Reckless through another world

Chapter 462 Embalmed Ghost Master 【Subscription】

Chapter 462 Embalmed Ghost Master 【Subscription】

"Why do you always play tricks like this? Even if it's really me, this death looks rather ugly." Chen Mo teased a little speechlessly. The ghost imitating himself he met in Qizuo Villa last time didn't make him enjoy himself. One after another, another imitates himself.

But this time, he actually imitated himself to die, which made people want to scold him.

Chen Mo looked up, and there was an old man squatting on the branch of the tree. He was wearing ordinary white robes, some of which looked like shrouds. After he looked up, Chen Mo also saw the face of the other person.

It's very ordinary, but it has a strange and weird feeling, as if it really looks like a dead person, with some corpse spots on his face, and a pair of cloudy ghost eyes looking at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also looked at the other party. Although the old man's face was ordinary, he felt that his facial features were a little floating, as if they were painted on. Then he looked at his hands, holding a slender black brush.

After seeing Chen Mo, the old man stood up. He was only about 1.7 meters tall. He looked at Chen Mo, and then walked in front of the nailed person.

The crooked-neck tree stood under his feet like he was walking on flat ground, walking in all directions, as if his feet were flat ground.

The old man in the shroud slowly raised his hand to wipe the nailed corpse, and his palm fell slightly. The face of the entire corpse disappeared, turning into a state of nothing, just like a painted skin ghost without a face. that situation.

But the old man started to draw something on the corpse, starting from the lips with a slender brush in his hand.

It is strange to say that this black pen can draw different colors, and it actually draws the color of the lips.

Chen Mo frowned, he always felt that the corpse and him had become one existence, if this old ghost finished painting the face, Chen Mo might also die.

"Want to bury me? I'll beat you to death first!" Chen Mo snorted coldly, his body turned into a ghost, and the black ghost armor enveloped Chen Mo.

"Bang!" The ground under Chen Mo's feet suddenly shattered, forming a circle of cracks, and the ripples formed by the energy turned into solid and spread out. Chen Mo came to kill with a knife, and the huge two-meter-long hatchet in his hand went straight to the place. The old ghost's head was cut off.

"Boom!" The powerful force directly chopped off the old ghost.

Chen Mo also came to the corpse, and Lao Guihua only painted half of his lips, but Chen Mo was surprised to find that the lower half of his lips had been erased from his body. Although the organs were still there, they could not be used at all. It's not that the nerves are gone, but that they have been removed in the sense of idealism.

It's like using copy and paste and then using delete later.

Chen Mo was about to raise the big hatchet in his hand to chop up the corpse, but the feeling from somewhere made him dare not act rashly. If the corpse was already connected to him, wouldn't it be just to chop the corpse up? He cut himself off, so Chen Mo didn't dare to act rashly.

"The only thing to do is to suppress this encoffining ghost." Chen Mo's words are running wild now, his lower lip is no longer there, so what he said naturally leaked out, and this is the most threatening time Chen Mo felt, the other party was able to erase him by painting his facial features senses.

Maybe it is really as Chen Mo guessed, if the other party draws all his facial features, his life will be gone. This is the horror of evil spirits. Some of them are not measurable by their strength .

Hades tells you to die on the third watch, and will not keep people until the fifth watch. As long as the conditions are met, people will die. This is the most terrifying place for evil spirits.

So Chen Mo didn't dare to push it any further. In the past, those evil spirits, Chen Mo carefully avoided the conditions of death, but now this is different, and he can see the progress bar of his own death.

And if he didn't realize that it was him there, he could easily be directly drawn to death by this encoffining ghost.

However, the old ghost's skills were not weak at all, he had stabilized his figure in the air, and reappeared around the Crooked Neck Tree.

"Ghost domain!" Chen Mo raised his hand, and the ghost domain controlled the encoffining ghost. Chen Mo, who had already breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly became nervous again. This old ghost actually walked out of his ghost domain.

After the old ghost appeared next to the corpse, he continued his work. In less than two breaths, Chen Mo's upper lip had already been painted on, and the whole mouth came alive instantly after a few strokes of his strokes.

It was as if his mouth had been ripped off from Chen Mo's face and placed on this corpse.

At the same time, Chen Mo also found that he could no longer speak. Although he could still make a dull voice through his throat and stomach, his mouth could not be used anymore, and his mouth was deleted on an idealistic level.

"Isn't this a mentality?" Chen Mo didn't care about anything else, and continued to attack, trying to break up the old ghost's ghost energy before he finished painting his face, so as to suppress him. This is what Chen Mo could think of the best way.


No matter how Chen Mo tried to stop him, the old ghost could always appear next to the corpse. In less than ten breaths, Chen Mo's nose had already been drawn, and Chen Mo couldn't feel the existence of his own nose, and he couldn't breathe at the same time.

Fortunately, he is an innate martial artist, the pores of his body can replace the breathing of the mouth and nose, otherwise, Chen Mo Yingming may have suffocated himself to death because he could not breathe.

A raging ghostly aura gushed out from Chen Mo's body. Every time he swung the knife, he could suppress the ghostly aura of the old ghost who had been buried, but the opponent was very calm.

Chen Mo used the ghost domain to restrict him, he was able to walk out of the ghost domain, Chen Mo used the ghost shield to stop him, he was able to pass through the ghost shield, and reappeared beside the corpse, Chen Mo controlled him with Luo Shenggui hand, the other party seemed to be He didn't confront Chen Mo at all, and wanted to draw Chen Mo to death wholeheartedly.

In twenty breaths, Chen Mo's ears were also painted on.

If the upper half of the face is covered, Chen Mo can believe that it is him lying there, because it is too similar, no, it is not too similar, it is him.

And this old ghost has already started to paint Chen Mo's eyebrows.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo summoned the three-eyed Yama.

"I can't care about that much anymore, come out and beat him to death!" Chen Mo was quite helpless, even if someone saw that he could summon multiple evil spirits, it would be fine, if he didn't summon the evil spirits out again, he should be let out after a while. People are painted to death.

Chen Mo's own body has also directly become the strongest. Now this situation is racing against time, and every point of strength is a point of strength.

And even if others saw it, they might just think it was a melee of evil spirits, instead of thinking that Chen Mo actually controlled many evil spirits.

Even under the beating of four powerful evil spirits and Chen Mo's five powerful combat forces, this old ghost still finished drawing Chen Mo's eyebrows, and has already started to draw Chen Mo's eyes, which are also Chen Mo's face last organ on the

"Fuck, old man, don't draw it!" Chen Mo was really anxious this time, his left eye was completely invisible, and with the disappearance of his vision, Chen Mo became more and more urgent. When he finished drawing the other eye, his life was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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