Chapter 349

Among the large-scale martial arts, innate accounts for [-]%, acquired more than [-]%, and there are more than a dozen celestial beings.

Celestial beings above the dragon level directly fly with the sword, or walk in the air, and although Chen Mo is only innate, but he uses the ghost domain as a means of transportation, just like a walking black cloud.

It looked as if a group of righteous people were chasing and killing a demonic monk.

"Don't let him run away!"

"He can't run fast with the child!"

There are still running on the ground, and some innate-level martial arts with good cultivation directly step on the branches, and jump far away with a light swing, which looks very dignified.

But their team was expanding rapidly. Even the dozen or so celestial elders did not expect that the team, which originally consisted of only a thousand people, would double in size in an instant after passing through two state capitals.

formed a powerful force.

"My lord, it's not good, the army outside is overwhelming!" Lin Yancheng's soldiers rushed into the hall of the Zhenyi Division in a hurry.

"What? How is it possible? How could there be a large army?" The county magistrate Lin Yancheng who was drinking tea was startled. It couldn't be that there was a large-scale melee of martial arts, maybe some treasure was unearthed, and a large crowd gathered Part of the rivers and lakes.

But it shouldn't be the army pressing down on the country!
"Give me an order to reorganize the army. By the way, I will notify Zhenyu to catch the door. A certain person will go and have a look first." County magistrate Lin Yan stood up, and ran out before the official uniform had time to tidy up. Organize official uniforms.

When it really came time for him to tidy up his official uniform, he would either be promoted, or it would be the disaster of subjugation of the country.

Even though he is the magistrate of a county, the county magistrate has no way to order the Zhenyi Division, let alone order the Shenzhangmen. They belong to the Qin Tianjian department. It will become a neutral official peerless force.

It used to be officially called Luna, but I just don’t know what it’s called now.

The county magistrate has [-] armors, not including the usual arresters and government officials. If you count them all, the county magistrate can only mobilize less than [-] people.

The township commander of this small town has about 2000 armored soldiers, plus some guards, a small town in a county can produce [-] armored soldiers, and all of them are black worms.

Regardless of the fact that a county only has such a source of soldiers, a county counts as 2 troops. For a small town like this, there are at least a dozen of them in a prefecture.

Stepping forward layer by layer, when it came time to fight, the Emperor Qian only had to raise his arms and shout, and there were 3000 million warriors who dared to fight.

Of course, this state is too idealistic, and the progress of armored soldiers is not a simple number, but a lot of knowledge. Besides, people eat horses and have no food. Could it be that they drink northwest wind?

Even if it is congenitally bigu, when the stellar qi bottoms out, people will be hungry, and they can't absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so eating some meat is not too much.

Not only is the county magistrate in armor standing at the top of the city, but even the four spirit envoys of Lin Yan’s town are there, all of them are in armor, and there are no less than two thousand armored soldiers on the city. Slowly flowing.

"It looks like they are chasing something again." Yinyin Baihu found that these people seemed to be looking at the sky, even if they were running, they were all looking at the sky.

"I don't care what they are chasing or what they are looking at. If Lin Yancheng makes a mistake, not only I can sacrifice my righteousness to repay the emperor's favor, but even the generals can't get rid of it."

"Never let them attack Linyan County!" Linyan County Magistrate waved his hand and stood at the forefront of the city wall.

Scholars in this era are naturally not only studying, but also practicing martial arts. After obtaining fame, they are protected by the fortune of the great power, not only speeding up their practice, but also strengthening their physique. Even a county magistrate can avoid ordinary strangeness.

"That's right, the top priority should be to warn these quacks!"


"Listen, people in front, this is Linyan County, which belongs to Tongshan Mansion, and faces Dacheng to the east. Please disperse as soon as possible, otherwise the army will cross the border and the masts and sculls will fly to ashes!"


"If you fly in the sky like this, you will always be chased by someone. Why don't you hide in the forest?" Li Shou raised his head, just in time to see Chen Mo's side face. To Li Shou's surprise, this young brother was a little nervous Not in the mood, but with a smile.

It was a happy smile, as if he was very keen on this kind of thing now.

"Running on the ground, you will always come into contact with people. Even if you hide, you will be found out by those old heavenly men. This is just right now. Waiting for a chance is enough." Chen Mo had a scarlet air in front of him. A hood enveloped the two of them.

Although it is the escape technique of the ghost domain, there is still an old man squatting in the ghost domain, so Chen Mo's ghost domain can only be used in a flash-like way, otherwise everyone behind him would have been left without a shadow.

Where is it like now, the tail was bitten.

"How is the speed of this little brother so fast, even the old man can't catch up!" Elder Zheng crossed the sky, the Taoist robe on his body was not wrinkled at all, as if walking in the garden, and not only volleyed, but also had a faint The light of true energy flickered.

"Strange, does this little catcher still have a treasure on his body?"

More than a dozen elders of heaven and humans are chasing Chen Mo on this side, and the Xiantian on the other side are also chasing, but they have already lost sight of Chen Mo, and they are just chasing the person in front, step by step, until It made the team very long.

"Boom boom boom!"

Billowing black clouds gathered in the sky, Chen Mo raised his head slightly, grinned and said, "God help me too!"

Black clouds seemed to spread across the sky all of a sudden, followed by drizzle.

"I'll go too!" Chen Mo laughed, glanced at the celestial elders behind the child chasing him, and flew directly into the black cloud.

Huang Quan was like a fish in water all of a sudden, and it seemed to have dived into the ink all of a sudden, which was already black.

"It's gone!" Elder Zheng from Taishang Dao was the first to rush over, followed by Elder Yi from Chunyang, and then the heavenly beings caught up one after another.

"Could it be that we sneaked into the clouds, we..." Several elders looked at each other, whether they should chase.

"Go in and look for it!"

More than a dozen people naturally rushed into the clouds one after another, but you must know that the thunder and lightning are all generated in the clouds. Although the crackling was not fatal, they were all in a panic. Among them, the hair of several celestial beings was splitting and smoking up.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we go to the East Linmen. The black escapism seems to melt into the clouds at once, and I can't do anything." Elder Zheng shook his head slightly. It's far away, and when they find it, they will have already run away.

On the other side, a large number of quacks were stopped by Lin Yancheng. When everyone asked what they were doing, more than half of them were brought in because they were coerced by the past. They didn't know anything, they just knew that there was a baby, and everyone was chasing it.

Hearing that there were more than ten celestial beings in front of him, he suddenly felt that he had no destiny with the baby.

"Then chase a bird, go home and sleep well."


"It's gone! It's gone!"

Only then did Lin Yanfu realize that it was a false alarm.

(End of this chapter)

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