Reckless through another world

Chapter 405 Listen to my sophistry, no, listen to my explanation.

Chapter 405 Listen to my sophistry, no, listen to my explanation.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo looked at the housekeeper Chen Porridge beside him and asked.

"Back to young master, it seems that someone sent a greeting card. After reading it, the master was furious. He even dropped a few cups. I don't know the specifics." Chen Congee shook his head.

"Even Madam was a little angry, but Madam looks fine." Chen Congee added as he spoke.

"Okay, I see." Chen Mo frowned slightly, he didn't seem to have made his parents angry?And in retrospect, there doesn't seem to be anything inappropriate, and shouldn't he be happy when he goes home?
And from Chen Mo's point of view, he was happy this afternoon when he came home, so why was he suddenly irritated?
As soon as he stepped into the lobby, Chen Mo felt that the atmosphere was very tense, as if the air was stagnant. Moreover, Father Chen was waiting for Chen Mo with neither joy nor sorrow, and even invited the ancestral pole to the center of the lobby .

"Father, mother." Chen Mo wanted to laugh, but the current atmosphere is obviously not suitable for laughing. Doesn't this smile make Father Chen feel unconvinced?After a while, even if you didn't want to hit Chen Mo, you should ask the ancestral carrying pole to do it.

So Chen Mo consciously just treated it as if he had met his parents.

"Boom!" Father Chen slapped the table violently and snapped, "You still have the face to come back!"

"My Chen family's family is unfortunate, and the family tradition has been ruined by you."

"This... I don't know what happened yet." Chen Mo was a little embarrassed, he really didn't know anything.

"I don't know, you got engaged to someone privately, and now you're back home, you say you don't know, do you know how much an engagement will have on your wife?" Father Chen frowned, although he knew that he The youngest son has always regarded the secular world as a fleeting thing, but Chen Shengsheng never thought that Chen Mo would be so courageous that he dared to make a private life with others outside.

"You know that if you marry a wife rashly like this, what will other people think of my Chen family and your wife? Look at you Chen Xianzhi!"

"Anyway, you are also an earl, and you are so ignorant of etiquette..."

Private life, without three betrothals and six gifts, even if the daughter-in-law is taken back home, the status of the daughter-in-law will be looked down upon.Before Chen Yansheng thought that Chen Mo would understand these things, after all, he was a scholar, but now it seems that it was his fault, Chen Xianyan's fault, that he released such a son to harm others.

"I..." Chen Mo suddenly thought of it, it seems that it is really the same thing, private life, without going through three engagements and six ceremonies, this is not modern, besides, if it is an ordinary family, it will be fine, Or it's okay to be a quack, Chen Mo is not alone after all.

And what surprised Chen Mo the most was that what Chen's father considered was not their family's reputation, but the woman's reputation, so it can only be said that he really deserves to be a scholarly family?
"Look for yourself!" Father Chen slapped the table fiercely, and directly swept out the letters on the table with his aura.

Chen Mo took it and read it carefully.

Sure enough, as Chen Mo thought, it was a letter from Yunding Tiangong, but the letter did not specify the identity of the empress, but only mentioned the engagement with Chen Mo.

"People are sitting at home, and the pot is coming from the sky!" Chen Mo touched his forehead, and he understood the ins and outs of the matter. The most terrible point, Chen's father and Chen's mother definitely suspected that Chen Mo's stomach was getting bigger, so they did it. so angry.

As a scholarly family, Chen Mo actually went out to misbehave, not to mention that the person standing in front of Chen's father today is the chief arrester in red, even if he is a arrester, he will beat him up.

"Today, unworthy descendant Chen Shengsheng, please ask for family law." Father Chen got up slowly, and Grandpa Chen Mo's ranking was placed on the table. After offering incense, Father Chen picked up the five-foot-long pole.

"Wait, I have something to say!" Chen Mo raised his hand to stop him.

"It's actually a long story, let me explain first."

"Master, let's listen to Xianzhi's explanation first." Chen's mother also hurriedly stopped Chen's father and asked Chen Mo to explain as soon as possible, otherwise, maybe he would really use family law.

The Chen family was not a small family before, the ancestral carrying pole could seal off all of Chen Mo's air valves and meridians, so if he was beaten like this, there would only be bruises and the most real pain.

It's a pity that it's not very strong, otherwise, Chen Mo would want to take it away and use it on the battlefield.

"The thing is like this..." Chen Mo made up a story about the two people meeting and getting acquainted, and then from one side forcing the other, it became a mutual love, and they agreed to grow old together. Didn't do it.

Then Chen Mo reveals indiscriminately that the woman he met and acquainted with turned out to be the owner of Yunding Tiangong.

"My lord, this woman is actually one of the top ten deceitful kings. How could she fall in love with our family's Xianzhi?" Chen's mother frowned slightly. Let the empress marry their Chen family, the first thing is the right family.

Looking at it this way, the family is not right, even if they really live together in the future, then Yunding Tiangong must be more powerful, just like ancient emperors would not marry princesses to commoners.

It stands to reason that the only one who can match up with the empress is probably only the prince of a great empire like Daqian, or at least a prince or something.

"There are indeed some problems. First of all, it's not the right family. Although our Xianzhi family has great potential, our Chen family has already declined." Father Chen also put down the pole in his hand, and turned to think about this matter.

"However, if she identifies with Xianzhi and wants to marry, then others can't say anything." Father Chen nodded slightly. Father Chen originally felt that Chen Mo should not be married before, and no one would be able to marry them. Chen family.

Now, even though he knows that it is an evil spirit, it does not hinder Chen Mo's great potential. When he comes back to God City this time, he will naturally become a Tingzhu-level god catcher.But Chen's father is still a little worried, if they really get married in the future, will the woman be strong and their side weak.

"This is indeed the truth. According to what Xianzhi said, if the two of them have a deep relationship, then it is indeed okay." Although Chen's mother has not met King Ji and the Empress, she has heard about it for a long time. king.

"However, this strange identity." Mother Chen still said worriedly.

"Don't worry about this. There are still elves in the capital of God, and they can live in peace with people. Status is not a problem." Father Chen will naturally not be biased because of race. At the end of martial arts practice, race is no longer important.

Chen Mo was naturally happy when he saw that he was dodging. He racked his brains just now and finally copied some of the Earth Federation's previous routines, and then turned this into a love affair. He really is a genius.

"Since the other party is a king with a different surname, and a king with a different surname from a different race, there is really no need to pursue the issue of etiquette. It seems that you don't have to accept this family law." Father Chen put the pole back and looked at Chen Mo Said.

(End of this chapter)

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