Reckless through another world

Chapter 299 Please play a small game

Chapter 299 Please play a small game
"Gudu!" Someone swallowed and spit.

All the catchers became nervous.

If you can see ghosts, you may not be so nervous, but the most important point is that you can't see anything at all, and the ghost aura around you is getting stronger and stronger.

Maybe after a while, it will become the point where you can't see your fingers.

If it was ordinary darkness, the god catchers could bear it, but knowing that the ghost had come, but not being able to see him, this kind of invisible threat was the most frightening.

It was like a shadow of death enveloped everyone.

"The invisible ghost is the most frightening!" Chen Mo grinned.

The scarlet ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body flickered, and the ghost energy instantly covered his body completely. There were 79 ghost eyes scattered all over his body, and he was vigilant about his surroundings.

"Has He come?" The God Catcher asked tremblingly, although he didn't want to speak, because he might attract the attention of the evil spirits, but the current atmosphere is too tense, if he doesn't speak to relieve it, he Feel like I'm going to break down.

"It should have come." A god caught beside him echoed.

"Be alert, try not to make any noise, and don't do any inappropriate behavior." All the god arresters in Bafu City were fully alert, and at the same time warned their subordinate god arresters.

Following the admonition of the eight chief arresters in red, all the arresters who had been whispering shut their mouths.

For a moment, the air became very still, and there was a strong sense of depression in the dead silence, but none of the gods felt comfortable talking or moving.

Everyone seemed to have been immobilized.

Even the sound of breathing is suppressed as much as possible, and those who have reached innate martial arts directly use the stellar energy to breathe internally, that is, their eyeballs will still move, otherwise they will probably be regarded as dead people.

"Here we come!" Chen Mo said in a low voice. Chen Mo's voice was very low. Although it was very low, it seemed very loud in this environment where needle dropping was like beating a drum.

Some of the gods who were not very strong in psychological quality were so clever that even Hong Yi felt his heart beating rapidly.

"Plop plop!"

In such a dead environment, it seems that there is an invisible big hand strangling everyone's heart. While opening their eyes wide, their bodies are trembling slightly, feeling the oppression of death like a drowning person.

"Come?" Lu Yue replied in a low voice, and then glanced at Chen Mo.

It should have come, Chen Mo's ghost eyes have already seen a shadow coming in front of him.

This shadow is very low, but overall it looks huge, approaching them quickly, as if... crawling quickly.

"Da da, da da!"

A crisp sound suddenly sounded.

It's like hitting the floor hard, the sound is clear and messy at the same time, as if there are many arms beating.

The ghostly aura that was originally covering also slowly branched out into a long corridor-like path.

The strong ghostly aura in front of everyone's eyes gradually faded, but the surroundings still looked very dark, but they could already see the scene in front of them.

What appeared in front of everyone was a crawling corpse, with its head drooping, its black hair covering its facial features, and only one eye could be seen. The scarlet ghost eyes had no expression at all. It's as if there is no emotion.

This ghost was actually walking on its elbows and knees, and everyone suddenly realized that it was able to make so many crisp sounds, like drums in chaos. Unexpectedly, the ghost in front of them was actually walking on its elbows and knees. walking.

The ghost stopped not far in front of everyone, "Crunch" raised its head, revealing its facial features, pale as if they had been pieced together.

I feel that the facial features look quite delicate, but no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

"So it's not the real master." Chen Mo just glanced casually, the ghost in front of him was obviously just a ghost slave, and the real master didn't appear here.

"It doesn't seem too strong." A god from the Qinglin Mansion scratched his head and said something dull. This was also the truth, and everyone couldn't feel how powerful the ghost in front of them was.

There is not much ghost aura, and there is not much fear and coercion.

It's just that they all thought it was a problem with their own vision. Now someone pointed it out. When a group of god catchers looked at each other, they all saw something in each other's eyes. It turned out that everyone was the same as themselves. powerful.

"Hello everyone!"

The sound was like rubbing sand and iron, hoarse and harsh, perhaps because the vocal cords had been necrotic after being dead for a long time, so it seemed very unpleasant.

Everyone was stunned.

That's right, they were all stunned, because the ghost in front of them actually grinned, and said three words from its mouth, and everyone understood the three words.

"how is this possible?"

"This is nothing short of fantasy!"

"The ghost... actually spoke?!"

The pan was fried in an instant, like an ice cube was thrown into a hot oil pan, and it exploded in an instant.

The god catchers don't care if it will trigger the evil spirits to kill, now they all look like elementary school students who are about to leave school, chattering so hard that they can't calm down.

Everyone had different reactions, but they were all stunned.

It's okay to speak strangely if you have wisdom, but now that even ghosts are talking, has the world become so strange?

Chen Mo was not surprised at all, the one in front of him was just a ghost slave, it is no surprise that a ghost slave can speak, Chen Mo has never seen a ghost speak.

This talk does not refer to ghosts controlling people, ghosts transforming, ghosts possessing... and other states.

This speaking refers to speaking in the state where the ghost reveals its true body.

Chen Mo has never seen such a ghost talking like this, even in his previous life when he was diving deep. Chen Mo can swear that he has never seen a ghost talking while revealing his real body.

Of course, the man-made evil ghost Zero Zero One is another situation. Although he is the true body of the evil ghost, he is more like a bug-like existence. After all, it is man-made, and it is right that it is different from wild ones.

It's like in Pokémon, humans extracted the genes of super ancient Pokémon dreams to create super dreams.

Zero Zero One's situation is a bit like that.

Of course, ghosts are not allowed to speak now, whether they can speak in the future or not, and who knows the reason?
Maybe it's the limitation of the rules. After all, the evil spirits are enough to be frightening. If they can talk and confuse them, how many ghost emissaries can appear?

Even the eight red-clothed chief arresters couldn't hold back their emotions. Ghost talking is not only a rare thing, it also represents a major discovery, a major contribution, and a human martial artist. The possibility of being able to communicate with evil spirits wholeheartedly may give birth to more ghost slayers in the future.

"Please play a little game."

There are only two sentences in total, one is hello everyone, and the other is this sentence, after finishing speaking.


The ghost in front of him froze quickly, and its body quickly collapsed.

After a cry.

The ghost in front of him turned into fly ash and was blown into the strong ghost aura.

(End of this chapter)

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