Reckless through another world

Chapter 274 You are submissive on the battlefield

Chapter 274 You are submissive on the battlefield
"Even if there is a large formation blocking the way, today, the east fortress must be broken!" The royal beast stood on the head of the giant beast and murmured, with a look of determination in its eyes, hugging its shoulders, as if there was no room for maneuver.

Naturally, there is no room for maneuver. There are no innocent people in the war between the two countries. What's more, it is suspected that the two planes are at war now, and all creatures will not be spared.

The winner becomes the master, and the loser becomes the slave. This has been the principle since ancient times. If you want not to be oppressed, you must be beaten hard!

"Siege Cannon!"

The five small kuaijia beasts all stopped, the huge dead beast also stopped, and the huge dead beasts ten meters high also stopped.

The ball of light in the mouth of the Kuijia beast is rapidly converging, and the light waves in the mouth of those powerful dead beasts are also converging. There are hundreds of balls of light converging at once, and the most powerful one is naturally the 20-meter Kuijia king beast. A condensed ball of light.

The light balls of the remaining five Kuijia beasts also carried a terrifying pressure.

"Win the king and lose the bandit, only fight to the death!"

"Turn the muzzles, and stop all the balls of light for this general." Wu Dingcheng said even more decisively, and quickly ordered with the command flag in his hand, and the [-] red cannons turned their muzzles with a click.

"The defense of the large array is turned on to the extreme!"

The [-] armored soldiers fully urged the internal energy in their bodies to maintain the defensive barrier of the huge wall. The barrier that originally shone with pale golden light instantly became a thick golden light. With the huge wall as the foundation, more than [-] soldiers The armor soldiers are the nodes, completing the defense of the large formation.

"Thirty percent." Chen Mo sighed, the ghost energy in his body has recovered to [-]%, the stellar energy has recovered to [-]%, and the injuries all over his body have turned into minor injuries, at least he no longer vomits blood.

"Bang bang bang!"

Four hundred red-clothed heavy cannons spit out flames again, and four hundred shells flew into the sky in an instant, and the sky seemed to be on fire for a while.

At the same time, the destructive death light of the dead beasts has turned into a beam of light.




But only a part of them collided, and there was a violent explosion sound, and it was so powerful that some dead beasts in the explosion were instantly torn into pieces.

Some fell to the ground under the heavy blow of artillery fire.

Of course, there were also streaks of destructive death light that hit the barrier of the giant wall, causing ripples like rainwater falling on a calm lake, but fortunately, the barrier of defense of the giant wall was very strong and was not breached , let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The hearts of all the soldiers who raised their hearts were also slightly relieved, and the rest of the gods also breathed a sigh of relief. If the barrier was only blasted by the enemy's artillery, that would be the most worrying thing. This shows that the opponent is too strong.

Although the army of dead beasts is overwhelming the situation and the pressure it gives is unparalleled, at least they can't break through the city in the first place, and there is still a chance to fight. If they meet each other and the city breaks down, then maybe all these god catchers will run away.

"What advice does Mr. Wang have?" Lu Yue's voice sounded, and there was a flatness in his voice, as well as a feeling of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

"Boss Lu was joking, and I don't dare to give advice. I just want to ask the little brother under you, Boss Lu, if he can kill him again." Boss Wang has a serious face, but his words are not right at all.

The rest of the gods who were preparing for the battle also stretched their ears, and looked over with pairs of eyes. They also especially wanted to know if Chen Mo could make that amazing knife again. It would be great if he could.

"Boss Wang, do you think you can kill him if you want?" Lu Yue frowned slightly.

He ignored this guy who robbed the defense of their No.11 area, and now this guy clearly came with a purpose.

"Then who is it?" Chen Mo looked at Wang Taiyi beside him and said.

"That, Wang Mingli, chief arrester in red at the Kuilang Mansion, should be at the same level as our chief arrester Lu, both of whom are inherently high-level."

"That is to say, this person robbed the defense that originally belonged to our No.11 area. Most of the time he came here to test whether you can still fight, and whether you can trouble him. It is really a villain's heart." Wang Taiyi sneered.

"Hey, arrester Chen, hurry up..." Wang Taiyi just turned his head, and suddenly found that Chen Mo was gone. When he turned his head, he found that Chen Mo had already walked over. Looking at the direction, it turned out to be the direction where the two chief arresters in red were.

"Don't!" Wang Taiyi yelled, but Chen Mo had never heard of it, and walked straight forward. At this moment, he knew, "It's over!"

"On the battlefield, you are submissive, on the huge wall you strike hard, and you don't even manage your own jurisdiction. You have the right to govern our jurisdiction?" Chen Mo felt that his voice was not loud, but his voice has been specially practiced. Now The voice is very thick.

What Chen Mo despises the most is who, every day he can't do his own thing well and manage others.

It’s okay if there is a holiday, I apologize generously, and after that, everyone is still a comrade in arms, and they are all fighters fighting for a community with a shared future for mankind.

Then Chen Moke would not be polite at all.

So many people around heard it, and they were all taken aback, even Chief Lu Yue was taken aback, Wang Mingli was even more taken aback, and then he said with a gloomy face, "Boy, are you guilty of rushing into the peak?"

"Don't clean up these useless things every day, go down and practice if you have the ability, see if I can beat you." Chen Mo grinned.

"You...!" Wang Mingli's face turned red in an instant, but if he really got to the end, he might not be able to beat Chen Mo. Don't look at this kid as a tiger, he would kill even a god with that knife, not to mention that What kind of evil spirits are you fighting?
"Besides, are you my Shangfeng? My Shangfeng doesn't want to talk to you, so you think you are someone, so take care of your own jurisdiction first." Now that so many people are watching, Chen Mo doesn't want to shake his fist .

But as a person who has been immersed in online games for more than 20 years, there is no problem at all with spraying people.

You want to be reasonable?No, I don't want to talk, I just want to curse people, I'm attacking people personally, what can I do?
Furthermore, the other party didn't intend to reason, and they just came here to find fault, so why worry about it, just spray it and it's over. It's better if the other party gets angry and strikes, then Chen Mo will find a chance to shake his fist.

Looking at Wang Mingli, who was speechless and blushing, Chen Mo hugged his shoulders, smiled, and thought in his heart, "Everyone says I'm reckless, but I'm not reckless at all. We also know some tactics. In the face of such a situation, you must stand up and beat people by the way."

"Let's go!" After all, Wang Mingli is the chief arrester in red, and he didn't beat anyone. If he did, he would be dismissed from his post and investigated by the god arrester. If he lost, it would be even more embarrassing.

In the future, it will spread, okay, the chief arrester in red used his power to overwhelm people, and made a move, and then he was beaten.

If they were going to participate in the God Catch Conference in Kuilang Mansion, good guy, they would become famous in an instant, but Wang Mingli definitely didn't intend to let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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