Reckless through another world

Chapter 295 Family Affair in Our Luming Mansion

Chapter 295 Family Affair in Our Luming Mansion
Leaving the corridor on the second floor, Chen Mo directly used the ghost domain to move to the third floor. There were also gods walking through the corridor one after another, but he didn't notice Chen Mo who used the ghost domain.

After walking out of the ghost domain, Chen Mo planned to enter the inner hall on the third floor.

Just stepped into the inner hall, Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, "There are a lot of people."

There are not many decorations in the hall, and there are not even many seats left, so the red-clothed generals in each prefecture can be allocated a seat.

It has to be said that this kind of giant ship is built hugely, and the space in the inner hall is also large enough, at least six to seven hundred square meters, in which at least eight gods gather.

A total of only 25 prefectures came to support them, and they boarded the ship in three warships. It is not surprising that there are eight red-clothed chief arresters here, but there are much fewer god arresters, and the total is less than fifty personal.

The eight seats are located near the middle of the hall. The chief arresters in red sit on the seats, while the arresters under their respective hands stand behind them. Whenever there are new arresters who come in, they will leave. To their respective upper peaks.

Among them, the chief arrester in red in one of the prefectures turned out to be a widow, with no one behind him, so he had to lament the impermanence of fate, and he couldn't just use a prefecture to pluck up the wool, it was all turned into a poor commander by others.

However, there are still some god catchers who are not standing behind their own god catchers, but in the middle. All the god catchers are watching them vigilantly, which makes Chen Mo a little concerned.

After finding the location of Luming Mansion, Chen Mo walked over quickly.

"Chen Xianzhi is back." Wang Taiyi immediately saw Chen Mo walking in, and when he said this, the other catchers also noticed Chen Mo's arrival.

"Wait, just in case, we still have to test it out." The chief arrester in red from Tiger Roar Mansion said.

Their Huxiao Mansion was not very good at dealing with Luming Mansion, and the strength of Luming Mansion did not lose much in this battle. As a result, the Luming Mansion is now the only one, only to see so many people behind Lu Yue Everyone knows that the Luming Mansion is completely dominant now, and the chief arrester of the Huxiao Mansion usually speaks.

Anyway, even if he didn't speak, someone else would, but because of his psychological discomfort, Liu Rengui, the chief arrester of Huxiao Mansion, especially hoped that this newcomer would be transformed by an evil spirit, so he held some hopes.

"Liu Rengui, don't you care about the family affairs of my Luming Mansion?" Lu Yue frowned, and said in a bad tone, with deep displeasure. Originally, Chen Mo's arrival should be a very gratifying thing, but But such a good mood was ruined a little.

But Chen Mo's arrival also made them very happy. If you want to say who is the most capable fighter in Luming Mansion right now, Chen Xianzhi is undoubtedly the number one, and he surpasses the ability of ordinary people. .

"Hey, Brother Lu, Brother Liu doesn't have any malicious intentions, it's just a matter of fact, don't be so angry." The red-clothed boss of Dark Moon Mansion came out to smooth things over, and said with a smile.

As the saying goes, if you don't reach out and hit a smiling face, Chief Lu Yue will not pursue it carefully.

"Yes, yes, don't get angry." The rest of the red-clothed chief arresters also followed suit.

It is said that they came out to smooth things over, but in fact it was just pulling sideways. They all felt that the strength of the Luming Mansion was stronger. Now there is a situation. Although they are all in a state of distress, but one side is too strong and it is not what they want to see .

Only that kind of balanced strength is what they want to see, but if their own side is strong, then it must be another face. This is something carved in the bones of human beings, and there is no good solution.

The best way is to frighten everyone so that they dare not speak.

Although Lu Yue was upset, but seeing Chen Mo's expression, he hurriedly asked, "Are you a ghost?"

He mainly saw that Chen Mo's complexion had changed, so Mr. Lu Yue felt that he could not drag on any longer. If this reckless boy got mad, it might be unlucky for these few good catchers.

Missing an arm or leg is a trivial matter, but the key is that this kid has a criminal record of murder. He dared to do it in the middle of Houtian at that time, and he was able to kill the god catcher who was at the peak of Houtian.

Which one of you sitting here can leave now?
"Naturally it's a human." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. Isn't this just using his method? Ghosts are also afraid of people. In fact, they are afraid of being asked about their identities.

Everyone in Luming Mansion breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Taiyi and the others also had smiles on their faces, relaxed and joyful. With Chen Mo joining, their Luming Mansion's strength is naturally the most well-deserved number one among everyone.

Although the other red-clothed chief arresters were also smiling, it was just a little bit more bitter. They were all smiling, but I don't know how many of them are genuinely happy.

"Welcome back." President Lu Yue said with a smile.

"By the way, this method was brought back by Lao Wang. He said that you invented it. We tried it and it worked really well." Chief Lu Yue really admired Chen Mo at such a young age. With such a deep understanding, he can find out even the evil spirits that usually sneak into the crowd with his skills.

"I will ask the chief arrester Donglin for your credit."

"If it becomes popular, it will be a great achievement!" President Lu Yue sighed.

As for the theory of greed, if Chen Mo is not strong enough, Lu Yue will be greedy when he is arrested, but now Chen Mo is better than them. At that time, future achievements are bound to be limitless, and it is too late to make friends, so how can it be possible to offend.

The reason, the most important point, is that they all know the personality of Chen Mo's stick. He is a ruthless person who strikes at the slightest disagreement. Anyway, he can't beat him. If anyone wants to get involved, just ask Chen Mo's iron fist.

"Actually, it's just a small skill. It's good if it can be used practically. It's not a great achievement." Chen Mo waved his hand with a smile.

"Speaking of it, it's just that. Although it's a credit, it's not as important as Mr. Lu said." The chief arrester of Huxiao Mansion doesn't want the people of Luming Mansion to get great credit. If Luming Mansion grows stronger , Will Beiming City be taken by Luming Mansion in the future?

He knows that he does not have his share of this credit, and he also knows that if this spreads, it will definitely be a great achievement. In the future, Luming Mansion will focus on being diverted in resources. Because of this, he will try his best to keep Lu Ming down. The rewards Mingfu received.

Only in this way can Huxiao Mansion's advantage of being able to suppress Luming Mansion be maintained, otherwise, when Luming Mansion rises, their interests in Huxiao Mansion will be touched.

After that, it's not just Beiming City, there might be other cities to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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