Chapter 368
"It's starting to melt!" The apprentices following Changsun Jin's eyes lit up and whispered.

"They are happy?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. Why are these people so happy? Logically speaking, isn't it normal?Besides, after calcination for a quarter of an hour, and supplemented by a fierce fire for a quarter of an hour, it didn't start to show signs of melting, isn't it a bit too slow?

According to Chen Mo's understanding, "It stands to reason, shouldn't it be the kind that melts right away?"

"My lord, you thought it was stir-frying. Even if it's stir-frying, you should have a certain degree of heat." Lu Suyao found out, it seems that her main character, God Catch, doesn't know a lot of basic knowledge.

"In the past, there was no such large-scale rune melting furnace. Soldiers had to build their own hearths. Ten days and a half months may not be able to melt the materials. They even needed to use celestial-level martial arts majoring in fire-attributed skills as the kindling. to melt the material."

"That's why forging weapons used to be so slow, but now it's very fast." The rare Lu Suyao discovered her role, and couldn't help being a little excited.

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo really doesn't understand, so just ask if you don't understand, it's not a shameful thing, threesomes must have my teacher, and there is a specialization in art, Chen Mo really doesn't know how to blacksmith.

Even if he came here with the advanced consciousness of the earth, Chen Mo didn't know much about those technologies, and he didn't even know much about many basic sciences. For example, making salt, Chen Mo only knew to dry it and then bake it. When the water dries, there will be salt. Fully understand more stuff.

"One more scale." Changsun Jin said calmly as he stood in front of the smelting table and looked at the materials that were beginning to melt.

The auxiliary materials do melt very quickly, starting from the farthest sixth smelting platform, the degree of melting decreases sequentially.After all, the weapons forged now are forged from alloys, not a single material.

The strength and toughness of alloys are far superior to ordinary materials, and they are also the most suitable materials for making weapons.

Beads of sweat had already appeared on the forehead of the strong man pushing the huge wheel, and a dense layer of sweat had also formed on his body.


The surging orange lava was drawn into the rune machine from the center of the earth, and the reddish machine suddenly surged up layer by layer, as if the giant ship had been charged.

"Semi-automatic? It seems that the energy problem has not been solved yet." Chen Mo can see this point, using manual energy must not be able to carry such a machine, but since it can be semi-automatic, it is not far from fully automatic.

After all, they used to develop military weapons, large formations, giant ships, heavy artillery, etc.

In the future, the transformation from military to civilian use will definitely not be slow. It will not take ten years at most to popularize rune technology, and at least those big cities in the Nineteen Continents will fully use it.

In Chen Mo's deep stealth game, every version update would be accompanied by the development of rune technology. Although it is the real world now, the general trend of the world should not change.

After an hour of hard work, the other five materials have melted, but the main material has not yet melted, only showing signs of softening.

"Just right!" Changsun Jin murmured, and directly drained the material of another species into the nine-fold green steel.

"Even the fire in the center of the earth can't melt the perfect material into molten iron, but we don't need to use the pouring method, as long as the main material starts to melt and can be fused into the rest of the materials." Changsun Jin also said Don't forget to tell the apprentices watching.

The pouring method is to melt the steel ingot into molten iron, and then use the mold to shape it.The upper limit of this method is high, but the lower limit is also high, and it is easy to pour an iron lump, which does not look like a weapon at all.

Heavenly Demon's weapons are basically pouring methods, which is why there are blunt weapons such as maces, hammers, axes, etc., and the most important point is that they are strangely shaped.

With the integration of the material, the particles gradually stick together and begin to fuse into a whole. Although it looks like an iron lump, under Changsun Jinruo's control, the alloy has been preliminarily cast out.

"Medium fire to keep the temperature!" The true energy from Changsun Jin's body slowly gushed out, and the true energy was red, and the color of rock was like a flame.

A red dragon appeared from Changsun Jin's body, "Hang roar!" The Weiwei red dragon spewed out a red breath.

Spray it directly on the Jiuzhong Qinggang, and the Qinggang is slowly being shaped. The rest of the materials added just now are just very rough fusion, and the smelted alloy is also very rough. Now it is the part where Master Changsun personally performs the knife.

It has to be said that the breath of this red dragon is not weaker than that of the medium-fire core fire that was brought up.

"Hurry up Chen, let the embryo drink blood." Master Changsun did not turn his head, and was trying his best to adjust the whole alloy.

"Okay!" Chen Mo took out the knife and wanted to stab himself, but there was no mark on his body.

"Is it already so fleshy?" Chen Mo sighed secretly, he couldn't bite his wrist with his teeth, at least he had to bite a big hole, otherwise there would be too little blood.

"Evil intent." The ghost energy in Chen Mo's body directly infected the entire weapon. It is really difficult to break through Chen Mo's body with a rare weapon. That's why Chen Mo released the ghost energy to cut himself. .

"It's stabbed!" Chen Mo directly cut a hole in his arm, and the blood gushed out like a mercury column, but only a small strand flowed down, which couldn't cover the alloy material of the nine-fold green steel at all.

In less than a breath, the wounds on Chen Mo's body had recovered to their original state, and there were no scars left.

Grandmaster Changsun was stunned. He had seen someone with a strong physical body, but it was the first time he had seen someone with such a strong recovery force. The blood flowed for half a breath at most, which was not enough at all.

"This..." Lu Suyao could see clearly. Originally, Chen Mo slashed herself, but she was surprised at the strength of Chen Mo's physical body. Now she was even more astonished when she saw Chen Mo's intact arm.

"A monster? Is it so resilient?"

"I'll try again." Chen Mo stabbed himself again.

"Hurry up Chen, when you do bloodletting, your mind must be as calm as water, so that the embryo can spy on your mind, so that a sword that suits you best will emerge." Master Changsun said, although there is some metaphysics, but he has created so many The epic level weapons, and the weapons above the epic level are all manifestations of the avenue.

How the knife looks like in the end depends on the bloodletter's mind.

One knife after another, Chen Mo felt that he gave himself about twenty knives before the blood covered the entire alloy material.

"Get up, forge!" With Changsun Jin's loud shout, the true energy merged with the entire rune instrument, Chilong happily took a bath in the oven, and Changsun Jin also took his sledgehammer from the side .

The sledgehammer was one foot long, and the muscles on Changsun Jin's body unfolded accordingly. He looked like an old man at first, but suddenly he became a strong turtle fairy. He swung the sledgehammer and smashed it at the alloy material of Jiuzhong Qingsteel. .


"Ding ding ding!"

(End of this chapter)

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