Reckless through another world

Chapter 385 Commander Yuan Song

Chapter 385 Commander Yuan Song

"Is your business a business? Is my business not a business?" Chen Mo heard of such a strange thing for the first time in so many years. He worked hard for a long time, fighting monsters and fighting, and now let Qin Tianjian come to pick peaches Oh, and call it official business?
Chen Mo has discovered it. I didn’t realize it before. It turns out that the chain of contempt is real. These guys who come from the gods obviously feel that there is no need to explain it to Chen Mo, a country god. way of doing things.

"About the degree of importance is of course important to someone's official business, so please, don't hinder him any more, or don't blame him for being rude." Wen Anliang originally wanted to talk kindly to this young man, but he didn't expect the other party He really didn't give Qin Tianjian any face.

When handling cases in the past, even the court-level red clothes would give them the face of the gods, and they would not allow others to intervene in their work. After all, they are from the headquarters of the Shendu Qintianjian, and they are different from these country bumpkins. At the same time, he also despises the yamen in other regions, such as Zhenchaisi and Shenchuangmen.

"You're welcome?" Chen Mo's pupils were instantly flooded with scarlet, and a faint blood mist drifted from the corners of his eyes. At the same time, the big hatchet in his hand was already aimed at Wen Anliang's head.


"How dare you!" Wen Anliang kicked his eyes, he really didn't expect that the young chief arrester in red in front of him actually made a move?That's it for now?Who hasn't come here like this?Isn't it just being bullied?What can be done?
However, what made him unbelievable was that the red-clothed policeman in front of him really made a move, not only did it, but also at a very fast speed. The big hatchet had already arrived in front of him, and the strong power directly set off a gust of wind.

The zhenqi in Wen Anliang's body gushed out immediately, turning into a zhenqi and covering his side.


"Bang bang bang!"

He flew upside down, because the huge hatchet in Chen Mo's hand sent him flying.

"It's so powerful!" Wen Anliang turned two somersaults, and then rolled on the ground a few times before he stabilized his figure. He was ashamed and terrified at the same time. It's that powerful.

All the men in black armor who were still cleaning up the ruins surrounded them, and the aura exuded by each of them was at the lowest level of innate tigers.

"The ghost stewards are really a bunch of lunatics, and they will be devoured by evil spirits sooner or later." Wen Anliang snorted coldly. He didn't like the ghost stewards at all, but now he was caught off guard suddenly and made his face look ashamed and became even more angry. .

Thinking that he was a dragon-level celestial being shot away by a talented young man, it was an insult to him who had practiced for so many years.

"Hurry up Chen!" Tan Taixian exclaimed, she didn't react at all, she thought that she would be able to figure it out soon by herself, but she didn't expect to fight, when she thought of the terrifying fighting power shown by Chen Mo , Tan Taixian hurriedly stopped in front of Chen Mo.

"Get out of the way, I will teach this kid a lesson today." Although Wen Anliang said so, he had already informed others secretly, and he could see that he was not the opponent of this young ghost master at all. It's okay to say, but who made him just an ordinary celestial being instead of a ghost guardian.

Tan Taixian turned his head in shock, and even forgot to speak for a while, "Do you think I'm stopping you? I'm afraid that Chen Xianzhi will be beaten to death by you!"

"I'm not afraid of you going up together. If the Qin Tianjian doesn't give me an explanation today, you don't even think about going out of this door." Chen Mo's skin was directly transformed into ghost armor, his body was wrapped by Gui, and he had ghost eyes with no dead ends. Include everyone around him in his field of vision.

The most confused person is Qi Min. He already knew Chen Mo, so when Chen Mo asked him, he answered. Originally, he also thought that these black-armored men and Chen Mo belonged to the same group, and they were all from the God of Catchment, so There was no resistance.

It doesn't look right now, it seems like two groups of people, but when he wanted to use the power in his body, he found that he couldn't use it at all. The biggest difference between him and an ordinary person now is that his defense is very strong , but without the slightest fighting power.


Yuan Ge just got off the huge ship when he received Wen Anliang's distress signal, so he rushed over non-stop, but this scene was really beyond what Yuan Ge could have imagined.

Wen Anliang was lying on the ground, not injured much, but very embarrassed, and even the true energy of his body was intercepted, not only Wen Anliang, but also those Qintianjian soldiers sent by him , and they were all lying on the ground one by one.

There were only three people left standing. One was a young man in a red policeman's robe. He was very young, tall and handsome, especially with a pair of red phoenix eyes so sharp that he couldn't look directly at them.

The other is a female arrester in a red arrester's robe, and the other is a man in chains.

This is of course Chen Mo's group, and those lying on the ground are all from Chen Mo's hands. I thought they could fight, but when they really fought, they were hit by Chen Mo one by one. Even Wen Anliang couldn't resist two blows. I just lay down and asked him, he still couldn't make the decision, so Chen Mo waited for someone who could talk to come over.

Since you say you can't be the master, why are you acting like a wolf with a big tail?

"You are their leader?" When Chen Mo saw this man coming, all the men in black armor looked over as if they had found their backbone, and Chen Mo also understood that this young man in his 20s was their backbone up.

However, Chen Mo knew that this person was definitely not young, he should have a good face, he stepped into heaven and man when he was young, so he maintained this appearance, but he was definitely not very old, at most he was 34 or ten years old.

"Haven't you asked who is this god-caught brother?" Yuan Ge looked at Chen Mo with some surprise, then nodded slightly. He didn't believe it at first, but after feeling the fear and coercion in Chen Mo's body, Yuan Ge believed that this man was indeed strong enough.

This kind of intensity of fear and coercion must be radiated by a high-level ghost controller. Yuan Ge naturally controls evil ghosts, but if he wants to compare with Chen Mo, he must admit that he is not as good as Chen Mo.

Taking a quick glance, Yuan Ge knew without thinking that it must be because Wen Anliang had a foul mouth again, but this time he kicked the iron plate and made him unable to perform. This is something he already knew.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to personally do everything, just like he used to be in Beiming City, Chen Mo and Yuan Ge were once separated from the team of Qin Tianjian.

"God catcher, arrest Chen Xianzhi in red." Chen Mo showed the token in his hand.

"It turned out to be Detective Chen, and I am Yuan Ge, the foreign affairs commander of the Qin Tianjian. I also understand the matter here, but Qi Min, our Qin Tianjian still has to take it away. Detective Chen, your meritorious service will not be less This is indeed Anliang's responsibility, and he didn't explain it clearly."

"Thank you, you can take it away." Chen Mo nodded and thanked him with cupped fists.

This man named Yuan Ge is a gentleman, and he looks gentle and elegant, but he just doesn't know why his subordinates have such a temper, but it doesn't matter, Chen Mo doesn't want people, he only wants meritorious deeds.Even if the important person is handed over to the arresting gate, and then the arresting gate will hand it over to Qin Tianjian, it is better to let the people of Qin Tianjian pick it up directly.

Chen Mo didn't want to experience things like Li Shou's more.

(End of this chapter)

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