Chapter 475 Exposure
"How about it, Chen Xianzhi, do you still think you are the final winner?" Ji Yue wanted to get closer, but in Chen Mo's ghost realm, he couldn't get close to Chen Mo.

"It turned out to be waiting for me here."


"Cough cough!" The blood in Chen Mo's mouth gushed out like a spring, filling the entire mouth in an instant, and flowing out along the ghost's face.

The blade at the end of the golden spear split into four pieces, forming barbs, and there was also a long chain at the end of the spear, which was held in the hands of the nine people.

The helmet on the ghost armor slowly faded away, making Chen Mo, who was under a strong sense of oppression, feel much better.

His ghost armor couldn't defend against these golden spears, no, it would be better to say that they were like paper, and the opposing spears were obviously made of star gold, specially used to deal with ghost emissaries.

"Of course, the moment I saw you, I changed my plan. Today's battle, even if Ziyi is here, it must be the same. You, Chen Xianzhi, should feel honored!" Although Ji Yue walked hard, But he still walked in front of Chen Mo, this one wanted to take back the evil ghost cage on Chen Mo's left hand.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo!" Chen Mo let out a long roar.

The three-eyed Yama swung his fist fiercely.

Ji Yue stepped back, giving Chen Mo a chance to breathe.

"What a bastard!"

Chen Mo put away the ghost domain. It was because of the impact of the force field that his body was unstable just now, so someone found an opportunity to poke nine golden spears. Therefore, Chen Mo decisively released the ghost domain and summoned him directly. The three-eyed Yama performs the unity of human and ghost.

Ji Yue was very calm, and did not stop Chen Mo and Sanmu Yanluo from merging at all.

In an instant, Chen Mo had already completed the fusion, and his combat power would not be compromised due to serious injuries, and it is still the case now.

Although the human and ghost have become one, the chains on Chen Mo's body did not disappear, but extended from the body of the three-eyed Yama, and the terminal was held in the hands of the nine people.

"The fifth stage? Huh! Pull him out for me!" Ji Yue waved his hand, and all these people turned into ghosts. He clenched the iron chains in his hands and exerted all his strength, intending to fused the three-eyed Yan Luo into his body. Chen Mo pulled it out.

"Not good!" Chen Mo felt a strong force coming in from the outside, and his body was slowly separating from the three-eyed Yama.

"Full power!"

Chen Mo's body soared.

"What's going on?" The people who were pulling Chen Mo outside felt a strong force coming from the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo, and they faintly suppressed them.

The three-eyed Yan Luo grabbed the chain made of star gold, but turned to Chen Mo and found that the power of the three-eyed Yama could not cause damage to the star gold chain, and there was a faint feeling of being suppressed.

"This step is also wrong, is it all in his calculation?" Chen Mo finally understood why he wanted to merge with the three-eyed Yama, but Ji Yue didn't stop him, and even sneered, obviously Ji Yue knew it would happen What it became, and perhaps it was within his grasp.

Chen Mo sighed, and turned to Chen Mo who had already walked out of the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo, and his tall body looked down on Ji Yue and the others condescendingly.

Although I was surprised by Chen Mo's figure, but with the control of the golden chain of stars, everything is already under Ji Yue's control, and Chen Mo can't escape today.

"Hand over the evil ghost cage, and I can spare your life, otherwise, you will die!" Although Ji Yue was the one being looked down upon, his voice was filled with great confidence. He already thought that he was sure of Chen Mo .

Because even if Chen Mo was able to pull out these star-golden spears, it would still cause severed limbs, and his body would even fall on a large area of ​​the bed. Even if he could still control the evil spirits, his combat power would be greatly reduced. How could he be their opponent? .

It's just that they underestimated Chen Mo too much.

"Knife!" The big hatchet flew into the third arm that grew out of Chen Mo's rib.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and then all!" Chen Mo chopped off both arms.

"Bang bang bang!" Three of them fell directly to the ground. They didn't expect that Chen Mo would cut off his own arms.

"Idiot!" Ji Yue cursed secretly, this would only speed up Chen Mo's death.

But what happened next surprised him, Chen Mo's arms grew back quickly.

"???" Ji Yue looked puzzled, but he also knew that now was not the time to be suspicious.

"Increase the strength of the formation and crucify Chen Xianzhi here!"

Chen Mo's figure is tall, and his area is also large. Although he is powerful, he can't stand up to the golden spears with chains, each of which can break through ghost energy.

Even with the power of the self-closing divine energy, it can only block a few attacks.

"Be restrained!" Chen Mo sighed, there is no way, this thing built by the other party, combined with the entire formation, Chen Mo is no different from a rabbit that has stepped into a trap. Don't be afraid of these people.

He wanted to command Sanmu Yanluo to act, but Ji Yue controlled Hei Wuchang to stand in front of Sanmu Yanluo.

"It seems that I can't be kind today!" Chen Mo smiled with a little bitterness, but he was relieved in turn, even if he revealed the secret of being able to control multiple evil spirits, he couldn't die here.

Moreover, as long as everyone here is dead, Chen Mo's secret will be kept.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo's eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Ghost Realm!"

"Chen Xianzhi, you are so stupid that you still try to use ghost domain to resist?" Ji Yue laughed loudly. He thought Chen Mo was really stupid. A man with a brain full of muscles actually wanted to use ineffective means to break the situation. .

"Stupid, no, I am..." Chen Mo grinned, although his body was unable to move again, there were more and more scars, and blood soaked all his clothes, but Chen Mo's eyes were indeed clear.

"I'm afraid you'll run away!" Qingming's killing intent was unscrupulous.

"Lord Chiyan!"

"The Lord of the Northern Darkness!"

"Six-armed warrior!"

Following Chen Mo's low moans, evil ghosts crawled out of Chen Mo's body and stood beside Chen Mo.

"Kill them!" A small, even imperceptible soft voice whispered from Chen Mo's mouth, and the three evil spirits all shot.

"What?!" Ji Yue was stunned, and he didn't wake up until he was hit by the spiral hell of the three-eyed Yama, but he was so shocked by such a scene that he didn't know what to say. The shock at this time seemed to say nothing. is fake.

It's just like……

It's like, man, seeing God!


"How is it possible, how can he drive multiple evil spirits!"


"Impossible! Impossible!"

"It's a monster, he's a monster!"

Like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, before the lamb could react, it was slaughtered layer by layer!
The chains were loosened one by one, Chen Mo bent down and straightened slowly, turned around, and took out the chains one by one from his body.

Dragging his body riddled with holes, Chen Mo looked at Ji Yue indifferently.

"Hahaha, it turns out that this is your reliance! This is your secret, Chen Xianzhi!"

"Today, it's not a loss to die." Ji Yue had a crazy smile on his face. Even if he died, he was able to witness the birth of a ghost and god. Get the message out there.

Now, Ji Yue also understands what Chen Mo said. He is really afraid that they will run away!
 I'm a little tired, and I plan to reverse the jet lag, and I can't stay up all night, so the update is being adjusted.

(End of this chapter)

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