Chapter 394 Just Now
A ray of sunlight tore through the gray sky.

Chen Mo had already dressed neatly, and practiced the sword in his God Catch Hall all night, and his control over that kind of sword technique has become more precise. Seeing the sunshine, it was already the morning of the next day.

"My lord, the giant ship is ready, we should set off." Lu Suyao suppressed her excitement, and she was very excited to be able to follow the chief arrester to the capital of the gods. Everyone said that the gods are the most prosperous and powerful Lu Suyao has always wanted to visit the place, but has never found a chance.

"Understood." Chen Mo said with a helpless smile. Usually, when there is no battle, he always has no energy. Although he said he was going to the capital, Chen Mo's mood was still as calm as a deep pool of water, calm and without ripples.

"Aren't you excited, my lord?" Lu Suyao asked strangely. People in her 30s are very excited. Chen Mo in front of her seems to be less than 20 years old. It is also stated in the file that Chen Mo has never been to God. All, logically speaking, it makes no sense not to be excited?

"I don't like excitement, and I don't like to watch excitement." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and walked out.

"There must be something exciting for adults." Lu Suyao joked.

"Yes, I only care about whether the people in Shendu and my generation are strong enough, whether they can fight me, and whether they can fight me." Chen Mo laughed, showing his white teeth, and the vertical eyes on his forehead quietly Open and close again.

"If they are too weak, that's what bothers me." Chen Mo smiled, with an excited smile on his face.

"..." Lu Suyao was speechless at the moment. She was originally talking about romance, but why did she suddenly become like this? Seeing that Chen Mo was only under 20 years old, Lu Suyao couldn't help but sighed, "I really don't know what it is like." It is the family that cultivated this kind of fighting madness."

Lu Suyao also knew that Chen Mo didn't join the sect, and joined the God Catcher just after he got the evil ghost.

But in this kind of casual cultivator, outstanding ones are rare, and Chen Mo is one of the very few outstanding casual cultivators that Lu Suyao has met. In Lu Suyao's view, it may really have something to do with Chen Mo's personality.

Lu Suyao has seen this kind of thing a lot when others gain power rashly, or they just think that they are the chosen one, and then go to spend their days and drinks and stop working hard.

"It seems that Chen Xianzhi has arrived." Chu Kuangge's primordial spirit has already sensed Chen Mo's arrival, and that powerful fear and coercion appeared in front of the eyes of all the ghost emissaries like a tall city wall.

"He has become stronger again?" Amazement flashed across Bai Zhanye's face. He thought that Chen Mo who put his hands on his shoulders was strong enough, but now the overwhelming fear and coercion is so overwhelming. reality.

Bai Zhanye gave a wry smile, took a deep look at Chen Mo with some scarlet pupils, and muttered, "I hope I don't meet this person during this trip to the capital of the gods."

"This is Chen Xianzhi who is said to have turned the tide in the Battle of Donglin?" The eyes of a tall man with a pair of knives on his back and a pink turban on his head flashed. Experts only need to look at the aura exuded by the opponent to know their fighting spirit. strength of force.

Although the power of Chen Mo's cultivation base is not strong, the fear and coercion released by this group really makes people feel pressured, and it is not on the same level as them.

"Walking like a dragon, he has such a strong physical body. It looks like his foundation is not bad at all." Standing to the left of Chu Kuangge was a woman in a red policeman's robe. Absolutely, with big breasts and fat buttocks, and a water snake waist, most of the collar of the red robe is exposed.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be able to drip water looked at Chen Mo with great interest, "Huh? It seems that she is still practicing the boy's body." Her throat moved slightly as she spoke.

"It seems that I was the last one to come." Chen Mo glanced, the three red-clothed fastmen were all at least dragon-level celestial beings, and the oppressive sense of fear and coercion released from their bodies was not small, but Compared with Chen Mo, it is still much worse.

This is Chen Mo's fear and coercion after he restrained himself because of his deputy arrester Lu Suyao. If they are all released, wouldn't it be to scare them.

"It's not too late, it's just that they came early." Chu Kuangge said with a smile.

In terms of the cultivation base of the main body, any one of the three here is higher than Chen Mo's cultivation base, but in terms of who Chu Kuangge is most satisfied with, Chen Mo is the first.

The cultivation bases of these three people have all been promoted a long time ago, but Chu Kuangge knows that Chen Mo half a year ago was still an acquired little martial artist, and in just half a year, he has already become a congenital level.The tasks completed are all big heads, and the ability to control ghosts is unfathomable.

"I don't need to introduce Bai Zhanye to you, you have also come into contact with it."

"Brother Chen!" Bai Zhanye clasped his fists and said, showing a smile, but seemed to think of something, and retracted the smile again.

"Brother Bai came so early." Chen Mo cupped his fists in return, although he said that Bai Zhanye's mental state was not very good, but we are all colleagues after all, and we may look down and see each other. In the future, there may be missions at the same time, there is no need to make the relationship stalemate up.

"This is the life of Bei Zhan." Chu Kuangge introduced to Chen Mo the tall man wearing a pink turban and carrying two knives. This man not only wore a pink turban, but also held his shoulders with a nose ring. It doesn't look too easy to get along with either.

"Chen Xianzhi, I know you. I didn't go to the Battle of Donglin, so I let you show off. This trip to the capital of God, I hope to meet you in the arena." arrogant.

"Very good, good, I like you like this." Chen Mo grinned, that's right, fighting is the romance of men, and it will be clear at a glance who is stronger at that time.

"Little girl Tao Ran, I have met Chen Shenzhu, and I have admired Chen's name for a long time. If you have time, you and I can have an in-depth exchange." Before Chu Kuangge could speak, the big-breasted woman spoke first. .

With a faint smile on his face, he seemed to wink at Chen Mo intentionally or unintentionally.

Chu Kuangge was speechless for a while, but there was nothing he could do. The God Catcher didn't care about style, as long as he could complete the task and suppress the evil spirits.Under the condition of both sides' mutual desire and my willingness, you can do whatever you want.

"Hey! You're not bad too, very good, we can communicate in depth, we can communicate." Chen Mo's eyes lit up. Although this woman looks a little weak, she has the same aura as others. The most important point is, Chen Mo found that this person seemed to have a higher level of cultivation than Bai Zhanye and Bei Zhanyisheng.

"The little girl is just waiting for the good news." Tao Ran nodded with a smile, her eyes rippling slightly like a pool of peach blossoms.

"You don't need to wait, you can do it now." Chen Mo waved his hand, who is the strongest among these three people, Chen Mo has never seen him make a move in his life in the Northern War, but Bai Zhanye has made a move, and Bai Zhanye is definitely not the woman in front of him opponent.

"Now?" Tao Ran was taken aback for a moment, she was indeed interested, but this little brother must be too anxious.

"That's right, it won't take long anyway, let's do it now." Chen Mo nodded.

"Mother, brother Chen is really a ruthless character." Bai Zhanye was as shocked as a goose, and Bei Zhan was so stunned that he couldn't understand him all his life. He wondered if he had found the wrong opponent. Is it really his opponent?

Even Chu Kuangge didn't come back to his senses, if you talk about it, you are in a hurry, can't we wait until we get on the giant ship?Where there is an urgent need to solve it?
The most sober one is Chen Mo's deputy arrester, Lu Suyao, but she just covers her mouth for fear of laughing out her nose.

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