Chapter 210
"Boom!", Chen Mo, carrying a machete on his back, landed in a triangle with Li Jingzhen and the four elders, surrounding a black-robed man in the center.

"How many are the First Elder and the Fourth Elder?" Chen Mo grinned, looking at the First Elder and the Fourth Elder and asked.

"Two!" the Great Elder said and looked at the man in the black robe in the middle, his brows were frowned by the aura, the other party was only a tiger-level man.

"One!" The Fourth Elder smiled, and he thought it was not bad.

"There are two on my side!" Chen Mo nodded.

The Fourth Elder was stunned for a moment, and thought, "Are young people nowadays already so fierce? Or am I getting old?"

"A total of five black robes were blocked!"

"The last one, which is the sixth one, is you, right? The messenger of Hei Wuchang?" The black knife in Chen Mo's hand pointed directly at the man in black robe, with a playful look on his face.

"That's right! But I waited for you on purpose. I thought you would arrive earlier. After all, there are too many traces left behind in the corpse vault under the tavern!" The black-robed man laughed.

"Evil ghosts cross the Naihe bridge, and impermanence kills immortals to fall."

"Ten thousand years in the Youyou Hades, believers can still live in reincarnation!"

"Your Majesty, Black Impermanence of the Eight Great Yin Commanders of the Underworld, my left envoy of the Netherworld, Li Wanchun! See you!" The man in the black robe revealed his face. It turned out to be a skull. Any flesh and blood, but it seems to be able to see his expression.

"The dragon of Cangming emerges from the deep water, and the heavy whales of the Northern Darkness fall."

"The waves rise and fall for thousands of feet, and the tidal flood in Qiantang brings the fish back."

"I'm here, Beiming Sect, Great Elder Li Jingzhen." Great Elder Li Jingzhen picked up the long knife in his hand, and looked at the black-robed man not far away.

"My servant, Beiming Sect, Fourth Elder Zhang Huizheng." The Fourth Elder stroked the sword case, and the long sword in the sword case had already been unsheathed.

"You must have heard the incision of my God's Catchment Gate many times, so I won't repeat it. Next, Jinyin Yan Jun, Chen Xianzhi, the God of Julu City's Catchment Gate!" Chen Mo grinned, his body covered in black ghost armor. Covered, the black long knife in his hand is even more slender under the blessing of ghost energy.

"You are so brave. How dare you call yourself Yan Jun, but the God Catchment Gate actually gave you such a title." Only the ghostly aura on Li Wanchun's face was clearly visible on Hei Wuchang Zuo Shi, whose head was a skull. He was rolling violently, as if he was angry roar!

"The name Yan Jun is only available to me, Yan Luo, the tenth palace of the underworld. What kind of thing are you?"

"Chen Xianzhi? Die!" The black-robed man shot directly, the black robe on his body was torn instantly, revealing his flesh, and a ferocious ghost head appeared on his head, as if he had been replaced by the head of an evil ghost head.

"Did I use this title to offend you?" Chen Mo felt that this cliff was a nerve, and he wanted to give him a good death by talking well, so let's do it!
"The meaning of evil—Eight Desolation Rampage Sword!"

Chen Mo let out a sharp roar, and the ghostly aura burst out from his body. The three-meter-high body, with the flash of the knife light, made the surrounding air tremble, and the huge force whipped up a strong wind and howled.

"Thousand heavy cuts!"

Chen Mo rushed forward, the rocky floor under his feet suddenly shattered, his legs turned into afterimages, and his body swooped down, like a ghost out of a cage, the knife in his hand had already become an afterimage.


The saber energy in Chen Mo's hand touched the opponent's body.

"Boom!" There was a sound.

Li Wanchun was instantly pulled out by Chen Mo's chopping knife.

"It's so powerful, the darkness shakes the ground!" Li Wanchun lamented Chen Mo's great strength, and at the same time, he turned over in the air, his legs fell on the ground, and he had already stabilized his body while crushing the ground.

"Evil intentions - trampling on war!"

However, Chen Mo did not let go of this opportunity. While his body was spinning, his legs kicked on Li Wanchun's body, bang bang bang!I don't know how many kicks have been made, Chen Mo is just fighting with all his strength!

The blood of the battle is raging, the blood drinks the knives, and the body maintains leverage in the air with the help of the skill of the eagle step. Chen Mo's boots have already turned into the shape of ghost feet. Five ghost toes glowing with black light, time and time again The bombardment hit Li Wanchun's body.

"Let's make a move too!" Grand Elder Li Jing really didn't think it was worth a one-on-one fair duel.

His disciple died tragically, the people of Beiming City were massacred, and the Beiming faction was made into a miasma. Even this calm old man is already angry. How can he relieve his worries?Only violent beatings!
"Kill!" The fourth elder didn't say a word, and the flying sword in his hand flew out of his hand, heading straight for Li Wanchun's head.

"Northern Sea Wave Knife, thirteen layers! Ten thousand zhang waves rising!"

How terrifying would it be for an innate peak-level master to attack with all his strength?
The blade in the hands of the Great Elder burst out instantly, and his body was like an afterimage, babble!The thirteen huge and coercive thirteen sword gangs directly blocked all the escape routes of the black-robed skeleton man, and the great elder had already approached him with a knife.

"Despicable, to beat the few with more!" Li Wanchun roared angrily, after being pierced by the knife gang, his face roared angrily.

Only the head on his body is a skeleton, and the body is still flesh and blood, and the blood directly soaked the black robe.

"Hmph, despicable? The old man interrupted your dog legs today!" The chopping knife in Li Jingzhen's hand instantly expanded to a length of ten feet.

Not only Li Wanchun was shocked, but also the Fourth Elder and Chen Mo were also shocked.

"The evil ghost is here!" Seeing that something bad happened, Li Wanchun roared, and all the wounds on his body completely dissipated the ghost energy.

"I, someone Li, underestimated you, and even underestimated your shamelessness. The Great Elder at the peak of innate is shameless and beats the few with more shameless."

"Hanging ghost, come out, the evil spirit is awake!" Li Wanchun was originally a congenital-level master, but he couldn't hold back a congenital peak, a congenital mid-stage, and an owl-level but fiercer than ordinary congenital tiger-level arresters. , he could only fight desperately.

"Hehe, cough, ho ho..." The will-o'-the-wisps dancing in Li Wanchun's eye sockets seemed to be strangled by something to protrude.

"No, he wants to wake up the evil spirit in his body!" Chen Mo frowned and snorted coldly.

"Senluo Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo made a bold move, summoning Ghost Domain, and Yong Ghost Domain enveloped Li Wanchun.

"Your Excellency's plan is about to succeed. You idiots, you don't even know that I'm waiting for you. Hoho, my sacrifice will be remembered by the underworld!" The will-o'-the-wisp in Li Wanchun's eyes went out immediately.


[Trigger Precious Mission: Heiwuchang's Plan]

[Mission Reward: An Evil Ghost]

(Heiwuchang seems to be planning something, and it is about to succeed. Organize Heiwuchang, and will get rich rewards)
"Bring me back!"

"Three-eyed Yama!"

"Nether Ghost Eye!"

The 66 ghost eyes opened abruptly, looking directly at the beating ghost fire in Li Wanchun's eye sockets!

"Lock his mind and suppress it for me!" Chen Mo screamed, his face was full of ferociousness, the veins were like earthworms crawling around the eye sockets, and the 66 scarlet ghost eyes were steaming with a scarlet ghost aura .

Chen Mo's naked eyes also turned scarlet, even tears of blood appeared.

"Suppress me—!" While roaring fiercely, his eyes were bleeding non-stop.


"Come on!" At this moment, three more ghost eyes opened on the body of Yama with three eyes.

At the same time, three scarlet ghost eyes opened on Chen Mo's body.

The addition of the six ghost eyes not only increased the compatibility between Chen Mo and Yan Luo with three eyes by 3%, but also allowed Chen Mo to suppress Li Wanchun's mind and control it.

"Heiwuchang, where is it?" Chen Mo had no time to ask other questions, he could only choose this one.


"Where is it!" Chen Mo roared, the blood in his eyes had already started to tick on his cheeks.

"In the land of potential dragons, the place of dragon veins..."

(End of this chapter)

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