Reckless through another world

Chapter 208 Beiming City Transformation

Chapter 208 Beiming City Transformation
"It's not me!" Fifth Elder also had a gloomy expression.

"Late will change. The old man suggests that we go to Beiming City with Detective Chen to uproot the so-called underworld organization stronghold!" The Great Elder stood up.

"I agree!" Chen Mo raised his hands in agreement, sitting for a while, analyzing and analyzing, it's not as good as the hard work.

And just like what the Great Elder said, changes come later, and unpredictable changes are prone to occur, just like just now, if it weren't for the fact that the head is a celestial being and there are evil spirits in his body, maybe Let the white shadow go.

Chen Mo didn't even realize it. This was related to the problem of nerve reflexes. His own cultivation was still too weak. He could keep up with and surpass those who were at the same level as him, or even those at higher levels.

But one is because the speed of the ghost is too fast, and the other is that the reaction of the celestial beings is indeed much better than that of the owl class.

This is the difference in the level of self-cultivation. If you want to improve, you need to increase your own self-cultivation.

"I also second!" The remaining elders also nodded.

"Then let the First Elder and the Fourth Elder go. The Fifth Elder will provide you with the map. Although the death penalty is inevitable, the living crime is inevitable. The Beiming Prison has been suppressed for 20 years. Do you have any objections?" The leader nodded. At the same time, he looked at the fifth elder.

"No objection." The Fifth Elder also shook his head. It would be good if he could save his life. Where would there be objections? This kind of judging of the sect is taken advantage of by others at a small scale, and is deceiving the teacher at a large scale. Destroy the ancestors and abandon the sect.

If several elders in the sect voted to judge the sect, then the Fifth Elder might be sentenced to death. Since the head of the sect wanted to make a major incident smaller, the elders had no opinion.

The Great Elder is a more rational person. The death of a direct disciple is certainly sad, but the newly promoted first-class sect of the Beiming Sect lacks combat power in the sect. For a rational person like an elder, the loss outweighs the gain.

So the Great Elder was silent, and in the end everything could only be boiled down to a sigh, time and fate!

The rest of the elders also shook their heads. Although some of their disciples had died, they were in the midst of employing people, so they could only imprison the fifth elder now.

"Sure enough, it was discovered. It's really not safe to hand it over to the Fifth Elder. Shuai Yin is right. Now that the experiment of this area has reached this point, it's time to finish it." In a dark underground, A figure in a black robe with a ghost mask on his face murmured.

"Yingling has sent the news that this area of ​​Beiming City needs to be abandoned, but even if it is abandoned, a big gift must be given to that brat who disrupted the situation, and it is also a big gift to the Beiming faction!" Black Robe The man raised his head slowly, and there was no flesh and blood left on his face, only the skull remained, and there were ghostly ghost lights dancing in his eyes.

"Let's go!" The first elder stood up after getting the map, and the fourth elder also stood up.

The fourth elder is a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard, wearing a dark blue Beiming school robe and carrying a sword box. It seems that the Beiming school does not only use knives, but Chen Mo found that most of the Beiming school The disciples all use knives.

"I'll go too!" Chen Mo also stood up. Although he couldn't win against the masters of Xiantian, he had no problem with the tiger-level masters of the first stage of Xiantian. The most important thing was the existence of evil spirits with ruling power.

The two big ghosts in Chen Mo's body are big ghosts with the power of dominance. At this stage, they can be crushed by ordinary ghost warders. The white ghost-like shadow cannot be eradicated with internal energy If not, then you can only use ghost energy.

"Then let's go!" The First Elder nodded, stepped lightly on his feet, and flew out of the hall. The Fourth Elder even slapped the sword box on his back. When the sword in it flew out, he stepped on the sword at once. On the ground, there is quite a feeling of flying with a sword.

"The meaning of evil - walking on snow!"

"Thousand heavy cuts!"

Chen Mo doesn't have so many means, he can only jump, one light body is five feet, and then the eagle step is three feet high and several feet away, and he can rush nearly ten feet in an instant.

"It's better for the old man to take Chen Mo!" The great elder Li Jingzhen lifted Chen Mo up, and the stellar energy under his feet rushed out crazily, as if he was flying in the sky.

"Can the innately strong be able to fly in the air?" Chen Mo was quite surprised, this is different from his impression, it should be the talent who can fly in the air when he is a genius.

"It's not flying in the sky, but it's just a basic lightness, and at the same time, it uses the stellar energy as the driving force to run so far in a short time!" The Great Elder explained with a smile, and it seemed to be true.

After opening the ghost eyes on Chen Mo's forehead, he could clearly see the shadow of the legs that had stopped. On the other side, the four elders' flying in the air should be the same. They should completely control their own quality and then use the innate qi to control the sword, and then human beings Then stand on it to achieve the effect of Yujian flying.

Chen Mo tried to control his body, but found it was not easy, at least it was not easy to use his inner energy.

"Chen Butou thinks too much. The essence of inner qi is to lose to stellar qi. Therefore, inner qi can't achieve the effect that stellar qi can achieve. The true qi of heaven and man's cultivation is another qualitative change, so as to achieve the effect of the whole person. Flying in the sky." The Great Elder knew that Chen Mo was experimenting when he saw Chen Mo's true appearance.

"It's said that the innate is to climb the clouds, and the genius is to ride the clouds, like a soaring dragon, but I don't know if the old man has a chance to step into that realm." Li Jingzhen said with a smile.

"I think the Great Elder is fine!" Chen Mo came back to his senses, nodded and said, not to mention that Li Jing's cultivation base is solid, and her realm is also sufficient. As long as she has such a little understanding, it should be a matter of course to enter the heaven and man.

"Huh? What happened to Beiming City?" The ghostly eyes on Chen Mo's forehead saw Beiming City, which seemed to be in flames. Not only that, but the soldiers were fighting fires like firefighters, and with a glance, Roof Mountain appeared A white shadow.

"It's broken, Great Elder, something happened in Beiming City!" The Fourth Elder frowned tightly, "Could it be the Fifth Elder who tipped off the news?"

"Probably not, the fifth elder won't do such an unwise thing, let's go, let's stop the mastermind first!" Li Jingzhen had already kept the position that the fifth elder said in her heart, and it should be in Beiming City. It's right to see everything at a glance.

"According to the Silver Seal Qinglong Envoy, strange white shadows appeared all over Beiming City. We have already sacrificed our brothers, and we can't feel the pressure of each other at all, and we can't attack each other!" The four spirit envoys have been summoned together, and all Everyone frowns.

"The situation is extremely urgent now. I have reported it to the imperial court. Yinzhang Suzaku will go to notify the God Catchment Gate first, and the rest will follow me to rescue the disaster!" Yinzhang Qinglong stood up and went straight out of the main hall of Zhenyi Division.

(End of this chapter)

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