Reckless through another world

Chapter 440 Screening Tasks

Chapter 440 Screening Tasks

"This is Shuzhong, Qingyuan Mansion. I am Yang Ling, the chief arrester in red in Qingyuan Mansion. I need the support of the chief arrester." Yang Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, leaned against the wall nervously, beads of sweat on the top of his head ran down his face. Down, the cold sweat in the palm of the hand soaked the token.

But he didn't dare to take a breath, even the token was used for sound transmission with true qi, and he didn't dare to make the slightest sound, for fear of disturbing it in his mouth.

"Don't be in a hurry, what's the situation in Qingyuan Mansion now?" The civilian police who came over the line asked hastily.

"There are a large area of ​​dead people, and they are trapped in Qingchang City. The entire city has been blocked by evil spirits, and our people can't get out at all." Yang Ling's eyes burst out with an astonishing light of hope. After so many attempts, he Finally able to communicate with the outside world through the token.

"Do you know the law of the other party's killing?"

"I don't know. People who met him seemed unable to move, and then they were killed. Even the ghost guards have died a lot. If they don't come to help, Qingchang City will probably be gone." Yang Ling said tremblingly. .

"I'll report to the chief arrester right away." The civilian arrester of the chief arrester in Central Sichuan hurriedly reported it.

"Hold on, support will be here soon."


Yang Ling sighed, he really can only count on support, but because most of the Tingzhu class are in the state of mission, if they want to rush to Qingyuan Mansion to support, the time is too tight up.

Originally, he considered it important, so he also sent Jinyin to deal with it. After all, there are more than a dozen large and small cities under the jurisdiction of the territory, and there are many urgent ones. Being able to send Jinyin to deal with it is already very important.

But obviously, the development of the matter was not resolved as easily as he had expected. On the contrary, more and more people died, and even the Chief Detective Jin Yin sent there was nowhere to be found.

The entire Qingchang City was filled with awe.

Yang Ling hurriedly notified the governor to evacuate the people in Qingchang City, but it was too late, all of them were imprisoned in Qingchang City, and as the number of deaths increased, even Yang Ling was no longer the opponent's opponent.

So we can only block it all, let the people stay at home and don't move rashly, so that the frequency of death can be reduced. Although the frequency of death has been reduced, it can't support the large population. Under such a base, many people died.

That's why this evil spirit has grown up, so that it can't be suppressed, but can only ask for help.

Now the entire top of Qingchang City is blocked by the black ghost energy, even he, the chief arrester in red, can't get out, let alone others.

"Report to the upper-level arresters. Now Qingyuan Mansion is in trouble. We, the chief arrester in Central Shu, can't support him at all, and only the upper-level arresters can." The chief arrester in Ziyi in Central Shu frowned, even if he wanted to support Qingyuan mansion, now send the gods to arrest, the journey is too long, and you will only get a dead city when you arrive, so you have to report to the upper-level arresters.

"No!" The clerk next to him hurriedly contacted the upper-level arrester.


"Urgent mission, a powerful evil spirit has appeared in Qingyuan Mansion in the middle of Sichuan, and it has enveloped the entire city. It needs the support of the god catcher. Please ask the god catcher of Tingzhu level and above. If you can complete the mission, hurry up and gather in the mission hall." Chen Mo's god A gentle yet eager voice came from the capture token.

"It seems that there are not enough people in the Qin Tianjian." Chen Mo shook his head helplessly. He thought that the current Qin Tianjian had countless Tingzhu-level gods, but he didn't expect that the sound transmission You can also call Chen Mo.

This shows that Chen Mo has also left the rookie period and can carry out missions.

"Cum clap clap!"

Several streamers rushed directly to the mission hall.

"Damn, I thought there was no one there." Chen Mo also hurriedly summoned his energy and rushed to the mission hall.

"Lu Suyao, help me check the mission of Qingyuan Mansion in the middle of Shu. Be quick, there are quick hands and slow hands." When Chen Mo rushed to the mission hall, he did not forget to ask Lu Suyao to help him look up the specific information of this mission.

When Chen Mo arrived at the mission hall, he hurried to the counter, "Mission, I want to take an urgent mission."

"I'm sorry, I've already been picked up by another Tingzhu-level chief arrester in red." The civil servant beside the counter shook his head.

"What the hell..." Chen Mo calmed down a little, then looked up, the top five missions on the crystal display above the hall were gone, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, but The rest of the tasks are due to the fact that there is no major meritorious service, and it is also because the ghost is very weak.

"Then are there any other tasks to suppress evil spirits? Tingzhu-level ones are more suitable for me." Chen Mo took out his god arrest token and handed it to the civilian god arrester.

"Chen Xianzhi's court pillar? Let me check." The civil servant brought the crystal plate over, and then swiped it like a tablet, on which tasks were listed one by one.

"There is a family extermination case, is Shenshen Chen interested?"

【Ding, do you accept the case of Guojiabao extermination】

[Reward: One Evil Ghost]

"This is too weak, it's not suitable for me." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, as far as the task of rewarding an evil spirit and not rewarding spiritual energy empowerment is basically not a powerful task, Chen Mo feels that it is not bad to send beggars away , what he wants is the aura empowerment, to enhance his own strength and also enhance the strength of the evil spirits.

Rewarding so many evil spirits, he can't control them all. In the end, he still has to hand them over to the God of Catchment. Many meritorious deeds in exchange cannot be directly exchanged into strength. The more experience he accumulates, Chen Mo has no time to slowly digest them. .

Besides, the blood of the gods cannot be given to people. If it is always given to the three-eyed Yama, it will be too troublesome if it is really too difficult to feed.

"There is a case of searching for evil spirits in Donglinzhou."

"Is there anything else?" Chen Mo checked the attribute panel, then shook his head, this case is okay, but it took too long, Chen Mo didn't think he could find the evil spirit.

"A ghoul came out of Tainan Prefecture."

"Well, it's not very good."

"The Pure Yang Sword Sect has a sword ghost that needs to be suppressed."

"Change to another one." Chen Mo shook his head again. The reward for this mission of Chunyang Sword Sect is very generous. He even gave six spiritual empowerments. Chen Mo suppressed his excitement and planned to change to another one. This kind of mission, let him get it. , Whether it can be played is a question.

After all, the last Donglin battle only gave him three aura empowerments, which almost cost him half his life.So this time, this kind of person who can give spiritual energy empowerment five times must be very difficult to deal with.


"An evil ghost pulling a coffin appeared in Guiyuanzong of Xihezhou."

"Huh?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, this task is possible, but Chen Mo didn't plan to take it, Gui Yuanzong didn't necessarily want to see him, it might be bad if he went, it's okay to let others.

"There is one more thing. There is a ghost inn in Beiyun Prefecture. Is this okay?" Chief arrester, she might have given the task book to Chen Mo and asked him to find it himself.

"This is fine!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up, this task was just right.

(End of this chapter)

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