Chapter 223 The Fifth Stage
[Ding, activate the empowerment formation]

The huge formation flooded under Chen Mo's feet in an instant, and at the same time, a huge circular light blue formation appeared above Chen Mo's head.

Light blue pillars of light rose from the gaps in the formation, connecting from the ground to the sky.

【Spirit Gathering】

The formation seems to have a huge suction force, and those small spots of aura that were suspended in the air frantically converge towards Chen Mo, and finally converge into a long river of aura.

【Reiki Purification】

The middle layer of the formation is like a funnel to filter out the impure aura, leaving behind the pure aura, and some that can be compressed and purified are not let go.


The qi and blood in Chen Mo's body immediately became active, cheering and cheering to welcome the arrival of the aura empowerment, one after another rushed into the long river of aura, but Chen Mo suppressed the surge of his own qi and blood, now is not the time for him to break through.

"Huh?" Yin Shuai and Hei Wuchang suddenly felt that Chen Mo was not breaking through, because the coercion emanating from Chen Mo was not increasing.

However, no matter what, the momentum of this owl-level kid must be contained.

"Black Impermanence! Impermanence Sorrowing Soul Stick!" Yin Shuai roared.

The speed of Heiwuchang who was fighting Suicune increased again, and the pitch-black Wuchang stick appeared, and a huge ghost aura burst out from Heiwuchang's body with a hissing sound.

Heiwuchang's figure actually disappeared in front of Suicune.

"Impossible?!" Zhang Ruiyu exclaimed.

"Shuijun, stop him!" Under Zhang Ruiyu's order, Suicune's figure also moved, "Beiming, cut across!" The huge ghost knife in Shuijun's hand immediately cut off the ghost energy in the air, and at the same time At the same time, his figure swayed slightly, and he was already in front of Chen Mo.

"The Nether Sound Wave Qi!" Heiwuchang's body burst out with a huge amount of Qi, and a smile finally appeared on Junxiu's face.

"Not good!" Zhang Ruiyu exclaimed, but he was unable to intercept any more shots. The attack of the Lord of the North had already arrived in front of him. At the same time, because of distraction, Zhang Ruiyu was severely beaten by the Lord of the North clap.

With a sound of "Puff!", blood gushed out of his mouth, and Kunlong also howled.

Without everyone's resistance, Hei Wuchang finally came to Chen Mo.

"Death Scattering Soul Claw!"

Without extra words, Yinshuai Heiwuchang directly displayed his martial arts skills, exuding light gray hands like ghost claws, and poked into Chen Mo's chest with a puff.

"Die—!" At this moment, Yinshuai Heiwuchang finally showed a smile. This is a kind of carefree emotion. Looking at the young genius in front of him, his life is gradually passing by.

Blood flowed across Chen Mo's chest, and his mouth was also filled with blood.

"Chen Xianzhi!" Zhang Ruiyu turned around abruptly, and directly blocked the attack of the Lord of the Northern Darkness in front of him, and with a long roar, he was about to return to Chen Mo's aid.

The 36 wide-open ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body turned wildly, but the naked eyes were still closed.

However, the long river of spiritual energy above his head finally poured down.

After passing through Chen Mo's body, Pi Lian's long river of spiritual energy instantly split into two, one part flowed to the three-eyed Yama who was fighting, and the other flowed directly to the Lord Chiyan in his body.

[Three-eyed Yama Affinity +0.1%]

[Three-eyed Yama Affinity +0.1%]

[Three-eyed Yama Affinity +0.1%]


[Affinity degree of Lord Chiyan + 0.1%]

[Affinity degree of Lord Chiyan + 0.1%]

[Affinity degree of Lord Chiyan + 0.1%]



[The three-eyed Yama fit rate reached 91.1%]


[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the fifth stage of the Three-Eyed Yama, where humans and ghosts become one]

[Reward: In addition to the body of pure yang, any two primary characteristics can be upgraded by one level]

In less than a moment, the three-eyed Yan Luo's matching degree had reached 91.1%. Chen Mo finally opened his eyes, looked at Hei Wuchang right in front of him, and grinned, even though it was already full of blood.

"Death!" Yin Shuai wanted to raise his hand to pierce Chen Mo's heart, but his eyes gradually widened, and Chen Mo standing in front of him gradually faded away, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Enhance super-speed regeneration, extreme combat body!"


[Ultra-speed regeneration (intermediate level): Cell activity increased by 20%, wound healing rate +10%, hematopoietic ability +6%, flesh and blood strength +3%]

[Extreme combat body (intermediate): No matter in any state, it can display 120% combat power, body control rate +20%]

"Are you looking for me?!" A voice condensed through ghost energy rang out behind Yin Shuai and Hei Wuchang.

Heiwuchang felt a shadow shrouded behind him, turned his head abruptly, and what caught his eyes was a huge ghost of more than four meters and nearly five meters high, with steaming ghost energy surrounding him, and countless scarlet ghost eyes all over his body. , a pair of horizontal eyes on the head, and a scarlet vertical eye on the forehead, revealing a scarlet light.

"Evil ghost... spoke?" Hei Wuchang's heart trembled, "What the hell are you, are you a human... a ghost?!"

"Of course I'm a human! But now I'm more like a ghost." Chen Mo slightly raised his hand, and ferocious ghost claws appeared in his eyes.

Feeling the power constantly emerging from his body, Chen Mo found that it turned out that ghost control in reality is so pleasant, and the power gushing from the depths of the soul is very exciting.

Power is constantly pouring out of the body, and the fighting spirit is surging like a tide. The fifth stage of controlling ghosts is the unity of human and ghost, and using humans to control ghosts!
Controlling the evil spirit, the line of sight is different, and even the feeling of the body is completely different. It seems that even the mood of the evil spirit can be felt. This is a brand new experience, which cannot be compared with deep stealth.

The attributes of Sanmu Yanluo also reappeared on Chen Mo's light blue system panel.

【Name: Multi-eyed Ghost】

[Title: Three-eyed Yama]

[Template: Big Boss]

[Quality: Semi-perfect (requires a huge amount of blood)]

[Growth status: juvenile body (unrecovered)]

【Repair: 62 eyes】


[Available ghost energy: 62 notes]

[Skills: Senluo Ghost Domain ([-]nd stage), Nether Ghost Eye ([-]nd stage), Spiral Hell]

[Status: Awakened (intact)]

[Fusion Status: Fusion and Host]

[Fitness: 91.1%%]

[Strength: two stars (perfect)]

[Yan Luo comes out, all ghosts cry, and the multi-eyed ghost domain leads to the dark road. 】

[Evaluation: The fifth stage of ghost control, the primordial spirit-type evil ghost, and the multi-eyed ghost are about to start the road to promotion.Let him grow, let him kill, he will crush the enemy's bones for you and destroy the enemy's will.Ride him, ghost master, he will be your powerful partner. 】

"Is this the fifth stage of controlling ghosts? Humans and ghosts are united! Ghost energy will not be exhausted, and evil ghosts will not stop fighting." In the current state, ghosts are humans, and humans are ghosts, although Chen Mo can still feel Even in his own body, he can also feel the power of the three-eyed Yama.

Now, the two powers are combined into one and used by Chen Mo.

The blessings of all Chen Mo's characteristics were also blessed on the body of the three-eyed Yama, and the three-eyed Yama gradually put on the armor of Lord Chiyan, and the scarlet ghost armor appeared on the body of the three-eyed Yama in the pitch black .

Counting the ghost energy provided by Lord Chiyan, Chen Mo can use at least eighty injections of ghost energy now.

(End of this chapter)

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