Reckless through another world

Chapter 276 is not over yet!

Chapter 276 is not over yet!

With the addition of five big bosses, although the battlefield is still unfavorable, it has been alleviated a lot, and Zhang Laodao and the others are also beheading Kuijia beast.

The destructive death light of other dead beasts is not so strong, but the destructive death light of the Kuijia beast is a great threat. For the stability of the giant wall, they give priority to dealing with these Kuijia beasts.

The celestial-level ghost stewards are the celestial-human ghost stewards. Although their evil spirits are not as strong as Chen Mo's three-eyed Yan Luo, they are only a little weaker. They can still be easily captured by such small beasts. .

It's just that this Kuijia King Beast is not easy to deal with at all. Its armor is so hard that it makes the scalp tingle, and its attack is very high. But after all, they are all powerful ghost emissaries. One can't do it, four together Group fights should always work.

Seeing the four evil ghosts approaching layer by layer, the Kuijia Wang Beast also seemed to show a little timidity.

Four hundred god catchers worked together, and it was not slow to clean up the dead beasts on the giant wall, but of course the dead were unavoidable, some of them were backlashed by the evil spirits in their bodies because of the dryness of their inner qi, and some were unwilling to rescue them. When the host dies, it dies.

There are also some evil spirits whose ghost energy is exhausted, lacking the life-saving ghost energy, resulting in being killed by dead beasts.

Anyway, there are not a lot of death catchers, even Jinyin catchers will inevitably suffer casualties. Fortunately, after these people die, there will be colleagues who use evil spirit cages to catch evil spirits. Otherwise, the army of dead beasts will be enough pressure. It would be bad if another group of evil spirits revived.

After nearly three hours of fierce fighting, the line of defense on the huge wall was finally cleared. Wu Dingcheng was leaning on a big halberd, and there were several deep bone wounds on his body. What's more, he mainly fights against those strong opponents, so he will inevitably get injured.
Chen Mo just sent Lord Chiyan to fight symbolically. It's not that he doesn't want to fight, but because if he activates the fifth stage of ghost control now, the ghost energy is not enough, and he will be in trouble by then. The addition of Dijun is also very powerful.

"Reorganize the defense line and restore the formation!" Wu Dingcheng shouted loudly.

The remaining surviving remnants slowly landed on the nodes of the large formation, and the pale golden formation slowly recovered, gradually forming a huge defensive barrier.

"How many gunners are there?" Wu Dingcheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the lieutenant who had lost half of his arm.

"General, there are more than 300 more." The lieutenant gritted his teeth and reported, with a tear in his voice.They are not afraid of fighting at all, but when there is no hope of fighting, when will it be a head? Why hasn't their reinforcements arrived yet?

"It's only enough for [-] gates, it's okay, we can't retreat when we get organized." Wu Dingcheng re-boarded the commander's platform, the wound on his body was still bleeding.

Under such tremendous pressure, some soldiers cried directly, and even if they cried, they were still quickly organizing their defenses.

"The opponent must be at the end of his battle." Chen Mo murmured as he looked at the dead humanoid beast standing on the giant beast's head.

After Zhang Laodao and others joined the battlefield, with the ability of evil spirits, all those powerful dead beasts were beheaded, but their ghost energy was also rapidly consumed. Maybe their true energy was strong, but the ghost energy came from evil spirits. Ghosts, and when the strength of evil ghosts is not high, the ghost energy they possess is limited.

"You want me to go this far." The human-shaped dead beast laughed, picked up the weapon on its waist, looked at the huge wall not far away, and seemed to have regret in its purple eyes, regretting that it had no chance to climb that way. the huge wall.


A knife pierced his heart, and then pulled out the knife. Purple blood burst out from the wound. Because it was the heart, the purple blood gushed out instantly, and then merged into the giant gate.

"Buzz!" The giant door trembled.


Sure enough, a huge animal foot stepped out from the huge gate, and the shiny purple armor looked so crystal clear under the blood light, the black gunpowder smoke seemed to congratulate it, and all the dead beasts roared, It seems to be waiting for the arrival of the king.

A huge dead beast squeezed out from the giant gate, with strong hind limbs, a huge tail, a purple armor, a pair of strong and powerful forelimbs, and purple barbs on its back like a stegosaurus.

"Is this Godzilla?" Chen Mo murmured, it was too subversive, this giant beast was 50 meters high, not because Chen Mo had never seen such a big monster, but because he didn't expect it to be in such a big place. Occasionally see such a monster.


[Sub-quest: Beheading the Sovereign-Level Commander (failed)]

The mission on Chen Mo's mission panel disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. The mission failed because all the dead beasts of the royal family were all dead.

As for the Godzilla in front of him, Chen Mo didn't know what to do.

"Hey!" Everyone didn't know what to do, but they had thought about it a long time ago. The moment they appeared, they opened their mouths and began to condense and destroy the dead light. Quickly rose to the top of the head.

"Can you stand up?" Chen Mo asked himself such a question, and then shook his head. He absolutely couldn't stand it. Only the 20-meter-high Kuijia King Beast Chen Mo was blasted onto the city wall. Now this one is 50 meters tall. If it is tall, it will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Daozhang Zhang, what should I do?" asked the master of the evil spirits. They felt a little strenuous to kill the 20-meter monster. Now, how should we fight the 50-meter-high monster?
"This..." Zhang Laodao was also uncertain.

However, it doesn't matter if everyone is undecided, anyway, the 50-meter giant beast has made up its mind, and the giant light ball in its mouth has successfully converged.


Plainly, everyone felt the same way. At that moment, they couldn't see or hear anything. It seemed that the world was so silent.

The huge purple light beam instantly crushed the ground into dregs, and bombarded the city wall without even the slightest reaction. Without an explosion, the barrier was gone, and a huge hole was broken in the city wall.

Nearly 120 meters wide, the city wall made of high-strength materials was opened in an instant, and it was very easy to open the other side.

Everyone was stunned, those ghost emissaries on this road were instantly crushed to powder, but evil ghosts are immortal, even such an attack did not cause any harm to them.

The entire battlefield became a piece of scorched earth.

This beam of light not only blasted through the huge wall, but also destroyed most of the east fortress behind them, and the logistics that were still in the fortress were not spared.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!" Wu Dingcheng's eyes were lost, and the look in his eyes disappeared. The huge wall was broken, and the densely packed, millions of dead beasts couldn't rush in and wreak havoc!

"Not yet!" Chen Mo stood up slowly, and completed the fifth stage of ghost control in an instant. After everything was turned on, the three-eyed Yama went straight to 12 meters.

As for why it is not over yet, because the promotion of the Lord of the Northern Darkness has been completed.

"Nine-day ghost energy, ten thousand transformation ghost shield!"

With a long howl, the huge ghost energy turned into billowing thick smoke and gathered, covering the sky and even the battlefield.


A black crystal shield wall appeared in front of Chen Mo, reading this huge hole.

"It's not over yet?!" Wu Dingcheng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, almost crying with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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