Reckless through another world

Chapter 236 The name of God Catcher is still useful

Chapter 236 The name of God Catcher is still useful
"Tell me about the terrain around the shelter." Chen Mo glanced at Hei Pi beside him and said.

"The sanctuary is located in the middle of the world, surrounded by great plains, and you can see the mountains in another three hundred miles. There are basically no demons in this world higher than the king level, and because you are the ruler , all the demons are eager to eat the ruler to evolve."

"It seems that I don't need to go all out to find wild monsters." Chen Mo nodded slightly. Although this ruler game is a bit like resource management games such as Civilization and King of the North, it is more like StarCraft. The ruler is the queen of the Zerg.

"Brother, do you want to come with us? In this case, you are an acquired martial artist of the owl level. If you don't have comrades in arms, you will easily die here." A small group of martial arts not far from Chen Mo found Chen Mo. The middle-aged Wu Xiu sent out an invitation.

Chen Mo took a glance and found that the four men and one woman were all at the level of innate tigers.

"[-] points?" This thought popped into Chen Mo's mind, but as Chen Mo shook his head, he suppressed the thought. After all, they invited him out of good intentions, how could they be counted as points?
Moreover, if the other party is really a good person, wouldn't they kill the wrong person.

"No need, I'm used to walking alone." Chen Mo shook his head grimly.

"Captain, we are all at the tiger level, what are you doing with a boy at the owl level?"

"That's right, if a xiao-level kid dies on this battlefield sooner or later, it's a burden to carry with him. With this skill, it's better to kill two more demons to earn points."

"Actually, we can also take him with us. When the protection period is over, we can kill him and exchange for points."

"Chu Chen, what are you talking about?! As humans, we should help each other on this battlefield. Even if you don't reach out, you shouldn't have such murderous thoughts." The middle-aged man frowned and reprimanded .

"Understood the captain." The young man named Chu Chen shrugged.

"lets go!"

This is just a small episode. There are countless such episodes outside the city of the shelter. Chen Mo has also rejected several such invitations. Some people came with good intentions, but some came with With malice.

Chen Mo doesn't know how to look at people, and these people are no different from normal people when they don't reveal their malice, and they even appear more kind.

Therefore, in order to avoid distinctions, Chen Mo did not join any of the teams. Maybe if there was his own team of god catchers, Chen Mo would consider adding it and taking care of it. The god catcher who catches the door and catches fast.

"It seems that we can only meet on the battlefield." Chen Mo took care of the gold seal police uniform on his body. This is the best proof. Anyone who sees it will recognize it.

After waiting for a whole morning, these martial artists in the outer city had almost left, so Chen Mo left.

"Heipi, do you know where there are demons?"

"I know, and my lord, the demons within five miles will be displayed on your ruler crystal." Heipi nodded and explained.

"Not bad. I also know the function of the radar." Chen Mo nodded, and with a thought, a round palm-sized dial that looked like a radar appeared.

"The red dots are other rulers, the yellow dots are demons, the green dots are yourself and your troops, but now it's just you and me."

"Then let's take a small tribe first!" Chen Mo leaned over slightly, his body has turned into a black light, which brought flying dust.

There is no need to think about the area around the shelter. These three thousand martial arts are just like three thousand locusts. After passing through the border, there will be no grass left, and it is impossible to leave a demon.

So Chen Mo decided to go as far as possible, first to get the dog food of Lord Chi Yan, and then proceed to advance to Xiantian.

Heipi followed closely behind Chen Mo. They were guides. Under the protection of the gods here, various attributes were naturally improved, and they could also gain the convenience of flying. Even the Celestial Man Yukong could keep up.It's just that there is no combat power.

Standing on a cliff mountain, Chen Mo hugged his shoulders and looked at the hundreds of celestial demons down the mountain, including an innate general.

"My lord, there are several rulers here." Heipi also saw three red dots on the other side of the valley.

"What are you panicking about?" Chen Mo grinned. Although the PVE mode is not bad, how can PVP be interesting?

"Sister, there is a martial artist on the cliff not far away." The person who spoke turned out to be a woman with a good figure and face, with her hair tied up in a bun and a strong robe. She said and looked at the leader in a red robe. woman.

"There is no Celestial Dragon class in the training ground here. The other party is at most just an innate talent. Let's negotiate first." The woman in red looks about 30 years old, and her appearance is not bad, but a scar on her left eye ruins her beauty.

"My lord, they are here." Hei Pi said nervously, looking at Chen Mo.

"Unfortunately, the protection period for the first three days, otherwise it would be [-] points." Chen Mo moved his body. He is bound to win this Heavenly Demon Barracks. Ten thousand points are ready.

"My lord, isn't your cultivation level a little low?" Hei Pi asked in deliberation.

"Ask knowingly, and Heipi, what you value is not my body's cultivation, right?" Chen Mo grinned, looked at the three figures approaching not far away, and replied.

"Hey." Hei Pi smiled. What he valued was Chen Mo's ability to encounter ghosts. The ability to control ghosts at the fifth stage, even a dragon-level celestial being, can survive enough to live against it. Basically, this is the training ground. , there will be no danger.

"Yo, still a young man."

"I've taken a fancy to this barracks, and I invite the three of you to leave." Chen Mo was not surprised that the other party was a woman, and sometimes women are difficult to deal with. The ghost armor on his body has long been attached to his body, but there is no mask A, with 62 scarlet ghost eyes shining scarlet light.

"Elder Sister, it looks like this person is not easy to mess with." The woman in a strong robe beside her said in a low voice.

"Hard stubble, it looks like he should be a member of the imperial court's arresting family."

"Disciple of Wanhua Valley, Chu Xiaoyun, this is my junior sister Lin Lan and He Lingxing, it is beneficial." Chu Xiaoyun clasped her fists and said in a very hearty voice, with a kind of approachability, without the arrogance of a large group of disciples .

"There are no weak ghosts under Yan Luo's tent, and the leader of the Yin soldiers in Hou Tu's hands."

"I'm waiting for the gods of Fengdu to arrest the generals, and the evil spirits are here to send the filth."

"God Catcher, Yan Jun, Chen Xianzhi!" Chen Mo clasped his fists and said.

"It turned out to be Mr. Chen. This valley will be given to Mr. Chen." Chu Xiaoyun's eyes widened slightly, his pupils shrank, and then he said with a smile.

"Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he took the two junior sisters and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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