Chapter 297
"Okay! Huangkou kid, how dare you praise this Haikou, today I will let you understand the gap between the gold seal and the red clothes!" Liu Rengui laughed back angrily, but it doesn't matter, and this arrogant kid will soon know the reality is brutal.

The ghostly aura in Liu Rengui's body slowly evaporated.

"Decapitated ghost!" Following Liu Rengui's soft shout, a tall evil ghost crawled out of Liu Rengui's body, and a powerful fear pressure slowly spread out. Ghost eyes with any emotion.

The neck of this evil ghost hangs in the air, as if it will fall off at any time. Its body is black and blue, and its pair of ghost claws seem to be cast from black steel, with a cold glow.

"These first batch of ghost emissaries are indeed not ordinary people." Chen Mo said in his heart, Chen Mo felt that Liu Rengui's evil ghost was also in a powerful state, and it should also be an epic-level evil ghost.

And the strength of the evil spirits is above the same level.

As the chief arrester in red, the resources obtained are several times higher than the average gold seal. After all, everything is in the initial stage of exploration. The prisoner groped for the stones to cross the river.

Even many things that can benefit evil spirits have been distributed on a large scale, allowing the gods to increase the strength and ability of evil spirits.

But even if other people have the blessing of the imperial court, Chen Mo has the support of the system. The aura empowerment will not only improve the compatibility between the evil spirit and the host, but also increase the strength of the evil spirit.

"Don't blame the old man for bullying the small. If you can't summon your evil ghost, then accept the three palms of this old man who has a severed head!" Liu Rengui hugged his shoulders, and behind him stood a tall evil ghost about [-] meters, The ghostly aura spread automatically on the ground without wind.

"That's it, it's worthy of being called a big ghost." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. Although this evil spirit looks quite bluffing, the evil spirit residing in the body of the ghost master must be weaker than the wild one.

"Multi-eyed ghost, play with him."


A loud sound of steam came from Chen Mo's body, and the ghost energy spread out as fast as the substance, and fell heavily on the ground like a liquid.

"What sound?" The god catchers looked around, and it seemed that the only sound was from Chen Mo, but in their impression, even summoning evil spirits shouldn't make such a big noise.

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

A huge armored ghost hand protruded from Chen Mo's back. The huge arm was much bigger than Chen Mo's body, which looked very weird.

The black ghost hands slowly overflowed from Chen Mo's body with steaming ghost energy.

The powerful fear and coercion enveloped everyone even before the three-eyed Yan Luo appeared. Everyone felt a chill on their backs. After touching them, it turned out that there was a fine layer of cold sweat on their backs.

"Gudu!" They seemed to hear the voice of someone beside them swallowing and spitting.

It's just not over yet, the body of Yan Luo with three eyes squeezed out of Chen Mo's body abruptly.

"Mother, what kind of monster is this special mother?" This question popped up in everyone's minds, not only the god catchers in other prefectures, but even the god catchers in Luming Mansion were dumbfounded. One seemed to be frightened.

A huge evil ghost more than seven meters tall appeared behind Chen Mo, wearing a black ghost armor with hints of scarlet covering the three-eyed Yama. The four ghost horns extended from the helmet of the ghost armor to the back of the head. A soaring ghost horn.

The 79 ghost eyes on his body slowly opened, hidden in the gaps of the armor, glowing with a faint scarlet light, and the steaming ghostly aura lingered, making the figure of Yama with three eyes even more unpredictable, and even more terrifying.

"This is Detective Chen's evil ghost!" Lu Yue sighed, this is not a complete body, when Chen Mo completes the fifth stage of fusion, this evil ghost can reach a height of 12 meters.

"This bloody ghost is the big ghost!" Hu Lin nodded as if pecking at rice, his eyes were full of envy, and their evil ghosts didn't know when they would be able to reach such a level.

"Inhuman!" The rest of the red-clothed bosses glanced at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes, already helpless.

Shocked by Chen Mo's strength, they are helpless because they have no way to stop the rise of Luming Mansion. With Chen Mo present, Luming Mansion has undoubtedly become the number one among the 25 prefectures?

No, it is even the number one among all the prefectures in Donglinzhou. This is the importance of a combat power ceiling for prefectures.

"Sure enough, he has the capital of arrogance." Liu Rengui pulled an awkward smile. He wanted to smile, but he couldn't hide his face. The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny, but the current situation is completely opposite to what he expected.

He felt that it was enough for a golden seal god to be proud of being able to summon evil spirits. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to summon such a thing.
Liu Rengui didn't know how many times he scolded Lu Yue in his heart. He scolded Lu Yue for being too insidious. With such a powerful god catcher, he was only given a golden seal seat. If he had such a god catcher in Huxiao Mansion, he would be an ancestor Give it up.

It's all right now, didn't he kick the steel plate this time, and it was a strong concrete star alloy steel plate of unknown thickness.

"It is reasonable to say that a golden seal god catcher is really not strong, no, how can such a strong ghost hunter be just a golden seal god catcher, this is absolutely unreasonable." Liu Rengui looked around at the chief arrester in red them.

All the chief arresters in red turned their faces to other places, as if they were avoiding Liu Rengui's eyes. Liu Rengui is not to mention how depressed he is now, but if you want him to apologize to a junior, wouldn't his old face be real? I'm going to throw away all of them.

"President Liu, do you still want to fight?" Chen Mo waved his hand, and the three-eyed Yan Luo, who was seven meters tall behind him, moved a bit.

"Okay, I don't believe that at such a young age, with such a big ghost, you can still reach the fifth stage of controlling ghosts." After Liu Rengui finished speaking, his body merged into the body of the decapitated ghost, and the decapitated ghost's body immediately increased to reach A height of nearly four meters five.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, go play with him." Chen Mo did not merge into the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo. If he fused with his full strength and hit him, Liu Rengui would be seriously injured. This is Chen Mo's trust in the three-eyed Yan Luo.

Looking back from the past to the present, Chen Mo found that he was already standing in the row of the ceiling of the ghost control.

"Break the soul, urge the heart palm!"

The buzzing voice had already arrived in front of the three-eyed Yama with a ghostly aura.

"Spiral Hell, Level [-]!" Chen Mo murmured.

The 79 ghost eyes of the three-eyed Yama suddenly emitted a faint red light, and a black sphere appeared in the ghost's hand, which instantly condensed into the size of a human head, and the three-eyed Yama curled up his legs slightly.

"Bang" sound.

The body of the three-eyed Yama jumped out from behind Chen Mo, and everyone suddenly felt that their heads were dark, and a shadow shrouded their heads, and the tyrannical body of the three-eyed Yama instantly covered them and went away.

(End of this chapter)

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