Reckless through another world

Chapter 216 Have You Experienced Despair?

Chapter 216 Have You Experienced Despair?



A huge ghost hand blocked Zhang Ruiyu's full blow.

Horror flashed in Zhang Ruiyu's eyes, and when he looked up, it turned out that the five-meter-tall ghost standing in the altar appeared behind Yin Shuai at some point, and it was his ghostly hand that blocked Zhang Ruiyu's attack. Hit with all your might.

The ground under the big ghost's feet suddenly shattered, and then, bang bang bang, it shattered layer by layer, spreading tens of feet. One can imagine that Zhang Ruiyu's knife was powerful, but it was still blocked by the big ghost.

Accompanied by the turbulent ghost aura, the huge ghost hand swept out fiercely, and the howling wind made Zhang Ruiyu's robe rattle.

Zhang Ruiyu turned the long knife in his hand, the huge Kunlong raised its head and roared angrily, but retreated just like that, Zhang Ruiyu was not reconciled at all, not at all!
With a long cry, "The giant whale draws water!"

The dragon whale raised its head, and the aura around it also mobilized.

He wants to strike again, no matter what the ghostly hand of the five-meter-tall ghost is like, he must strike again and cut off the handsome head, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!
"The sea of ​​darkness is boundless!"

At the moment when Yin Shuai and Xiaoyaogui formed a connection, he could already use the skills of Beiming Zhizun. As the Beiming Zhizun, the supreme in the North Sea, the boundless sea of ​​​​underworld, set off huge waves!
"Boom boom boom!!!"


Zhang Ruiyu's full blow was still blocked by the Venerable Beiming. The ghost energy seemed to have turned into the sea of ​​Beiming at that moment. forward.

Even Zhang Ruiyu was thrown backwards by the shock, a mouthful of blood surged up and spewed out with a puff.

No matter how strong Zhang Ruiyu's sword intent is and how powerful he is with the power of heaven and earth, but he is only a dragon-level heavenly being, unable to break through the defensive wall of Xiaoyaogui, the Venerable of the Northern Darkness, and was even injured by his own moves.

"Hahaha..." Yin Shuai Hei Wuchang laughed wantonly.

Just now, he was afraid, yes, the fear of death, even as Heiwuchang felt the fear of death.

Survival after a catastrophe is always a joy. Originally, he really did not expect that the head of the Beiming faction would be so powerful. He resisted it with his innate peak cultivation.Did not even resist a blow.

Almost, just that little bit, he died under the knife of this new generation head.

It's a pity that 59 points and zero points are both failing, almost nothing.In battle, there are only life and death, life is without death, and death is without life.Now that he has formed a connection with the Venerable Beiming, the battle situation has been completely reversed.

"Zhang Ruiyu——!"

"Come on, let me see how you can kill me!" Yin Shuai Hei Wuchang smiled.

Zhang Ruiyu's face was solemn, he didn't say anything regrettable, and he didn't complain about the so-called fate, he could only say that this evildoer should not be killed, he had already struck three times, but he still couldn't be killed.

"If a villain succeeds, the so-called Underworld is nothing more than mediocrity!" Zhang Ruiyu sneered, his voice full of calm.As a swordsman, Thaksin believes in the sword in his hand, whether he can behead the opponent or not, it will not shake his trust in his own strength and the sword in his hand.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, you, Zhang Ruiyu, were so close to beheading this commander. Since you can't behead me, then let's watch your fellow disciples fall first!" Hei Wuchang shrugged, his handsome face There is a smile on the face, that is a kind of madness.

Even if he is connected to the Lord of the Northern Darkness, Yinshuai Heiwuchang is not sure that he can kill Zhang Ruiyu. The heavenly man is the heavenly man. What's more, Zhang Ruiyu's strength is very strong. He thinks it is better to cut off the rest of the miscellaneous fish before killing Zhang Ruiyu.

At the same time, Yin Shuai also planned to consume Zhang Ruiyu's true energy while threatening Zhang Ruiyu with others.

The terrifying coercion of the Lord of the Northern Darkness began to radiate in this empty land of potential dragons, and the empty space was immediately filled with black ghost energy. gradually disappeared.

"Zhang Ruiyu, if you have the ability, cut off the head of this commander, otherwise, your Beiming faction will be expelled today!" Yin Shuai's figure gradually disappeared under the ghostly aura of the Lord Beiming, and the space of Qianlong Land There was an instant silence.

Everyone's hearts became tense. The darkness not only covered the sight, but also blocked the five senses and six senses of the people. What's more, in the space shrouded by the ghostly spirit, no one knew what kind of horror would appear.

Darkness, here we come!
"Everyone, come to me!" The Kunlong on Zhang Ruiyu's body roared, propping up the only ray of light in the darkness.


At the moment when Zhang Ruiyu lit the Kunlong, someone had already let out a scream, which was heart-piercing but then stopped abruptly. Panic.


"There is definitely a powerful ghost inside!" Chen Mo said with a serious face.

He stood at the gate of Qianlong Land, all his ghost eyes were lit up, ghost armor also appeared on his body, and the three-eyed Yan Luo and Chiyan Dijun in his body seemed to be roaring, causing the ghost energy in his body to surge .

"Chen Kuai, what do you think of the current situation?" The Great Elder Li Jingzhen looked at Chen Mo. If you want to talk about the understanding of ghosts, the catchers of the God Catch Sect are more convincing, and Chen Mo is still the Jinyin God Catch.

"Field control skills can reach this level, which means that they are at least an epic ghost, and may even be close to perfection." Chen Mo frowned slightly. Field control skills have already made his eyes shine, but they still can't reach this level of sincerity.

To be honest, the ghost domain is a skill that only some unique ghosts have. Otherwise, with this field control skill, maybe it can really evolve a ghost domain for him.

"Then what should I do?" Li Jing really didn't know what to do.

"I still have to go in and have a look." Chen Mo looked at Li Jingzhen, he had already activated all the blessing skills in an instant, and his height of three meters seemed a bit small in the huge dungeon of Qianlong Land.

After all, the ghost on the altar is five meters high, and the underground palace built is at least three times the height, let alone the breadth.

"Go in?" Li Jingzhen asked in surprise, he didn't think it was a good time to go in.

"That's right!" Chen Mo nodded, "If you don't go in and have a look, you won't know the opponent's strength, and you won't be able to fight against them. Even if the opponent has a big ghost, the master master also has evil ghosts on him, right? There is still a chance of winning.”

And another reference point for Chen Mo is the quest log. Even if there is a black impermanence in it, the level of the quest is not that high, which means there is a probability of victory.

Just do it!

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo's whole body was covered by the scarlet ghost domain in the black, and at the same time, it also enveloped the Great Elder.

You must take the Great Elder with you. The innate peak cultivation base can definitely become a qualified toolman thug, so Chen Mo thinks it is very necessary to bring the Great Elder. After all, he is only a low-level martial arts at the owl level.

Fourth Elder Zhang Huizheng found that he could not see clearly gradually, his eyes were suppressed by the darkness, you must know that he is a powerful martial artist, but he was still terribly affected by ghost energy.

The darkness came like a tide.

"Then let's use you again!" Heiwuchang whispered in the ears of the fourth elder, and the ghost hand hidden in the strong ghost aura gradually stretched out, and a pitch-black mourning stick appeared in the ghost's hand, gradually approaching.

"Crack!" A hand was placed on the shoulder of the Fourth Elder.

The fourth elder shivered in fright.

"Who!" The Fourth Elder suddenly burst out with fierce energy, and swung the long sword in his hand.

"It's us." The voice of the Great Elder sounded.After entering Chen Mo's ghost domain, the Fourth Elder finally felt his vision clear.

A middle-aged man who was only 40 years old was so frightened that he slumped on the ground. He was not afraid of death, but the feeling of despair was so frightening that even if he held his breath, he could feel the evil spirit whisper.

(End of this chapter)

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