Reckless through another world

Chapter 278 1 Everything Should Be Turned into Powder

Chapter 278 Everything Should Be Reduced to Powder

"It's the reinforcements!" Someone shouted, and when they looked up, they found giant ships with a length of one kilometer appearing above their heads.

"Yes, yes, it's reinforcements!" The soldiers on the huge wall knelt down on the ground, weeping bitterly. They couldn't hold on any longer, but they didn't embarrass Daqian. They fought to the end, even if they died in battle, they were exhausted. And died, being eaten by monsters.

The giant ship in the sky covered the clouds and the sun, but it was the light in everyone's hearts.

All the soldiers who were still fighting were overjoyed, they finally waited for the arrival of reinforcements.

"All soldiers who have not died in battle, leave the battlefield immediately!" A long voice resounded from the giant ship in the sky.

"Go and meet them!"

It is not clear how many giant ships there are, but the congenital strong fighters in silver armor and hoods leaping from the giant ships are densely packed like ants, more like a group of flying locusts, descending from the sky.

"My life is over!" A soldier had no strength to swing his knife any more. Seeing the monster's jaws biting him, he let out a miserable laugh, but his eyes were not extinguished.

"Crack!" A saber flashed, and a soldier in silver armor and a hood smiled and pulled him up, and jumped back to the huge wall.

Re-board the giant ship with the help of the huge wall.

Scenes like this happened one after another. Soldiers in deep siege were rescued one by one, and soldiers in silver armor descended from the sky one by one, just like heavenly soldiers descending into the world, pulling them back from death.

"Commander, the last general invites you to fight." The lieutenant next to the golden armored soldier clasped his fists and said.


"No!" The burly man laughed, jumped off the huge ship in three or two steps.

"Shenwei Ghost King!" Kuwu shouted loudly.


A soaring ghostly aura burst out from his body, like a black cloud appeared in the sky, the burly man looked very small, but the huge black cloud looked like the man's wings.

A soaring ghost hand stretched out from the big man's body, and then a demon with a height of nearly ten meters and wearing armor appeared behind him, with scarlet ghost eyes and ferocious fangs, all showing This evil spirit is very difficult to mess with.

And the body of this burly man gradually merged with this evil ghost, and he turned out to be a master of the fifth stage of ghost control.

"General Lu is too impatient. With me waiting, this little dead beast is just the soul of the dead." One of the Confucian generals in long robes and scales shook his head slightly and said.

"That's his virtue, don't worry about it."

"Eat a certain punch!"

"Brilliant divine power!"


The ten-meter evil ghost controlled by Lu Tianshu punched the giant dead beast and fell to the ground. However, this dead beast is not a good stubble after all, and its strong defense did not make him suffer much. The injury, a pair of strong arms unexpectedly propped it up abruptly.

"Report to the commander, all the soldiers have been rescued." The lieutenant hurriedly reported to the commander who was wearing a golden armor and an unknown fur cloak.

"All rune heavy artillery is ready!" A long military order was issued from the mouth of the commander. Although the order was only lightly issued, it was able to be heard by all the soldiers. It seems that the rune technology on these giant ships is very advanced. powerful.

With the rotation of the gear rune, accompanied by the sound of crackling, the hull of the giant ship opened the deck, and the muzzles of the guns protruded from the inside of the deck, and the heavy guns engraved with the runes slowly turned the muzzles.


Nearly [-] gunners are quickly manipulating the heavy artillery.

Nearly a hundred giant ships all aimed their artillery fire at the tide of dead beasts on the ground.

"Good guy, great work!" Chen Mo looked up, didn't know if he didn't look at it, and was startled when he saw that the muzzles of those dark guns were all aimed at the ground. There were no less than two hundred heavy guns on each giant ship, and even those There are nearly four to five hundred heavy guns on several living warships of more than 2000 meters.

In such a calculation, this is at least [-] cannons.

"Flash!" Chen Mo directly used Huang Quan to get himself back. If he didn't dodge, he might be blown into a mess by indiscriminate artillery fire.

"Commander, all the heavy artillery has been prepared!"

"Let Lu Tianshu and those ghost emissaries come back." Marshal Jin Jia is not in a hurry, since the rescue has been completed, then let's have a good fight, since the giant wall has been destroyed, then Just let the Ministry of Industry build it again.

The dead beasts didn't know that they were approaching catastrophe, they were still surprised that they had no resistance, and couldn't help but look up at the giant ship in the sky.

When the sent soldiers came back and rescued the trapped soldiers, Lu Tianshu and Zhang Laodao also ran back, Chen Mo stood silently on the deck of the giant ship and ate melons.

All the gods were disgraced, they had lost their former splendor, and they were no longer high-spirited. The gods' uniforms on their bodies were all broken, damaged, not to mention unkempt.

Comparing the reinforcements, they are no different from beggars.

Although there were not many gold seals killed or injured, but after a quick glance, less than half of the more than 400 or nearly [-] gods who came when they came were less than half, and the number of silver seals killed or injured was countless.

"Beat the drum!" The voice of the Golden Armored Marshal spread throughout the giant fleet,

"Dong dong!"

The drum of war has already sounded, and the deafening drum of war is like a reminder for these dead beasts.

"Fire!!!" The flat voice, without a trace of emotion, seemed as simple as crushing ants and bugs.

All the muzzles of the heavy artillery had complicated formation patterns, and all the giant ships also joined forces to form a large formation. For a while, the sky was lit up by such a formation.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The overwhelming cannonballs were scattered like rain, and there were at least [-] cannons. Naturally, there would be [-] cannonballs, falling down like raindrops.

The haze in the sky was shattered, and the black gunpowder smoke was shattered at the same time. The beast horde that gathered was the one that was slaughtered instead.


The ground was instantly cleaned, and the heavy artillery washed the ground, and no one survived.

There were also dead beasts who wanted to resist, and were instantly blown to pieces.And some dead beasts survived a few shells, and were still blown into powder by continuous artillery fire.


The huge 50-meter-high dead beast roared upwards, and the destructive death light in its mouth quickly condensed, but the captain of the giant ship just looked at it quietly without any worries.


The destructive death light bombarded, many people closed their eyes, but Chen Mo could see clearly, this kind of destructive death light, the destructive death light that can blast away the huge wall, is like rainwater dripping into the lake , was completely absorbed by the large formation of the giant ship.

"Kill them all!" The marshal waved his hand, his words were unusually calm.

Immediately, heavy artillery focused on taking care of the giant dead beast and the giant door behind the dead beast.

With round after round of volleys, countless dead beasts died in howling, and even the corpses did not exist. .

At the same time, Chen Mo also heard the system's prompt, and completed the task of resisting the tide of dead beasts, and also completed the task of destroying the dark giant door. Although he did not do it, he is now on this side after all.

Looking at the hordes of dead beasts being bombarded indiscriminately, Chen Mo sighed.

Looking back to see that there were less than a thousand soldiers left, Chen Mo couldn't help but said sadly, "It's over."

end of volume
(End of this chapter)

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