Reckless through another world

Chapter 355 I Want to Kill in a Dream

Chapter 355 I Want to Kill in a Dream

"Dong dong!"

There was a crisp knock on the door, and it was very hasty, as if the people outside were in a hurry to come in.

Chen Mo opened his eyes suddenly, and his brain quickly woke up. The darkness around him was a little frightening. He found that he couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly in the dark.

You know, he is an innate martial artist, even if he does not rely on evil spirits, he can still see at night, and with the blessing of the three-eyed Yama, for him, the night is even more calm and adaptable than the day.

But now, he couldn't see the scene around him clearly.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Mo's thoughts flashed by.

I forced my body to move a bit, but there was no other reaction other than the heaviness of the body, but this heaviness seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. I stretched out my arms and clenched my fists, and I no longer lost the strength I used to have.

With the strength of his physical body, the strength can at least squeeze the air in his hand into a small sonic boom, but now, it seems to be no different from an ordinary person.

Standing up suddenly, with a "bang!", it seemed to be mounted on something.

Chen Mo's eyes widened slightly, he suddenly seemed to realize something, stretched out his arms to search, and there was something like a glass cover in front of him.

"Deep stealth game room?" The horror in Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and his heart beat rapidly.

"Am I back again?" Chen Xianzhi closed his eyes, listened to the knock on the door, and felt the darkness around him. His originally quiet heart inevitably became agitated again, as if a sense of irritability came from the bottom of his heart.

After groping, he found the opening button of the Deep Stealth game cabin, and a glow rose beside the game cabin, allowing Chen Mo to see some of his surroundings clearly.

The curved surface of the upper half of the game cabin was opened, and Chen Mo sat up. This familiar environment made Chen Mo's memory seem to come back in a flash, and he returned to this place where he lived for 40 to [-] years, but with a little wry smile on his face.

If he really came back, then God really played a big joke on him.

"Xiaomi?" Chen Mo called out to his assistant artificial intelligence, but there seemed to be nothing except the knock on the door. Chen Mo scratched his head and said, "Is it a power outage? Am I staying there?" how long?"

"Dong dong dong." The knocking sound outside the door seemed to become more urgent.

"Break the door!" I only heard someone outside the door say so.

"Boom!", the door of Chen Xianzhi's house was smashed open.

"Who!" Chen Xianzhi asked coldly, even in such a world, it is impossible for the other party to break in without alerting the neighbors around him.

"We are the police."

Zizi, two beeps, the circuit came on again. After the lights at home were turned on, there were two policemen standing at the door, one of them was holding a tool to break the door. Chen Mo was standing next to the game room in his pajamas, looking at the two policemen. a policeman.

"Sorry, we thought you had an accident, so we came to take a look. We knocked on the door for a long time, but it didn't open, and no one responded, so we had to break the door." The older uncle said with a smile.

But the younger policeman was a little at a loss. This kind of mistake might be punished, but luckily he was fine.

"I need to make some notes, and please cooperate with Mr. Chen."

"Come in and sit down." Chen Mo nodded, he needs to confirm the situation first.

"Xiaomi?" Chen Mo called out, and the artificial intelligence Xiaomi at home restarted.

"Sir, I'm here." Xiaomi's voice came from Chen Mo's bracelet. At the same time, his game cabin had restarted, and everything seemed to be the same as before, except for the broken gate and two seats. The police on the opposite side.

"I don't know the title yet." Chen Mo asked after pouring two glasses of water for the two policemen.

"My name is Feng Siye." The older policeman said.

"My name is Wei Gong." The younger one was obviously the apprentice of the old police officer, and he glanced at his master even when he said his name.

"So it's Officer Feng and Officer Wei. What's going on?" Chen Mo asked with a frown.

"A section of the cable was stolen, which made it impossible to transmit. All the users in the entire community complained. Our personnel found that you did not complain, Mr. Chen, and because you are a pioneer, we are more concerned, so we came here. "Police Feng said.

Chen Mo smiled. If it was an ordinary person, the police would probably not come here, but he is a pioneer, and the death rate of pioneers in the federation is high. If there is an accident in this power outage, it will be their responsibility. Don't come I can't justify it.

In short, it was because he was afraid that he would die. Maybe a vegetative person could be rescued immediately when he came over. If he waited a little longer, there would be only one corpse.

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo finally understood that it wasn't because of a nervous reaction problem, but because of a power outage, that's why the Scarab Sword Ghost King got a chance.

"Mr. Chen lives alone, right?" Officer Feng asked.


"It's better for older young people not to live alone, and Mr. Chen, your situation is very special. If you live alone, any accidents will be very bad." Officer Feng said very tactfully.

In today's society, if you live alone, you may have a sudden illness and it will take a long time to be discovered before you die.

In a situation like Chen Mo's where he doesn't even have a family member and the transformation of the pioneers is not stable, it's easy for something to happen, and then he disappears in a blink of an eye.

Chen Mo smiled awkwardly, and tried to take a sip of water. Chen Mo's face changed slightly, and he put the water glass on the table. When he looked at the two police officers opposite, Chen Mo only felt a creep.

The two on the opposite side are probably not human!

"Excuse me." Chen Mo got up and went to the kitchen.

When I came back, I took a small cake in my hand.

"Just woke up a little hungry, I'm kidding." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Actually, I still have a personal question I want to ask Officer Feng."

"Excuse me, Mr. Chen." Officer Feng nodded.

"You two are not human, are you?" Chen Mo's heart started beating fast, but his body was unusually calm, just like when he once violently killed people.

"Why do you know that?" The smile on Police Officer Feng's face disappeared suddenly.

"When I drank water just now, I felt that it tasted like water, but I suddenly wanted to drink some wine. I didn't expect that the water actually tasted like wine."

"To test it out, I went to get another small cake and tried spicy, spicy, and extra spicy, all of which came true."

"This is not my home, but in my dream. It seems that the ghost I encountered this time is a bit powerful. It was able to make me fall asleep at the east gate of Nuoda." Chen Mo laughed, and drew out another ghost. Behind the kitchen knife.

"If I think it's a Dragon Slaying Knife."

Not to mention, the kitchen knife in front of him really turned into a dragon-slaying knife, and at the same time everything disappeared, leaving only darkness around.

As Chen Mo opened his eyes, the darkness also collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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