Reckless through another world

Chapter 478 Those who want to save the sky, quick chapter!

Chapter 478 Those who want to save the sky, come back quickly!

"Chen Xianzhi, you're really amazing!" Ji Yue wiped the corner of his mouth, his chest had sunken into a big pit, and his body was full of holes.

However, the smile on his face did not diminish at all, watching Chen Mo walking to his side with a big knife.

"However, the big formation is complete." The light blocked Chen Mo outside, because of the existence of the anti-ghost domain force field, Chen Mo could not use the ghost domain to keep the opponent, and the teleportation treasure in Ji Yue's hand took effect.

Ji Yue didn't leave at first, because he wanted to get back the evil ghost cage, but after seeing Chen Mo's four big ghosts, he still wanted to try again.

To his surprise, Chen Mo's four big ghosts were too ruthless, he couldn't even last for half an hour, and if he continued to try, he would try to die here, so he hurriedly used the big formation and cooperated with the Treasure escapes.


The four big ghosts and Chen Mo's five powerful combat powers have just shaken the formation, but there is no way to break through the formation. It seems that Ji Yue is bound to run.

"Brother Ji, stay and have some food, don't be so anxious to leave." Anyway, they can't break through, and Chen Mo is too lazy to think about it. Soldiers come to cover the water and soil. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

Anyway, things that need to be known by others, now that they are known, they will know.

"Forget it, Brother Chen, you are killing your head. Ji doesn't want to die so early, so I won't bother Brother Chen."

"However, Brother Chen, you will be busy soon, and Ji will accept your secret." Ji Yue laughed, and his body was already half gone in the magic circle.

"It's up to you, I'll accept your ghost too." Chen Mo held the cage with the knife-breaking ghost in his hand, smiled at Ji Yue and said.

"What the hell..." Ji Yue really wanted to scold people. After 30 years of hard work, once he returned to the pre-liberation period, he could only suppress the fire of being confessed and muttered in his heart: "Forget it, just treat it as being punished." The dog bit."

"There will be a time later, Brother Chen."

"Don't worry, next time I see you, I'll screw your head off!" Chen Mo grinned and said in a flat voice. Half of it didn't come out, otherwise Ji Yue wouldn't be able to leave.

Seeing the formation in front of him disappear, Chen Mo also sat down on the ground, panting heavily, there were still a dozen golden chains on his body that hadn't been pulled out, and he took all the four evil spirits back into his body, Chen Mo walked out with strength Door.

Walking out of the gate of the ghost inn, Chen Mo finally felt able to breathe. It was because the force field against the ghost domain was still there just now. Even if Chen Mo withdrew from the ghost domain, he would still feel uncomfortable. However, in order not to let so many people go, Chen Mo could only Drive ghost domain.

Of course, those nine celestial beings were all beaten to death by Chen Mo's evil ghosts, and they contributed a total of 500 million experience points, all of which were used by Chen Mo to upgrade. The current level has reached 68, and there are only two levels left to be able to go to heaven. Human breakthrough.

To be honest, when Chen Mo came out, everyone was shocked. If it wasn't because of the police uniform Chen Mo was wearing, they would have thought it was a ghost walking out of it.

The hair has long been disheveled, stuck together by blood, the face is also bloody, many wounds on the body have scabbed, but there are still many that are slowly bleeding, and there are several star gold javelins dragging long Long chains.

"Chen Tingzhu, are you... all right!" Seeing Chen Mo walking out, Liu Zhengyi rushed to meet him, but now that Chen Mo was tied into a hedgehog, he didn't know what to do, so he could only act in a hurry.

"Pull out these things on my body and pull them out from the head." Chen Mo said rather tiredly. After such a long time of fighting and confrontation, Chen Mo also felt a little tired, but after all, he was able to exert 100% of his combat power and pull out There is no problem with the chain, but it is too much work, and it happens that there are free coolies to use.

"Just pull it out?" Liu Zhengyi felt that he couldn't do it.

"hurry up!"

"Okay, everyone, come here and pull out the chains on Headquarters Chen."

Following Liu Zhengyi's call, several god arresters around came up and pulled out these javelins.

Although a large amount of blood poured out of Chen Mo's body, Chen Mo's body was like a leaky sieve, but there were no such things to stop his self-healing, he was always stuck by these things, even the self-healing system in his body can't heal,

If these chains made of star gold are long in the body, it will be even more troublesome to take them out, so although Chen Mo's face is much paler, he also feels a lot more relaxed, and the granulation in the body is rapidly visible to the naked eye. intertwined.

The wound stopped bleeding quickly, and the wound, which was like a spring, stopped all of a sudden.

"Cough!" After spitting out the blood accumulated in his chest, Chen Mo finally felt much better.

"How are you?"

"I can't die, just rest and rest." Chen Mo stuffed himself with a few healing medicines, and most of the injuries on his body have been suppressed
However, Chen Mo was not feeling well, and Ji Yue was even more uncomfortable. All of Ji Yue's ribs must have been broken, and even the bones on his chest were smashed by Chen Mo, and there were several knife marks where the bones could be seen.

If it wasn't because he ran fast, if the stalemate continued, although Chen Mo would be seriously injured, Chen Mo would definitely be able to cut off his neck and twist his head off.

"After all, let him run away. Next time, we have to be on guard against escaping. We have to increase the strength of the ghost domain. How much weight has been added? Let me see where I can run!" Chen Mo was thinking, but then his sound transmission token rang up.

"Large-scale sound transmission?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

At the same time, he frowned slightly. Every large-scale sound transmission is always accompanied by great danger, and this time the large-scale sound transmission still came from inside the Qin Tianjian, that is, from the sky.

Chen Mo found that it seemed that only his hand had sound transmission, while Liu Zhengyi, the red-clothed hand, did not have sound transmission.

Without thinking about it, I connected it and took a look.

"Please, all god arresters of Tingzhu level and above, or Qin Tianjian armored soldiers of equal level and above, return quickly."

"The building is about to fall, and the Heavenly Wolf Formation collapses. Those who want to save the sky, return quickly!"

"Sirius army department collapsed?!" Chen Mo was startled, he never thought that a large star formation army department, a medium-sized position in Zhou Tianxing Dou formation, would be breached by the enemy?
Mr. Sirius is a second-rank leader, and the Sirius army is also a powerful one. Why did it collapse all of a sudden?Who would believe this?

"Wait? There was no such thing in the past!" Chen Mo hurriedly called Lu Suyao to send a voice transmission.

"What happened?" Chen Mo hurriedly asked.

"My lord,..." Following Lu Suyao's explanation, Chen Mo probably understood that it turned out that the chief arrester in purple clothes, Yuan Bai, had rebelled, leading to the assassination of Lord Sirius. was slaughtered.

Listening to Lu Suyao's explanation, Chen Mo didn't say a word, his expression was sour, he finally understood that fate had already laid the script, the Great Wall in the North didn't collapse, and the Sirius Army collapsed.

 Sitting for too long, back pain, take a rest, slowly recover and update
(End of this chapter)

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