Chapter 352
Chen Mo sat in his seat without saying a word, and naturally Chu Kuangge sat in the first place.

He looks like a 40-year-old, with a hulking back, but his eyes are very clear, without the slightest vicissitudes and other things. Such a pair of eyes appearing on such a person's face seems very inconsistent, but Chen Mo thinks it is very right.

As soon as they met, Chen Mo found that the Chief Detective Donglin and Purple Clothes seemed to be very similar to himself, possessing pure things.

Sit on the seat of the Lord, don't get angry and prestige yourself.

Taking a glance at everyone sitting there, it seems that except for Chen Mo, the golden seal, all of them are Tingzhu-level chief arresters in red.

Tingzhu-level red clothes can choose to work in places where they can’t reach, or they can walk freely and provide multi-distance support. Obviously, everyone doesn’t like being trapped in one place, and everyone has chosen to be free in a very tacit understanding. walk.

"This kid is the one who came back after 30 years. What's your opinion?" Chu Kuangge asked.

"Is this kid really coming back from 30 years ago?" Cui Chengdong was the first to ask, since everyone was slow to speak, he decided to speak first, and he really doubted that this little guy really came back from 30 years later of it?

There was another burst of silence among the court-level red-clothed fellows.

Let alone Chen Mo himself, at most he thinks the cakes and tea are pretty good, don't ask him about the specifics, he won't know if he asks.

"Captain Chen, what do you think?" Chu Kuangge looked at Chen Mo.

Everyone also focused their attention on it. Anyway, since the chief arrester has already pointed at you, you should say something you know. After all, you are the first child to come into contact with.

"I don't know. If I knew, I would have enjoyed it for myself. Why bother to bring it here and study it together? If it doesn't work, I suggest sending it to Qin Tianjian to study it." Chen Mo threw out his own words in a very lonely manner.

As he said that, Chen Mo grinned at Li Shou: "Maybe we can find the reason after slicing it."

"As expected of you!" Li Shou was speechless. This powerful policeman really wanted to do something. This would simply make him suffer a death penalty.

"Well, there's no need to slice it." Another red-clothed man with a round figure said with a smile.

"Li Shou, tell me about the future again." Chu Kuangge also felt that Chen Mo's suggestion was very unreliable, even if Qin Tianjian wanted to do research, he had to ask for Li Shou's opinion, okay? Bandit, how can you grab it?
Li Shou recounted his scriptures again. Although there were some ambiguities in it, everyone did not rush to ask. They are all old foxes. Naturally, they knew that they should learn it slowly, no matter whether the other party really came back from 30 years later. Still fake.

As far as the mind is known now, the other party is definitely not a child, but an adult with 30 years of experience.

And after so many years of wandering, it is difficult to guarantee that Li Shou's psychology will not be distorted.

"I don't think so. The evil spirits are rampant now. I think it's made by the thing behind him." Zhu Yun lifted his chin while speaking, and looked behind Li Shou, where the masked ghost was.

The masked ghost was very honest, standing behind Li Shou motionless.

"Is there something behind him?" Some court-level red clothes were astonished. They haven't noticed anything behind Li Shou yet. Of course, they felt the strange feeling, but they don't have the skills like ghost eyes. , couldn't see what was behind Li Shou.

Several of the red clothes alienated their own eyes with ghost energy, and only then did they see the evil spirit behind Li Shou. is of no use.


"Boss arrester, I also think it should be caused by this evil ghost."

"I think so too. If it is said that the future can be predicted, I still believe it. I don't believe in the return of the sun after 30 years." Some of the red clothes echoed, and their evil spirits also have different abilities. It is still believable to say that someone got a ghost that can predict the future.

As for the so-called saying that they came back from 30 years later, they don't believe it, because the current basis can only be believed to predict the future.

What Li Shou showed was indeed a sound-sounding adult, and even if he was not, he was still a well-informed person. This point cannot be faked. Everyone is a master. Everyone can tell the difference between what a milk doll says. True or false.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it is really taken away by the so-called ancient power and then deceived everyone. When the time comes, a comprehensive inspection will be carried out. If this is the case, abnormalities in the spirit and flesh will be found.

Everyone even hoped that it was the reincarnation of the great power of the ancient times, because in this case, there would be more things that could be dug up, not as specious as it is now. Devil's child.

"This subordinate is willing to test it out." Cui Chengdong stood up and said.

"I can't even try it, can you try it?" Chen Mo secretly slandered, in fact, it was because Chen Mo's Huangquan was occupied by the six-armed warrior, otherwise, Huangquan would definitely be the best testing ground.

As for now, there is no need for ghost domain, and the six-armed warrior seems to be staying for a long time.

It seems that because of this state problem, the ghost energy of the six-armed warrior is being greatly consumed, and even the combat power has gradually begun to decline, but it is a bit whimsical to catch the six-armed warrior in a short time.

"Then let Detective Cui try quickly." Chu Kuangge nodded, with so many court-level red clothes, and even him sitting here in purple clothes, even if he is a big ghost, can he still turn the world upside down?As long as it is not the kind of evil spirit that can kill people, everyone in this room is confident that they can suppress it.

The ghost aura emanated directly from Cui Chengdong's body, and a human-shaped evil ghost walked out of Cui Chengdong's body. It was only as tall as an ordinary person, and because of the ghost aura, it couldn't be seen. The ghost aura was like a burning flame.

"Take a break, I've already tested it." Chen Mo wanted to remind him, but it seemed that the other party would never give up. He just closed his eyes and rested his mind, continued to torture his body, and raised the scale of Gang Qi, as his body stretched out. , Chen Mo suddenly felt sleepy.

half an hour...

Half an hour passed, except for Cui Chengdong's exhaustion, and the ghost shadow behind Li Shou was really like a shadow, not affected at all, as if it didn't exist, strength was useless, just It's like punching cotton.

"Okay, let's take a rest." Chu Kuangge waved his hands, then looked at Li Shou and asked, "Can you feel him?"

"Yes, but I can't command." Li Shou nodded.

"It seems that there is still a big problem, and our group of big bastards can't figure out anything. That's it, everyone is very busy, let's disperse on our own, let Detective Chen take this child first, and wait until Qin Tian Let’s talk when the prisoner arrives.” Chu Kuangge stood up while speaking.

These people are definitely not big and rough, after all, comprehending the exercises also requires a high level of understanding, and those who can sit here are undoubtedly geniuses, but they only specialize in the arts.

(End of this chapter)

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