Reckless through another world

Chapter 358 The basic elements that a large organization should have

Chapter 358 The basic elements that a large organization should have
"You mean, the eight people assigned to you, plus yourself, a total of nine heavenly beings, were killed by others, and they got nothing?" IQ was insulted.

The news he got was that there was only one Xueyihou going, and Xueyihou was a dragon-level celestial being. Well, even if he was powerful, he could beat two of them, but these were nine celestial beings, not nine Chinese cabbages, let alone nine heavenly beings. a radish.

"It's actually six, and the remaining three didn't participate." Shen Guangxiu half-kneeled in the lobby and sighed. He didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth.

Who would have thought that the kid-like Jinyin catcher would kill Shangguanting in one encounter, and then directly arrest three dragon-level celestial beings, and even Baili Rentu had to let go of his ghost and run away.

"You still have the face to say it?!" The man in black immediately raised his voice.

"Jian Zong, Xue Zong, Ti Zong, how do you ask me to explain to them?" Turning around suddenly, this man with a green face and fangs turned out to be wearing a mask of an evil spirit, and his figure was covered by a large bamboo hat Most of the time, the black robe on his body seemed to be integrated with his body.

"This subordinate is guilty!" Shen Guangxiu didn't refute any more, the defeat was like a mountain, not to mention that this time was too big, the four celestial beings were directly smashed in Qingfeng Villa, and the traitor Li Qingfeng of Qingfeng Villa Still alive and well.

"Although this subordinate failed this time, this subordinate has also obtained a lot of useful information." Shen Guangxiu now only thinks of taking the blame and doing meritorious service, and it is a certainty that he will be punished by the Demon Sect for stabbing such a big hole.

"Report them all!" Heipao was also in a hurry, this Shen Guangxiu was his general, and he had a lot of responsibilities for the failure this time.

The Demon Sect has been settled for 60 years. This time, when he came out of the mountain, he originally wanted to use the traitor Li Qingfeng to establish his prestige and take back the most precious Blood Orb of the Demon Sect. Who would have thought that he would be disturbed by others. Most of them stayed in Qingfeng Villa.

Anyway, Shen Guangxiu understands, don't provoke that guy when you meet him in the future, he is too strong, he can crush three dragon-level celestial beings in one face-to-face, is this a fucking human?

"Li Qingfeng's child reversed time and space and came back from 30 years later?"

"Golden seal arrests Chen Xianzhi?"


Heipao thought for a while, but he didn't come up with any useful clues, but he knew one thing, that is, he must cultivate evil spirits and emissaries, and now an innate golden seal god catcher has bloomed. With such a strong combat power, if they fall behind, won't they become the bottom in the future?

"You also come with me, report to the Holy Gate immediately, and let the high-level officials of the Holy Gate make up their minds, even if the loss is heavy, it doesn't matter, but the blood spirit bead must be taken back, all of this is for the eternal plan of the Holy Gate!" Pao nodded, and saluted silently as he said, it seemed that the great plan he said made him look forward to it very much.

Shen Guangxiu followed suit, with a longing look on his face, and said in a low voice, "For the sake of the Holy Gate's future plan!"

"Really so powerful?" An old man squatted in the corner smoking a pipe with a bitter face, and glanced at Baili Rentu. He didn't believe that a little baby could crush four dragon-level celestial beings, let alone a ten-year-old. How old is a congenital little doll.

"I can still lie to you." Baili Rentu's face was gloomy, he almost couldn't come back, and now others don't trust what he said, which really made him angry, but the fact is that, he didn't have the slightest of lying.

"Brother Baili, it's not because the mission failed, so you prevaricate me." A charming woman with a charming figure, even her eyes are extremely charming, and her words are like spring breeze, making people's bones numb.

"Believe it or not, anyway, this is the truth. Even when I go to the Holy Gate's Criminal Law Hall, I will say the same thing." Baili Rentu snorted coldly, and said nothing more.

"Then you really need to meet this catcher Chen." Another young man with a kitchen knife on his waist frowned slightly, and the butcher's knife appeared in his hand, like a swimming dragon between the fingers and the back of his hand. Swim fast.

After the words of Shen Guangxiu and others came into the sight of the senior management of the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect also began to pay more attention to the evil ghosts and ghost emissaries. As a result, there are many masters sent by the Demon Sect, but few who can control evil spirits.

And don't think that the people of Tianwaitian will use any power unscrupulously. Since the emergence of several generations of ZTE demon masters, the 33 lines of Tianwaitian have gradually formed a system. Now Tianwaitian is a huge peerless sect. Tianwaitian's individual strength can even be on par with Tianshifu.

Today's Tianwaitian is no longer the kind of sand gathered in the past, but condensed into a fist.

The demon masters of this generation are even more talented. After 60 years of precipitation, the Demon Sect has grown stronger than ever.

It's not just Tianwaitian, because of Chen Mo's fighting performance, all the eight peerless sects have begun to pay attention to the ghost emissary, and now they have the meaning of awakening the evil ghost and terror.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't know, because he was a little butterfly, the progress seemed to be pushed forward by more than a year or nearly two years.

At the same time, Bai Wuchang had also received orders from his superiors, "Stop worrying about your predecessor, Hei Wuchang, and don't provoke Chen Xianzhi any more. Speed ​​up the research on Type [-] of Hades, and focus on hiding and stabilizing everything."

This order is completely different from the last one, it seems like two extremes. The last mission was to capture Chen Xianzhi and get the data left by his predecessor Hei Wuchang, but now this one is clearly showing a tendency to be subdued.

"I'm ordered to go on, don't provoke Chen Xianzhi anymore." Bai Wuchang didn't get too entangled, she was just a scientific researcher, and the last time she acted as a thug was because she happened to pass by Linshan City, she didn't expect to bump into Chen Mo.

"Yes!" The white-robed figure half-kneeling in front of Bai Wuchang nodded and saluted, then fled away, and went to inform them of the dark thread of Hades.

Since the boss said not to trouble him, Bai Wuchang was more than happy to go. If it wasn't for the strength of the potion last time, Bai Wuchang felt that he couldn't beat Chen Mo at all. Medicine, still being crushed and beaten by that six-armed evil spirit, has no chance of winning.

In the end, they even broke the shackles and had to retreat.

Bai Wuchang knew the meaning of the higher level of the underworld. It must be because the power consumed by arresting Chen Xianzhi was much less than the vested interests, so he gave up this point. As a large organization, you must have a pair of giant eyes and enough reason. Otherwise, no matter how powerful an organization is, it will be destroyed.

Chen Mo didn't know that Hades gave up attacking him, but even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything more. If you have too many debts, you don't worry about it. If you have too many lice, you don't itch. If you have more Hades, you won't be many, and if you don't have one, it will be a lot. Chen Mo, either detour or be kicked away.

"Four dragon-level demon cultivators, each ten grams, a total of forty grams of ghost blood gold crystals." The clerical girl at the counter smiled very sweetly. Of course, she also added four thousand merits to Chen Mo.

"It's so cheap." Chen Mo looked at the [-] meritorious deeds that had increased in the token, and suggested that one person would give [-].

"Because they are all ordinary dragon-level demon cultivators, if they are ghost-controlling envoys, providing evil ghosts can give them more merit." The civilian girl said very conscientiously.

"Then wait a moment." Chen Mo turned and walked out after speaking.

"Huh?" The civilian girl was a little surprised, "Could it be that these four demon cultivators are all ghost emissaries?"

"Impossible, impossible." As she spoke, the clerical girl chuckled and threw away the idea, and continued to deal with other tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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