Reckless through another world

Chapter 251 What is it that supports him to go on?

Chapter 251 What is it that supports him to go on?
"How long will it take to reach Lieyang City?" The female general in the red armor of the splendid general frowned slightly, with eagerness in her cold eyes. She has asked this question countless times.

"Go back to madam, we will arrive at Lieyang City in half an hour." Said the servant girl beside her.

"Half an hour?" The female general's palms fell on the railing, the expression on her face remained unchanged, but her left hand, which was turned away, was tightly clenched into a fist.


"Yin-Yang Formation!" Venerable Tai Chi slowly raised his two ghost hands, the black ghost energy turned into two dragons hovering beside Venerable Tai Chi, and a huge Yin-Yang Formation appeared at the feet of Venerable Tai Chi .

"Tai Chi Zun's home skill." Chen Mo clicked his tongue. This big ghost is also very powerful. Although Chen Mo is hot-eyed, but he can't grab it by force, so he can only be hot-eyed.

With the addition of the eight-armed evil spirit and the Yin-Yang Guizun, Chen Mo's pressure was reduced by more than half, and the consumed ghost energy and inner energy were slowly recovering.

This evil ghost also seemed to find that the three big ghosts were difficult to deal with. The ghost claws opened, and the long spear standing on the ground in the distance appeared directly in his hands through the air with a buzzing sound. While waving the big gun, A pair of scarlet eyes looked at the three evil spirits.

"I wanted to meet Han Wen before he was alive. Although Han Wen is dead now, let me meet him first. Is it really as strong as it is said in legend!" , The eight arms scored different tricks, and rushed directly to Han Wen.

"Chaotic Cloak Fist!" The eight-armed evil spirit walked out of the ghostly aura, and the surging black ghostly aura gathered in his fists from all directions.

And the eight-armed evil spirit has already rushed up, and the eight ghost hands seem to have turned into afterimages. From where to shoot, even Chen Mo has a little difficulty watching. Controlling evil spirits at the level of heaven and man is still the fifth stage of ghost control So, naturally, he has the strength to fight against the ghost general who is recovering now.

"Boom!" Although Chen Mo only heard the sound of one fist hitting, it was the sound of eight fists hitting at the same time.

Han Wen's body stiffened for a moment, but in turn, the huge spear in Han Wen's hand had already struck.


The eight-armed evil spirit was directly hit by the big gun, and it was pulled out in an instant, and it was more than ten feet away before it got up.

"Sure enough!" Although he wasn't injured, he was rather embarrassed. The burly man stared at Han Wen who had turned into a ghost, and the contempt in his eyes was wiped away, and all of them were solemn and serious.

"But it's great, it's not strong enough!" The body of Bakui evil spirit appeared in front of Han Wen in an instant, and it seemed that he wanted to fight close to him.

"Evil!" Han Wen spat out a word, and his body slowly began to turn into a ghost again. The eyes that could still see flesh and blood were turning pale, and some purple muscles that looked like steel plates were also slowly turning. turns black.

The ghost horns on the top of his head grew longer again.

The ghost energy around him frantically poured into his body, and his body changes faster and faster.

"Is this going to be revived?" It was the first time for Chen Mo to watch the revival of the evil spirit at such a close distance. The evil spirit in his body devoured the primordial spirit and true spirit, ate the flesh and bones of the host, slowly changed, and finally turned into a wild evil spirit again. Ghost, this is the resurrection of evil spirits.

"How can it be!" Han Wen's voice seemed to have become hoarse amidst the roar, the clarity in his eyes was unwilling to fade away, the corrupted real dragon spirit appeared beside him, and he was unwilling to be devoured by the evil spirit in his body , he didn't seem to want to die either.

Of course, no one wants to die, no one is an exception.


"What's going on in Lieyang City?" Boss Lu came to Gu Peng and asked.

"Yan Jun has been dispatched there, there shouldn't be any problem. Although Chen Xianzhi is a bit reckless, his strength has nothing to say." Gu Peng nodded and said, and this time they received a notice to accompany them, and they didn't need to pay much. force.

And the imperial court also has its own main force.

"My lord, what happened to the East Fortress? It wiped out an entire army of [-] armored soldiers, and even General Han Wen was killed in battle. That's a master of heaven and man." Gu Peng asked curiously.

He has never been in touch with the whole story of this matter, so he doesn't know, but it is so tightly protected that no trace of information has been revealed.

"I don't know the specific situation. You know that there was a flash of light in the sky ten days ago." Mr. Lu said.

"I know this, does it have something to do with that?"

"There should be. It is said that a meteorite fell from the sky, and something ran out of it, leading to the destruction of the army. Now the east fortress should have been designated as a restricted area. So many martial arts were sent in, and none of them survived. "Mr. Lu said in a low voice.

He didn't know much, but judging from the court's attitude towards the east fortress, most of them would not send armored soldiers inside, and perhaps they would send out a call to action soon.


"Go forward!" The black real dragon appeared on the body of the ghost general. After the roaring black dragon penetrated into the ghost general's body, the ghost general's eyes became clear, and he was no longer entangled with the eight-armed evil spirit. city ​​gate.

But Zhang Laodao would not let him pass.

"Yin Yang Gui Zun, Tai Chi Yunlan hand!" The Tai Chi Venerable, who is more than six meters tall and nearly seven meters high, slowly struck out a pair of ghost hands, and a Tai Chi cloud image appeared behind him, and with four or two strokes of force, he directly threw the ghost general out .

"Yin-Yang Diagram!"

The Yin-Yang Guizun directly appeared around the ghost general, waving his arms, and palms appeared all over the ghost general's body, blocking the ghost general's way forward and retreat.

Chen Mo didn't stand still, and directly joined the battle. Although he really wanted to fight a powerful enemy, it was obvious that General Ghost's condition was extremely unstable. Chen Mo could only complete the mission and kill him here.

Otherwise, if the evil ghost completes the recovery and escapes, it will at least double its current strength, and it will become even more difficult to catch. If it can't grasp the rules, it will die like crazy.

Resisting the fierce attack for nearly 10 minutes, the ghost general's chest was directly blasted into a big hole by Chen Mo's spiral hell, and even pierced by the ghost's hand of the ghost, blood swaying like rain.

"Great opportunity, kill him now!" The eight-armed evil spirit's voice was like a bell, and there was joy in it.

"Chaotic Cloak! Earth Cracking Fist!" The eight hands wrapped and fused together, and two huge deformed ghost hands were fused together, with the sound of piercing the air.

It directly hit the ghost general's chest,


It's hard to imagine that the General Ghost, who was revived by the evil ghost, is vomiting blood. He was already seriously injured, and he seemed to be dying.

But he didn't stop, he lifted his feet, and walked with difficulty, his scarlet eyes stared at the front, blood was sprinkled like money, even his body was bent, he was still moving forward.

"I'm going..." The ghost general crossed the eight-armed evil spirit, the Yin-Yang ghost, and the three-eyed Yama.

"Quishen... Du" dragged his broken body and walked slowly, his eyes staring ahead.

"Going to Shendu, I still want to go to Shendu, let a certain family send you on your way today!" The eight-armed evil spirit sneered, but the movements of his hands did not hesitate at all. one strike.

"What is it that makes you go to the capital of God with such a body!" Chen Mo wanted to ask Ghost General Han Wen.

"Don't!" Seeing that the eight-armed evil spirit was about to attack, Chen Mo hurriedly spoke to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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