Reckless through another world

Chapter 488 You Will Lose

Chapter 488 You Will Lose
Chen Mo could feel that the zhenqi in his body was [-]% more than the stellar qi it used to be. The zhenqi in his body was about to reach the level of the peak heavenly man in general martial arts, but Chen Mo had just entered the dragon level, and he was still the lowest level. dragon.

Chen Mo's challenge level has also increased accordingly, and now it is even more difficult to kill Chen Mo.

"The current battlefield, for me, is really like entering the land of no one!" Feeling the continuous power pouring out of his body, Chen Mo looked at the battlefield calmly. At first, Chen Mo thought that he would release the other three Damn, I didn't expect it to be unnecessary now.

Chen Mo just stood calmly in the battlefield, his face was very flat, with a shy smile, his pair of red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint blood mist drifted out from the corners of the phoenix eyes.

The vertical eye on the forehead slowly rotated, making a slight sound unique to rolling eyes.The three-eyed Yama had already escaped from Chen Mo's body. Standing on top of the three-eyed Yama, Chen Mo was 1.9 meters tall and tall, and the hatchet in his hand implied bursts of murderous intent.

The viscous blood has already covered the hatchet, and even stained a lot of it. The epic weapon that was supposed to cut iron like mud has become obscured, hiding its own edge, like an ordinary machete. Hatchet, look at the dark red blood rust, maybe it is also a butcher's knife for festivals.

As he was promoted to Heaven, Chen Mo felt that he seemed to be much closer to this world. The power he could mobilize was not only his own true energy, but also the spiritual energy that was several miles away from him, which was one to one with the primordial spirit released outside.

Heaven and man have been integrated into this world, they are a part of this world, and they are also the darlings of this world. Of course, the survival of the fittest and the survival of the strong have always been the most real law, and the real law is cruel. Not beautiful.

He was promoted to be a celestial being, completely reborn, and even condensed the primordial spirit that can travel to the North Sea and return at night, but he also has to take responsibility. Chen Mo can clearly feel an inexplicable feeling.

This feeling is very strange, it is not aimed at others, but the demon.

In the past, Chen Mo looked at Tianma as a monster at most, a monster who came to give him experience, but now that he has been promoted to Celestial Man, he actually has a faint sense of disgust. He hates Tianma from the essence.

Chen Mo knew where this feeling came from. It came from the Heavenly Dao of the Shenzhou plane. All the heavenly beings should be able to feel it. They can feel that the Shenzhou plane hates the heavenly demons very much, even the heavenly beings also hate it. Omen.

"It seems that the Dao of the Shenzhou plane doesn't like the demons very much." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. It seems that there is no plane in the world that likes demons. No matter which world they are in, the demons outside the domain are predators. enemy.

While Chen Mo was feeling his own strength, another Heavenly Demon who was not afraid of death rushed up, and the sharp weapon in his hand went straight to Chen Mo's neck. Although Chen Mo saw the other party, he ignored it at all, and was still digesting his new acquisition. strength.

"Successful?" Heavenly Demon didn't have time to be happy.

"Crack!" The giant blade in the hands of Yan Luo with three eyes slapped this demon who wanted to attack Chen Mo from behind like a fly. cake.

And the three-eyed Yama held six giant blades, beheading all the heavenly demons who rushed forward.

None of the demons could walk to Chen Mo's side, and a vacuum area was formed around them.

"Can't help him?" The demons around him didn't dare to move forward anymore. They were not afraid of sacrifice, but they were afraid of this kind of sacrifice without any reward. This kind of death really made them desperate.

Chen Mo couldn't understand what those heavenly demons were talking about, but there was fear in their expressions. Although there was fear, what was buried deeper was ferocity, and they wanted to swallow Chen Mo whole.

"Let's go, put one in the past, and try Chen Xianzhi's level." Catcher, who supervised the battle, picked up the token.

"Let Yizhuan elementary level pass? Isn't it appropriate?" Qi Ren said with a little bit of astonishment in his words, let Yizhuan's demon deal with a young man who has just stepped into heaven, maybe there will be some accidents, But since Catching God said it, Qi Renxiang didn't object. There are people at the level of Catching God sitting here, and they can't make waves even if they turn to the elementary level.

On the huge ship in the sky, Chu Kuangge was gradually suppressed by the second-rank demon Congxin. After all, the gap between the first and second ranks was still too large, even though this big demon was only at the beginning of the second rank.

The battle between the two sides is not for ordinary people to intervene. Of course, Chu Kuangge is worthy of being a god catcher. Although he is still wearing the fast arresting robe of the chief arrester in purple, it is just going through the process now, and he will be able to get caught soon. God's name.

"The plane of Shenzhou is really outstanding, but your world realm has been suppressed. Even if you spend a lifetime, if you don't complete that thing, you can only reach the realm of the third turn. We demons are just following the general trend, and even this itself is I'm helping you." Cong Xin's figure swayed slightly, Tong Xuan's body skills avoided Chu Kuangge's attacks one by one, and there was still time for a few small talk.

"Don't be shameless, come here if you have the guts, you dare to destroy all of Zhou Tian Xing Dou's formation?" Chu Kuangge laughed, with disdain flashing in his eyes, not only for Cong Xin, but also for Heavenly Demon, It is simply unreasonable to dare to say such words that reverse black and white!
"Whether you believe it or not, what should come will always come, you can't avoid it, you will lose." Cong Xin didn't become angry, and he couldn't see any anger in his expression. He had seen this kind of thing too much. There are too many, and no one knows how many worlds have been shattered under their conquest, and the Shenzhou plane is no exception.

Even though there are unique evil spirits and powerful martial arts here, everything still needs to be spoken by force. Their demons are the top race in the heavens and worlds.

"Now, I will cut off one of your hopes!" Cong Xin showed a ferocious smile on his face. He never tired of beheading the Son of Destiny from the plane, and he was also excited. He really wanted to see what he was killing. After touching that person, what kind of expression will these people have.

"All the heavenly demons of the first turn, no matter the cost, kill that person!"

A total of twelve celestial demons dragged the black streamer, gave up their opponents and rushed towards Chen Mo's direction. This time, a total of 12 first-turn celestial demons came. Four died, but the remaining [-] people found their way, and that was Chen Mo.

"They will die! My Qin Tianjian's Catcher will kill them." Chu Kuangge's face was a little gloomy, and after taking a look at Chen Mo, he put all his attention on Cong Xin.

"It doesn't matter, these heavenly demons come here, I will not want to take them back, the same, I am no exception." Cong Xin showed a mouthful of neat fangs, his tone was very flat, and he did not let go of the life and death of these heavenly demons In their hearts, they had no hope of breaking through the Qin Tianjian.

"Well done!" Chen Mo looked at the dozen streamers of light coming from the stage, his eyes were instantly stained with scarlet, and his body also merged into the body of Yama with three eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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