjun?" An old man with white beard and hair came out from the back hall, sat on the first seat, and asked Chen Mo who was sitting in the guest seat.

"It turns out that the Great Elder summoned me, and I am Lu Yuanjun." Chen Mo stood up and clasped his fists and said, this respect is naturally for the strong, and he also learned from the file that this Great Elder is only second to the head of the Beiming Sect. Those who should belong to the Sha level, that is, the peak of the late innate stage.

As a latecomer, Chen Mo's acquired martial arts at the low level will naturally respect the congenital strong, so this clasped fist is not only because of his current identity as Lu Yuanjun, but also because the identity of the great elder is a strong .

If a weak person wanted such respect from Chen Mo, Chen Mo couldn't do it.

"No, you're not Lu Yuanjun, who are you?" First Elder Li Jingzhen's expression was neither happy nor sad, but the tone of his words was extremely certain that Chen Mo was not Lu Yuanjun.

"Is Zhang De sent by the elder?" Chen Mo asked after thinking about it.

"That's right, it was the old man who sent me to test your level. I didn't expect your acting skills to be so clumsy that you exposed yourself all of a sudden."

"Haha!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, he didn't want to explain anything, although this did not rule out his intention to expose himself, but Chen Mo felt that there was no need to analyze such details too much.

"Great Elder, I am Lu Yuanjun now. As for whether I am or not, it seems that there is no conflict with what you want." Chen Mo nodded after clicking his tongue.

"Okay, the old man doesn't ask if you are Lu Yuanjun, nor does he care if you are really Lu Yuanjun, let alone who you are?"



"I just want to ask you one question!" The great elder stopped all the questions with a wave of his sleeve.

"Excuse me, Great Elder!" Chen Mo cupped his fists,
"Did you go to Wuyun Peak last night?!" Great Elder Li Jingzhen's piercing eyes, like two sharp swords, burst out with a sharp edge.

"Go!" Chen Mo nodded.

"Since you've been there, then pay for my disciple's life!" Li Jingzhen moved violently with a huge coercion and instantly pressed out, and the weapon in his mustard bag also appeared in his hand.

"Beiming Dielang Saber!" In just an instant, he swung eight sabers.

"Wu Shuangli, the power of the four extremes, the second level of power, and the second level of fighting against all directions!" Chen Mo had already activated all the blessing skills at the moment Li Jingzhen released the coercion, and they were in full state.

Fighting against all directions is a jackal-level big move. After reaching the owl level, you can naturally open the second level, but Chen Mo used to open the first level before.

The transpiring ghost energy instantly covered his body. The black and red cuticle ghost armor directly covered Chen Mo's body, and the ferocious ghost helmet directly covered Chen Mo's head.

Four ghost horns protruded from his head, and Chen Mo's eyes were instantly covered by a ghost mask, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes. At the same time, the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead also opened, and the 32 scarlet ghost eyes in his body also followed. Opened through a gap in the armor.


The steaming black ghost energy gushed out from the cracks in Chen Mo's thick ghost armor.

"The meaning of evil—Eight Desolation Rampage Sword!"

(Intent to loot the eight wastes and destroy the city, and run rampant through the misty rain and red!)
The pitch-black knife in Chen Mo's hand erupted with a huge knife intent due to the injection of ghost energy. The black knife energy with a cross section of more than one meter and a length of nearly three meters burst out from the black knife in an instant.

"Keng Keng—!"

The light of the knife in Chen Mo's hand ran rampant in front of Chen Mo like a rampant heavy cavalry.

The sword light coming out of the eight waves came straight to Chen Mo like a horse, but the light of the sword in Chen Mo's hand also moved. In less than two breaths, Chen Mo was smashed by the light of the eight waves and flew out of the hall.

However, Chen Mo also chopped the Eight Waves into pieces with the chopping knife in his hand.

Li Jing was really surprised. Judging by the age of this 'Lu Yuanjun', he didn't seem to be very old, but even if he was a genius, under the pressure of a big realm, he would never be able to leapfrog the battle.

And seeing Chen Mo's attire, Li Jingzhen understood even more that this is the mysterious armored man who climbed Wuyun Peak, so he has no need to keep his hand.

"Beiming Stellar Qi!" Li Jingzhen's figure rushed out of the hall, surrounded by dark blue Stellar Qi. This is the power of the innately strong. While protecting the body, the Stellar Qi can also be transformed into an attack method.

"Northern Sea Sword Gang—!"

With a bang, the slender horizontal knife in Li Jingzhen's hand erupted into a dark blue blade in an instant, as if it had condensed into substance, and the slender and faint blue blade directly slashed over.

Chen Mo growled, "Spiral Hell!"

The ghost claw in his hand instantly condensed the full state of the spiral hell, and the high-speed rotating black sphere rushed away with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Who did the Great Elder fight with?" The gathered disciples discussed one after another.

"Who is that man in black armor? He is so fierce that he can stop the attack of the Great Elder!"

"Who knows, but that armored man exudes a frightening aura, as if..."

"Like a ghost!" One of the disciples reacted violently and said.

"Could it be that this armored man is the legendary Ghost Rider?!"


More and more disciples gathered, and even some elders followed, but none of them stepped forward. Since their first elders made a move, then their first elders would definitely win.

Although the armored man may be the legendary ghost warding envoy, the gap in cultivation is too great. This is a battle that has already been decided.

"Has Lord Yan been exposed?!" A deep voice sounded, but only the owner who made the voice could hear it.The mysterious man wearing a mask stood quietly watching the battle from a distance, ready to stop it at any time.

No matter what, it is impossible to let a Jinyin God arrest be lost in the Beiming Sect, not only because he cannot explain to the court, but also because he cannot suppress the awakened evil spirit in Jinyin's body.

The imperial court will never let it go, let alone let him as a young man.

Another point, the title 'Yan Jun' ah!As soon as the masked man heard it, he knew that he was definitely a fierce person. Even if he was not fierce, the evil spirit inside his body was fierce enough, otherwise, even if he took this title, it would be even more useless.

And now it undoubtedly proved his guess. With the owl-level body and the evil spirit in his body, he was able to support the attack of the evil-level strongman with great difficulty.

So if there is really nothing to do, he will try to expose his identity as a hidden stake, and he will stop this battle.

It is even more impossible for this golden seal to die here quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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