Chapter 214 Wake Up!
"Sect Leader, go to the Land of Qianlong, the commander of the underworld has a conspiracy!" At the same time, the fourth elder has also arrived at the main hall where the leader is.

"Quick! Hit the big bell of the sect, and call all the elders, deacons, and true disciples to come to the hall for discussion!" The real master who was originally sitting at the head of the sect stood up immediately, and the disciples beside him flew out of the hall in an instant.

"Om!" The sect's big bell rang immediately after the head disciple arrived, spreading throughout the entire Beiming sect.

"Sect order?"

At the same time, all the elders and deacons, as well as some true disciples who had retreated, also raised their heads. They all became nervous, and all of them circulated the stellar energy in their bodies and rushed to the main hall like shooting stars.

For a moment, like a fairy passing by locusts, he flew towards the main hall.

"Has the bell struck?!" Li Jingzhen, the great elder who was carrying Chen Mo, also heard the sound of the bell striking. This is exactly the sound of the big bell in the center of the sect being struck, and it is also the sound that is struck every time the sect faces difficulties. the bell.

"Great Elder, it seems that we have to speed up." Chen Mo's body is still Wuxiu's body, without any bonuses activated.

Blessing skills not only bless his combat power, but also his weight and quality. The Great Elder couldn't lead Chen Mo to run at full speed when he opened the ghost armor at a height of three meters.

So Chen Mo has already released all the blessing skills.

"Then charge with all your strength!" the Great Elder smiled.

Then he gave a low voice, "Beiming Secret Technique, Beiming Dragon Whale Transforms Kunpeng!"

With a bang, all the Gang Qi from the Great Elder's body burst out and turned into a huge Kunpeng, covering the Great Elder and Chen Mo.

Now the Great Elder is like a Kunpeng soaring in the sky and taking advantage of the wind, the speed has increased by two levels again, and now Chen Mo has realized the real flight.

Flight under the urging of the secret method.

"Hahaha, happy!" Chen Mo grinned, despite the turbulent wind passing by his ears, despite the huge air current whistling on his body, but nothing could affect Chen Mo's mood.

This is what it feels like to fly into the sky!Passionate and surging, even better than on a flying mount.

The earth was frantically passing by, the clouds in the sky were also broken through in an instant, and the blue stellar energy on the body of the great elder was sizzling, and from a distance, it was a bird flying out of the sea and about to turn into a Kunpeng's giant kun rushes directly out of the clouds, and with its wings spread, it can take advantage of the wind and soar upwards.

"Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles!"

"The Beiming School's secret method is well-deserved!" Chen Mo finally saw the background of a first-class sect.

The promotion time of the Beiming Sect is actually not long, but the strength of the sect is not weak at all, just the six elders who are on the bright side of the sect have emerged in large numbers, and now the first elder is even more talented. Cultivated to display the unique skills of heaven and man.

Chen Mo felt that the Great Elder was definitely a young master in the first echelon in their time.

"Master Master!" The remaining three elders have come to the main hall, and thirteen of the fifteen deacons of the sect have also arrived, and there are also some true disciples who have cultivated in seclusion and have broken through the innate. None of the old monsters came.

After all, those people are the background of the sect, and they cannot be directly revealed to the public, unless it is when the sect is alive or dead.

Not to mention first-rate sects, how could it be possible that only second-rate sects did not have a strong man in charge, and how could they not be closed to death, or those who died in feigned death belonged to the former strong men of the sect.

Not to mention other things, some real masters who have retired from each generation may have died, but what about others?Those who are still alive, they will continue to practice, break through, and maintain the sect.

"Today, the underworld is disturbing my sect, so I summon all the elders and deacons, as well as true disciples, to surround and kill the underworld commander."

"Those who mess with my sect - die!" The real master slowly stood up from the head seat, and his voice was like the long roar of a torrent of bells.

"Those who mess with my sect, die!"

Everyone was solemn and solemn, and drank in unison!

Nearly twenty masters gathered in the main hall of the head, and under the leadership of the real head, they flew out of the hall and went straight to the dungeon!


"Ho ho, ho ho! Your plot has been revealed, the yin commander of the underworld... Hei Wuchang!" The fifth elder said with blood on his mouth, and when he heard the bell of his own sect, the fifth elder finally let go of his hanging heart.

Under the mourning stick, even if the fifth elder made a breakthrough in front of the battle, he was still unable to defeat. The opponent was not only innately peak-level, but also possessed a big ghost, which was different from ordinary ghosts, but a real big ghost.

Black impermanence!
The big ghost in the body of the handsome underworld turned out to be the evil ghost of Heiwuchang.

"So what? It's revealed. I don't want to hide it anymore. I just use your Beiming faction as a sharpening stone!" Shuai Yin and Hei Wuchang laughed loudly.

"My head of the Beiming faction is a dragon-level celestial being, and I have a Beiming water ghost. Even if you are yin and handsome, how can you be so strong?" The fifth elder sneered, he didn't need to worry anymore , It's enough, it's enough to hold Yin Shuai.

"You don't understand. What do you think this land of Qianlong is for? It's a place to breed stronger evil spirits! It's the testing ground for me and the Underworld. It's hard for you to suppress the evil spirits in this land of Qianlong. imagination."

"And today, you are lucky enough to be able to see this big ghost. After all, it should belong to your Beiming faction. Hahaha, unfortunately, it will belong to me now!" Hei Wuchang laughed loudly.

Standing behind him was Heiwuchang, who was three meters tall, wearing a long black top hat, and a dark mourning stick in the ghost's hand. The scarlet ghost's face was ferocious.

The fight against the Fifth Elder just now was just for fun.

"You..." The Fifth Elder's anger welled up, and another mouthful of reversed blood spewed out.

"Being beaten four times by the mourning stick, you are still tenacious and did not die, but it is too soon, your soul has been scattered, and death is only a matter of time, so watch carefully." Hei Wuchang As he said that, he stopped smiling and gave the Fifth Elder a cold look.

"Ben Shuai, how did you defeat everyone in your Beiming faction! You broke the sect of your Beiming faction!" Hei Wuchang walked slowly into the darkness as he said.

And with Hei Wuchang's voice fell.

The darkness of Qianlong Land was suddenly illuminated, one after another glowing red oil lamps were lit, two rows of nearly twenty men in black robes stood on both sides, not far from the center of an altar, A tall figure exuding a faint blue light was locked by more than a dozen shackles made of star gold.

Under the faint light, the tall figure gradually appeared.

A tall figure stood upright in the center of the altar, a single horn drew an arc from the top of the head, bent to the back of the head, a pair of long and narrow eyes were tightly closed, the graceful figure loomed under the black ghostly aura, An abyss-like blue feather-like ripples surround the big ghost.

The fear and coercion of the town's soul emanated faintly, and the fifth elder lying on the ground had his eyes widened, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing that tall and graceful figure, Hei Wuchang's face showed a fanatical attitude, the corners of his mouth gradually pulled back, his eyes were obsessed with looking at the huge five-meter-high figure, "Hey, haha, quack!" Laughing The voice gradually became crazy.

"Wake up, the supreme being of Beiming, the skull of Kunpeng, the emperor in the water, the free ghost!"

Accompanied by Hei Wuchang's words, all the men in black robes on both sides raised their weapons, clang clang, and a dozen chains were chopped into pieces. At the same time, all the men in black robes showed their arms.


They cut off their wrists directly. When the wrists were broken, blood gushed out. They all bent down and put their wrists into the altar. The lines on the altar lit up scarlet, and the blood flowed like a river...

(End of this chapter)

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