Chapter 283

After walking over, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly opened up, the black ghost aura had disappeared, and the interior layout of the giant ship was revealed.

Chen Mo looked back, and there was nothing behind him.

"Huh..." Seeing such a scene, Chen Mo couldn't help but let out a light sigh, then walked over and tested it with a ghostly aura, but nothing really happened.

"The awakening process of the evil spirit has been accelerated." Chen Mo couldn't help but sighed, it wasn't like being able to push across with force like in the beginning, Chen Mo was growing, and the evil spirit was naturally growing too.

Some young evil spirits have also grown into adults, and naturally become more powerful.

However, Chen Mo suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and the chill came from his neck, and he didn't turn his head back, the ghost eyes on his neck suddenly opened.

Just in front of a pair of scarlet ghost eyes, the evil ghost was like a spider with arms and legs firmly grasping the ceiling in a strange posture, and a pair of malicious ghost eyes were exposed from the head with loose long hair.

That's why Chen Mo felt a chill.

"Have you really entered the ghost's nest?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, he wanted to call Lord Chi Yan back, and his mind moved.

Lord Chiyan, who was still in the corridors of countless corridors, seemed to have some insight, and walked quickly to the end of the corridor, but Wang Taiyi, who was also in this place, was stunned when he saw that the evil spirit summoned by Chen Xianzhi turned out to be When he was about to retreat, he didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly ran to the end of the corridor.

Holding the two hammers of Hammer Ghost, he fell directly into the darkness and rushed out.

"Why is Detective Wang in such a mess?" Chen Mo couldn't help joking as he watched Wang Taiyi who ran out and nearly tripped over.

"Don't mention it, it's the feeling of a fierce ghost chasing after you, and I don't want to feel it again." Wang Taiyi smiled brightly. He was almost middle-aged, but after all, he was also a golden seal god catcher, so he didn't have any respect. Humble, and the most important point, this is a world where the best comes first and force is the most important thing.

"Obviously, we are being targeted again." Chen Mo pointed his finger behind him, but did not turn his head.

Wang Taiyi was a little puzzled, and looked in the direction of Chen Mo's finger. He didn't know if he didn't look at it. He was startled when he saw the malicious eyes of the evil spirit, and his body was stuck to the corner of the ceiling like a spider. superior.


Seeing this, Wang Taiyi was really startled, and he quickly looked back, but he still had lingering fears.

It's not because Wang Taiyi's psychological quality is not good, but because it is impossible to rely on his psychological quality to calm down when he is so frightened suddenly.

"Hurry up Chen, let's go?" Wang Taiyi closed his eyes, but the image of the spider-like evil spirit was still in his mind, which could not be dispelled for a long time.

"If you can suppress it, then suppress it, if you can't suppress it, then break through." Chen Mo didn't think too much, and Lord Chi Yan followed Chen Mo closely.

The ghostly eyes of the ghosts were all opened, and Chen Mo found that with this evil ghost as the base point, things like spider webs were formed. Looking carefully, these things turned out to be tiny black ghostly auras that cannot be detected.

Although this big net is huge, the gaps are naturally huge. Chen Mo thinks that if he doesn't take the initiative to provoke this guy, there should be no problem.

As for why not suppress him first, Chen Mo has also thought about it, if it is very simple, then suppress it, if it takes time and effort, then don’t suppress it first, Chen Mo has a vague guess in his mind, and the most important thing is to meet the Luming Mansion’s arresters first Let's talk later.

Otherwise, when they are defeated one by one by the opponent, it may not be long before the people in the entire battleship will be piled to death by the hidden evil spirits.

Chen Mo has also tried using the ghost domain many times, and there is really no way to go out. This incident made Chen Mo hesitate, but Chen Mo is confident in his strength. In the past, there was a ghost domain, and he dared to go to any dangerous place. Now he is restricted. Instead, Chen Mo let go a lot.

"Hurry up Wang, I saw a lot of black silk thread, try not to step on it, I suspect it has something to do with the evil spirit's law of killing." Chen Mo reminded.

"What." Wang Taiyi was about to jump, but he was forced to stabilize. Since the evil spirit not far above his head didn't move, it means that he didn't step on it. As for the possibility that Chen Mo would lie to him, it is unlikely that After seeing so many scarlet ghost eyes on Chen Mo, the reader can understand that he must be able to see things that he cannot see.

Dong Haicheng is a silver seal god arrester of the Dark Moon Mansion. When the darkness fell, he and his colleagues were dispersed by the crowd, and as the ghostly aura diffused, they were separated in an instant. When using it, it is indeed called "every day does not work, and the ground does not respond".

Although there was fear in his heart, he didn't dare to stay longer, maybe he would encounter some strange and weird ghosts, and accidents would easily happen, and he was also eager to join his colleagues.

Although Dong Haicheng was flustered in his heart, his steps were steady, and the ghost energy slowly attached to his body surface. Even if he encountered an evil ghost and couldn't beat him, he could still escape with his life.


Chen Mo noticed that the body of the evil ghost shrunk in the corner and was close to the ceiling moved slightly, and the eyeballs also shifted from Chen Mo's body to other places. The body moved slowly, swishing from the top of their heads. leave.

With the departure of this evil spirit, Wang Taiyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Chen Mo discovered one thing. Although this evil spirit is very fast, it is only walking on the silk thread laid by the ghost energy. crawling.

The speed is astonishingly fast. Rao has seen many strange events, but it is the first time I have seen ghosts behave in such a creepy way. It really makes Chen Mo and Wang Taiyi feel chills behind them. They can't help but sigh. There are a lot of weird things in particular.

"Someone should have triggered this evil spirit's law of killing, so he will be killed." Although Chen Mo is reckless, he is not stupid. Looking at the movement of this evil spirit, he knows that he must be going to kill someone, and it may be with the person under his feet. These black threads are related.

"Chasing!" Chen Mo didn't hesitate, it doesn't matter if they can't find anyone, since this evil spirit is going to kill someone, it means that someone has been found, so just follow the vine and take a ride, in case they run into the Luming Mansion's arrest Soon?
Wang Taiyi could only follow Chen Mo to catch up.

Chen Mo opened the way ahead, and he followed Chen Mo's footsteps obediently, not missing a single step. Although there is still ghost energy in him, and the evil spirits in his body are about to reach the fourth stage, it is still necessary to avoid provoking other evil spirits. Don't provoke me.

The policy of God Catchmen is not to suppress evil spirits. Chief Lu Yue often reminds them to be cautious, and it is best not to provoke evil spirits rashly. When you are sure that the other party will not threaten the safety of the people, you can choose not to suppress them. is the reporting location.

(End of this chapter)

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