Reckless through another world

Chapter 482 When you raise the butcher knife, you should have the consciousness of being slaughtered

Chapter 482 When you raise the butcher knife, you should have the consciousness of being slaughtered

"Tell Yuan Bai to come out to see me!" Chu Kuangge standing proudly on the deck said in a cold voice, he knew that these heavenly demons could understand human words, and what he was facing was a rank two demon.

"You dare to rush to the battle once you turn to the peak, I really don't know whether it is you who are brave or stupid!" The second-turn demon sneered, and then said.

The body of this second-rank demon is not considered big, only a circle bigger than Chu Kuangge, but it is really extraordinary to be able to catch Chu Kuangge's stick.

"Where is Yuan Bai, tell him to come out to see me." Chu Kuangge didn't care how many times the other party was a big demon, with his strength and the big ghost in his body, even if he was a second-ranked monster, he couldn't keep him, and he even had the ability to kill him. The ability to kill the second turn.

"Yuan Bai has already become a member of us, why don't you join us too."

"Based on the current situation, your world can only last for a few decades at most. When the high-end combat power dies, it will be very easy to become ours. Why bother holding your world?" Is the world not letting go?"

"As long as you can join us, you will have an immortal body, and you can pass through the heavens and worlds, wouldn't it be great?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce, my handsome name is Cong Xin." The second-rank demon said with a smile, hugging his shoulders, as if he had the chance to win, and he didn't care about the slaughtered demons at all.

Anyway, if the demon is dead, it will not be wasted. It can also be reborn through the demon insect, and if it can kill the opponent, it is only one. It is cost-effective.

"Bullshit, good warriors, go to disaster together, don't shed blood, don't stop fighting!"

"Forget it, capture you, and everything will be known."

"Bang!" The iron rod in Chu Kuangge fell on the battleship, and at the same time as there was a loud shock, Chu Kuangge's body flew out, heading straight for the second-rank monster, and the iron rod in his hand was violently swung out. , ordinary, but it made the monster unable to move.

How powerful it is, it seems that as long as it moves, it will be smashed to pieces. The feeling of facing the collapse of the Tianzhu hits instantly.

But the other party is not easy to provoke, after all, he is a high-ranking demon in the natural disaster state. Even if Chu Kuangge was so amazing, it only moved him, and he didn't feel much tension and urgency.


"Crack!" A sky demon's head was cut off, and its body sank into the sea of ​​sky like a kite with a broken string. This scene happened all the time. Of course, some human martial arts were also killed.

Because of the joining of the ghost masters, the number of deaths and injuries is obviously much less than before, and the martial arts who can come to the sea of ​​​​the sky are all masters, they are all geniuses on the ground, and their cultivation bases are also top-notch, so they came.

It is also the same as what the big demon said, even with such consumption, it is still not his opponent. Even if he can reincarnate his true spirit, it will take more than ten or twenty years of growth, and the other party can retain his true spirit and consciousness , through the rapid growth of the Sky Demon Insect.

Even if one person is exchanged for ten others, or one for one hundred, the other party will make a profit, and the exchange will be a great loss. Only by beheading the other party, working hard to survive, and growing rapidly is the only way to make money.

Otherwise, as this second-rank monster said, after a few decades, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation will be broken, and hundreds of millions of heavenly demons will kill them, and the world will be wiped out, and everyone will be slaughtered.

Even if he took refuge in the Heavenly Demon, would the Heavenly Demon accept so many refuges?In the middle and late stages, it is still hard power.

As for escaping and migrating to other planes, Qin Tianjian is also doing research, but the details of it are still unknown.

"Kill!" A human martial artist spit out blood from the mouth, a broken knife was stuck in his back, and a spear pierced his body through his body, blood stained his body. His robe was red, but he didn't stop. He swung his sword violently, and headed the demon owl who was holding the spear.

The body staggered, leaning on the piercing spear to stand firm, with a ferocious smile on his face, "Kill the demon, kill!"

"Bang!" The huge mace knocked him to the ground.

"Boom!" A strong celestial demon trampled the celestial warrior under his feet, and smashed the mace in his hand to his head with a strong wind.


What caught the eye was the huge blade, which became thinner as it got closer to the handle. The leading edge of the big knife had a triangular front end, and the whole weapon was like a hatchet.

"Hatchet?!" Wu Xiu moved towards the hatchet that blocked the demon in surprise.

"That's right, hatchet!" Chen Mo's voice came, and the big hatchet in his hand cut across fiercely, "Crack!" The opponent's mace and head flew up together.

"Retreat if you are injured!" Chen Mo's voice was cold, looking around, a large number of heavenly demons and human martial arts were fighting together, fighting from the sky to the sea of ​​the sky, but the entire Qin Tianjian was protected by a large formation, so The opponent cannot penetrate into the interior of Qin Tianjian.

Of course, it's not just about the formation, there are also big bosses inside.

Even those who came out to slay the demons were only a part of them. As a training effect, those who could come out were basically new recruits, such as Chen Mo, who had just joined or joined not long ago.

"A lot of experience!" Chen Mo grinned, the demons in front of him had no end, and at first glance, it was more than tens of thousands. Chen Mo felt that if the massacre was enough, it would be enough for him to upgrade to the peak of heaven and man.

"The meaning of evil—Eight Desolation Rampage Sword!"

Without the slightest hesitation, his body was immediately covered by the black ghost armor, he jumped up suddenly, and by virtue of a short stay in the air, he rushed into the battlefield with his strength.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Crack, click, click, click!"

Chen Mo is like a killing weapon, he doesn't know fatigue at all, and because he has already turned off the experience panel, there is nothing that can affect him, his eyes are occupied by scarlet, and every time he swings, he will Take away the life of a demon.

At the same time, the characteristics of Chen Mo's body are also rapidly accumulating, and the ultimate combat body is also slowly transforming, and the injuries in his body have long been restored after the upgrade.

"Who is that person?" Someone noticed Chen Mo's existence, and of course not only Heavenly Demon also noticed Chen Mo's existence.

Chen Mo's speed is too fast, and at the same time, facing any sky demon is a sword, and he doesn't give the opponent a chance at all, even if he is facing the sky demon of the dragon level celestial being.

Just looking at the black ghost armor and ghost eyes all over the other party's body can also feel the terror of the other party.

"It seems to be the top of this year's list. His name is Chen Xianzhi, and his title should be King of Hades."

"Yan Wang? It's really powerful, and he was able to pierce a line by himself."

"And it seems that his ghost hasn't been released yet."


Chen Mo didn't know that he had attracted other people's attention, and he didn't have time to worry about it now. Blood energy experience was the most important thing. This time, maybe the other three big ghosts could break through, and even the three-eyed Yama also made progress. The opportunity to rank four stars.

"Not addictive, not addictive!"

"The speed of killing is too slow!"

Chen Mo stopped his body, raised his head slightly, and carried the big hatchet in his hand on his shoulder. Looking at the powerful demons in the sky, his pair of red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the scarlet ghost fog drifted from the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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