Reckless through another world

Chapter 260 It Broke With a Click

Chapter 260 Broken with a click
Chen Mo laughed, and held the formation ball in his hand. The formation ball revealed a faint light. If he controlled this evil spirit again, Chen Mo would have three evil spirits.

And Chen Mo wanted to prove one more thing.

Zero Zero One is a little excited. If he can witness Chen Mo controlling multiple evil spirits, it will be a huge achievement for him. As a researcher in the underworld organization, Zero Zero One likes this kind of thing.

Otherwise, I wouldn't use my own body to do experiments. You must know that the ghosts that could be created at that time were all semi-finished products, and they could even be regarded as semi-finished products. It is right to call them defective products.

And the ruthless Heiwuchang dared to experiment on his own body, because for some unknown reason, he turned into a real evil ghost.

Although Chen Mo doesn't look like a real evil spirit, because he has the evil spirit attribute board and his own attribute board, and Zero Zero One doesn't have a fixed killing pattern. If this guy is in the game period, he must It will be judged as BUG by the system.

To be on the safe side, Chen Mo still used Sanmu Yanluo to control Zero Zero One. Under the suppression of the evil ghost cage, and Sanmu Yanluo also grew up, Ling Lingyi naturally had no ability to resist.

After finding out that it was indeed controlled in this way, Chen Mo planned to control the Lord of Beiming first.

"No, can you not take me back into the cage of evil spirits this time, I just want to see how to control multiple evil spirits." Seeing that Chen Mo was about to take him back, he hurriedly said.

As a scientific research ghost, Zero Zero One really wants to stay, not to escape, but really wants to see how one person can control multiple evil spirits. If Chen Mo controls the Lord of the North, it will let him The last doubts are gone.

Because facts speak louder than words.

Otherwise, Ling Lingyi still suspects that Chen Mo is lying to him, using the illusion fabricated by Huangquan instead of actually being able to control multiple evil spirits.

His left hand turned into a ghost hand, and Chen Mo swiped a stroke on his palm, blood flowed out immediately, soaking the fist-sized formation ball in an instant.

Suddenly, Chen Mo felt that he had formed a connection with the Lord of the Northern Darkness.

The eyes of the Venerable Beiming re-lighted with a deep blue light.


[Satisfying the driving conditions, connecting...]

"Boom!" Suddenly, the ghost domain in front of Chen Mo disappeared instantly, and the rest of the evil spirits also disappeared, and the surrounding area was gray.

Chen Mo can feel the evil spirits in his body, and he can also feel the three-eyed Yama and Lord Chiyan. Now this world should be like the world of kings when he came into contact with Lord Chiyan, except that it belongs to Lord Chiyan alone. Yes, and this one belongs exclusively to Lord Beiming.

Chen Mo slowly moved his hand deeply, and even touched the sky, the sky was just three feet above Chen Mo's head.

"The boundless sky is filled with smoke and clouds, and the blue sky is three feet up!" Chen Mo grinned.

The words just fell.

The gray mist in the space dissipated instantly, and the sky became clear in an instant, with blue sky and white clouds, and Chen Mo was standing in the middle of the clouds.

To Chen Mo's surprise, his feet turned out to be land, boom boom!But this huge land is moving slowly in the clouds.

It wasn't until the clouds appeared that it was clear that this was not land, it was clearly a huge kun fish, and this was not sky, it was clearly a huge ocean, reflecting the sky.

"It's no wonder that when you raise your hand three feet, you touch the sky." Chen Mo laughed.

The kun fish turned over slowly, and then rushed out of the water with a bang. The two huge shark fins waved slowly and swam in the air.

I don't know how long it took, and I swam to an island.

On the island, an old man was fishing with a fishing rod in his hand, and the Lord of the Northern Darkness was standing not far away, as if waiting for the arrival of Kunyu.

"This is...?" Chen Mo stepped down from Kunyu and landed beside the old man.

The old man was wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat. In front of him was a small beard. The long plank road connected the center of the lake and the small wooden houses on the edge of the beard.

"After waiting for 500 years, someone finally came in." The old man slowly raised his head, with a smile on his face, as if he was relieved, but also seemed to have a little regret. In short, he sighed, and the complex emotions were beyond words.

"It's a pity that I'm not a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, but this Lord of the Northern Darkness has been passed down." The old man looked Chen Mo up and down, shook his head slowly and nodded, even though he could see that Chen Mo's practice was not from the Xiaoyao Sect practice.

"Senior, you are." Chen Mo frowned slightly. He originally wanted to inlay the Lord of the Northern Darkness, but he didn't expect to meet a living person.

"Don't mention it, I'll go!" The old man slowly shook his head, picked up the fishing rod, the old man's body slowly shattered, and even this small island also shattered.

In the outside world, Chen Mo closed his eyes, and the magic ball soaked in his blood appeared cracks in front of him, click!With a bang, it shattered into powder.

"No way!" Lingling panicked in an instant, "Did it fail?"

"Sure enough, one person can't control multiple evil spirits!" Ling Lingyi sighed looking at the shattered magic ball, without this connection with the Lord of the Northern Darkness, the Lord of the Northern Darkness will probably regain his freedom, okay How to control it.

But then he became rejoiced again, if Chen Mo died, or his stellar qi was cut off, wouldn't he be free again?

Thinking of this, he became happy again.

However, I didn't see many evil spirits being controlled, and Ling Lingyi felt regretful again. Anyway, it was a contradiction intertwined. I wanted Chen Mo to fail and let him go, and I wanted Chen Mo to succeed so that he could see and control many evil spirits. .

Everything seems to have returned to the previous state, the sky is gray, the ground is also gray, and only Chen Mo and the Lord of the North are left in the world.

The Venerable of the Northern Darkness does not look so burly. If you insist on distinguishing, it looks a bit like a female body, but it is a solid defensive ghost, a powerful evil ghost that can break through the shield wall without a shield.

【Whether to inlay the Lord of the Northern Darkness】


【Open the bowing ceremony】

Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him returned to the ghost domain again, and Chen Mo walked in front of the Lord of the Underworld.

[Please read the oath of bowing down]

"Silent free and unfettered ghost!"

"Please answer my call and cling to my frail body."

"You will live in my body, and I will control your power."

"I will sing your true name to the ruins."

"And you will become my strength and become the darkness in my heart."

"When the falling abyss swallows the light in my heart, you will be revived in my body and be reborn!"

【Contract established】

【Start posting】

"This..." Ling Lingyi looked at Chen Mo's actions in doubt. Although he was puzzled, he would also secretly write down all the words Chen Mo said. If there is a chance, he will study it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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